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Baekhyun awoke when cold air hit his bare thigh. He stirred around, trying to find some source of warmth but was greeted with nothing but thick sheets around and all over him. Sure, they were warm, but that wasn't the warmth he needed.
Slowly, he opened his eyes and found himself looking up at a familiar white ceiling. He was on a familiar bed in a very familiar room. Baekhyun was confused for a few more seconds because he'd been sleeping for so long, it eventually came into his perplexed head.
This was Chanyeol's room, Chanyeol's bed.
Shock hit him like a train for a second, Baekhyun shot up to a sitting position only to groan at the sudden searing pain on his lower back, and down there.
"Oh god..." Baekhyun threw his body back on the bed, attempting to lessen the terrible pain. He glanced down at his body and almost lost his breath as he did. It was full of red and purple marks. Some on his stomach, some on his chest, and that particular one standing out on his right inner thigh.
Panic surged through him as memories of last night flew in his mind. Chanyeol and he had sex. They really did. He lost his virginity. To Chanyeol.
It really did happen.
Of course, he didn't regret anything of last night. It all felt like an enthralling dream to him. But the problem was another thing, it was if Chanyeol didn't like it. If he didn't satisfy Chanyeol. If Chanyeol probably regretted it. If his body wasn't appealing enough for Chanyeol's eyes. If-
Where was Chanyeol anyway?
Baekhyun looked around the room again. There was no one but him. There was also no sight of his clothes. No sight of any clothes actually. Baekhyun hid his naked body further under the sheets. He felt as if his heart was going to leap out his chest. He was extremely nervous, beyond nervous. He was, for goodness sake, naked under Chanyeol's sheets and there were no clothes at reach. A low troubled sigh left his lips.
Baekhyun could have swore his heart stopped when Chanyeol suddenly appeared from behind the door that had just opened. He had a tray of food in his hands and a warm smile on his face.
"Good morning."
Baekhyun bit his lip as he willed himself to stop shaking.
The tall boy walked over to the bed, placing the tray on the drawer next to it. Baekhyun noticed that Chanyeol wasn't dressed up formally. He was only in sweatpants and a black wife beater. The sight made Baekhyun's body heat up in a entirely different way that wasn't embarrassment.
Baekhyun's breath hitched when Chanyeol sat on the edge of the bed, trying to catch Baekhyun's eyes that were avoiding him.
"You okay?" Chanyeol asked, concerned.
Baekhyun simply nodded.
"Baek..." Chanyeol shifted a little in his spot. It seemed like he wanted to say something but was reconsidering about it.
"Eat," Chanyeol spoke gently, although there was a hint of flustering in his voice."You haven't ate for a while. It's almost lunch time and I thought you'd be hungry. I tried cooking something, but I don't know if it's good, I really hope you like it. I learned it for you, it's something I wanted to make-"


Chanyeol snapped his head up when Baekhyun cut into his nervous and fast upcoming words.
"I need....my clothes." Baekhyun was turning scarlet rapidly.

Chanyeol had forgotten that Baekhyun was still cloth-less under the sheets. He instantly had the urge to remove the blankets off Baekhyun just to kiss all over his body once again.

"Oh, I put them in the washer. But I can give you something of mine."

Chanyeol walked over to the closet and after just a few minutes -which was totally not enough time for Baekhyun to gather himself- he came back. He set the clothes down beside Baekhyun. The older boy took them into his hands causing the sheets to slide down his chest, baring it to Chanyeol's hungry eyes. There was a pregnant silence as Baekhyun waited for Chanyeol to leave for just a minute until he got dressed. But Chanyeol was too engrossed in staring at Baekhyun's pale skin to notice.
"Umm...I," Baekhyun paused, hoping that Chanyeol got the message.
Chanyeol fortunately did. He shook his head and cleared his throat.
"I'm sorry, I'll go out for a bit."
Then he was gone.
Baekhyun took the breath he was holding in out of his heated body. He wanted to take a shower so badly. He felt like he wasn't clean compared to Chanyeol. Chanyeol smelled so good and alluring. Who knows how he smelled like? Just thinking about that made Baekhyun get out of bed, trying his very best to ignore the pain that came back as he walked over to the bathroom with the clothes Chanyeol gave him. In the bathroom, he wanted to brush his teeth but he didn't have a toothbrush. He only saw Chanyeol's and something in him stung when he didn't see his. He knew he had forgot his but he didn't know that Chanyeol would get rid of it. Baekhyun stuck with mouthwash and took a hot shower in under five minutes, only using shampoo for his whole body. Truthfully, he was hungry and he also wanted to be with Chanyeol even if he was embarrassed about last night, especially when Chanyeol was around.

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