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Chanyeol felt a sting of jealousy in his chest. So someone has kissed those luscious beautiful lips before him. He had to admit, he was being selfish because he wasn't one to be talking. He was the one that didn't notice this jewel of a boy earlier like he should of have. No doubt someone was going to kiss those lips before him, they were just extremely irresistible. The sting of jealousy was increasing and he wasn't sure if he was supposed to feel that way but he did anyway.

"Oh." Is all Chanyeol was able to say after that and he went back to his apple, to munch his anger on it. He wasn't expecting Baekhyun to talk again since it was sorta awkward now, maybe just for him it was awkward but Baekhyun continued.

"I kiss my teddy bear all the time." At that Chanyeol peeked up at Baekhyun and the boy above him was smiling, obviously knowing about what was going through Chanyeol's head. Baekhyun liked to tease occasionally and this was one of those rare times.

"So, you're saying he was your first kiss."

"I guess you can say that." Baekhyun shrugged slightly.

Chanyeol stared at him for what felt like hours but really it was only five minutes. Five minutes was still long though and Baekhyun was nearly melting under Chanyeol's soft and tender gaze. He couldn't hold on anymore, his hand quickly reached out and covered Chanyeol's eyes and that caused the younger man to chuckle deeply in his throat.

Chanyeol held the hand over his eyes gently and pulled it down to his lips which only made Baekhyun blush more. He kissed Baekhyun's palm softly and his apple was long forgotten, placed on the floor beside him as all his attention was on Baekhyun's hand.

"I'm your first kiss and that bear can go cry rivers if he can't accept it." He mumbled on Baekhyun's skin.

Baekhyun remained silent but his smile was only getting wider until he had to bite his bottom lip to keep from tearing his lips. He watched as Chanyeol kissed his palm all over and then moved on to his fingers. Chanyeol's kisses were so gentle it almost brought tears to Baekhyun's eyes.

Their eyes met and Baekhyun could of fainted right then and there happily. Chanyeol smiled at him and pressed his lips on the mole placed on Baekhyun's thumb. He stayed extra long there and Baekhyun didn't know why he should because he honestly thought the mole was ugly and irritating to the eyes.

Apparently Chanyeol believed otherwise, he actually liked it. Everything about Baekhyun was likable to him.

He just wanted to know one thing. He wasn't really thinking about it 24/7 but when he did, it bothered him a little too much. Like now. Chanyeol's pretty sure Baekhyun doesn't want to talk about that subject to him but eventually, he'll have too. He decided now was a good time, just be slow and try not to let Baekhyun cry, he reminded himself.

"Baek?" He called out lowly and he was considering stopping because for sure Baekhyun's smile was going to fade away. But he had to know, he had to help Baekhyun through this.

Baekhyun replied with a soft "hmm?" and Chanyeol took a breath then began.

"I know you don't want to talk about this but, I want you to tell me." Baekhyun's smile was gone then as he had predicted. Chanyeol knew that Baekhyun figured out what it was that he wanted just by the tone of his voice.

"I don't want to make you upset but it's going to keep bothering you if you don't tell anyone." Chanyeol squeezed Baekhyun's hand softly as if to tell him that it was okay and Baekhyun did believe it was okay to tell Chanyeol but he just didn't want to keep thinking about it.

"What do you want me to tell you?" It was a low and unsure whisper.

"Well you can start from the first time you saw him?" Chanyeol asked and watched as Baekhyun bit his lip and swallowed.

"......Last November. That's when he moved in." Baekhyun's voice was low but Chanyeol was able to hear him since they were close.

"Did he go and talk to you?"

"No, the first time he saw me was when I was walking to school. I only said hi and he didn't respond, so I just continued my way."

"He didn't respond at all?" Good, Baekhyun was answering him, it made Chanyeol happy and grateful. Now he can finally know so he can help.

"Mmm....that whole first week I didn't see him, he wasn't around his house at all. It was as if no one ever moved in. But the next week....I started to receive the letters." His voice faded away and Chanyeol could feel the tension going through the smaller boy's body. He intertwined their fingers together and placed his lips on Baekhyun's index finger.

"Letters that said?"

Baekhyun sighed nervously then continued."Well...it's sort of.."

"Sort of what?" Chanyeol raised his eyebrows curiously.

"Inappropriate." He quickly answered Chanyeol. This was getting embarrassing but he started already, might as well finish off.

"I'm not five, you can tell me you know."

"I know.....but just no." He shook his head slightly and Chanyeol frowned.

"So basically," Chanyeol began."They were some kind of sexual harassment."

"Don't say that!" Baekhyun blushed, he didn't say it himself cause it was embarrassing but it was even more embarrassing when Chanyeol said it.

"So, it is it." Chanyeol could feel his jaw clenching because of the anger that was running through him. But he had to control himself when he was with Baekhyun.

"What did you do when you found them?"

"What a normal person would do. I threw them away and became very cautious of my surroundings."

"That's not what a normal person would do, Baek. A normal person would let the police know." Chanyeol sighed.

"I was going to do that but..." Baekhyun paused to take a breath and relax."..the notes stopped for a while. Then I thought it was over but he.....he came to my house and just boldly asked me my thoughts of his notes. That's when I found out it was him."

"Bastard. Did he ever touch you?" Chanyeol hesitated in asking that but his anger and curiosity got the best of him.

"...no, he didn't." The smaller boy answered slowly.

"What did you do then?"

"I asked him to leave me alone and he just laughed then left back to his house."

"How did you stay in your house while knowing that your stalker was next door?" Chanyeol's grip on the other's hand tighten. This was making him feel beyond guilty. No one deserved to go through this crap, especially an angel like Baekhyun.

"He didn't stay all the time, sometimes he would just disappear for days but then he would be right back. It kept going that way for a whole month until I just couldn't take it anymore." Baekhyun turned his head towards the bed and Chanyeol could see the devastation in the boy's eyes as he paused. Chanyeol wanted to get up and hug Baekhyun; make him feel safe but he was afraid Baekhyun wouldn't finish telling him. He was actually surprised Baekhyun was saying anything at all.

"I finally broke and told him to stop or I was going to report him, but then.."

Chanyeol held his breath, his mind was wandering to horrible scenarios Baekhyun could of gone through. Baekhyun went silent and his face was etched with fear.

"What did he do?" Chanyeol asked while looking up at Baekhyun's beautiful side profile.

"He...he threatened to burn down the school if I told."

"Fuck with the school! Baekhyun you still should've s-"

"But he was going to do it during school hours! And all those innocent students and teachers..." To be honest, Chanyeol was the first to come in his mind in that moment long ago and he immediately, without second thoughts agreed to not tell. Lots of people's lives were endangered but all Baekhyun cared about was Chanyeol. More than anyone, more than himself. That's why he made that stupid decision and put himself in danger even deeper, without knowing when he was going to get out of it. Without knowing if he was ever going to get out of it.

"You know, you're pretty thoughtless for a nerd." Chanyeol joked and Baekhyun cracked a small smile through his sadness but a tear fell out his eye nonetheless. And another. Chanyeol panicked.

"Baekhyun, I'm sorry I didn't mean it!" Chanyeol gathered himself and immediately pulled Baekhyun into a hug."Don't cry, I'm sorry."

"It's not.." Baekhyun sniffed, his tears increased but not because of what Chanyeol said but because of everything he had been through and how scared and insecure he was during those torturous months. He felt Chanyeol hug him tighter and he buried his head further into the broad chest.

"Please stop crying. I won't say anything like that again." Chanyeol whispered into Baekhyun's hair."I promise."

"It's not t-that...I'm.... I was just scared." Chanyeol pulled away slightly and gazed at Baekhyun's tearful face, all the while still holding him in his arms.

"I thought he was going to burn the school, I t-thought he was going to kill m-me, I was tired of him b-but no one knew and I couldn't tell anyone and everything was terrible an-" Baekhyun closed his lips and lowered his head, still crying and his body was shaking slightly.

One of the things Chanyeol has learned about Baekhyun this past week he's known him, he brings out everything in his heart once he cries. Confessing through his cries and tears. Chanyeol found it endearing but he still didn't want Baekhyun to cry.

He pressed their foreheads together and tried to calm Baekhyun down."Shhh, I'm here now, you don't have to be afraid anymore. I'll protect you, I promise...."

Maybe five minutes passed or maybe it was a hour that Baekhyun was being held by Chanyeol in such a caring way, it made Baekhyun nearly cry in happiness and relief. They ended up lying on the soft carpet of Chanyeol's room, with Baekhyun in Chanyeol's warm embrace as rain was the only sound besides the occasional sniffing from Baekhyun. When eventually there was no more, Chanyeol pulled away just barely and looked down at Baekhyun's face.

"I thought you were asleep." He smiled down at the boy and to his relief Baekhyun returned the smile.

"We slept for about thirteen hours already, it's impossib-" He was cut off by Chanyeol's lips. All Chanyeol was staring at was those lips and how they moved with each letter Baekhyun emitted and he couldn't hold himself any longer. His heart rocketed at the way Baekhyun's nose brushed his cheek when he moved closer.

Chanyeol's fingers went up and stroked Baekhyun's hair as they kissed slowly."Heavenly." He breathed out once they pulled away for air. Fuck air, the only reasons Chanyeol pulled back was because Baekhyun needed air but as for him, he could die happily kissing Baekhyun. But if he dies then he won't kiss him again and he won't be able to protect Baekhyun like he promised him. So no - air is good.

He remembered over-hearing Baekhyun saying that his kisses were magical and it only made Chanyeol want to kiss him even more. And he did. He kissed Baekhyun over and over again until Baekhyun's whole face was blushing and his lips were swollen just lightly.

Asking too many questions was rude and Chanyeol had to force himself to stop the words before coming out. He really wanted to know who 'Yeollie' was and why Baekhyun was telling him or her about their kisses and how he felt. But he had asked way too many questions and Baekhyun had answered nearly all of them so he held himself and just laid there, holding Baekhyun safely in his arms.

It happened again, but this time it was nearly dawn when Baekhyun was stirring and whimpering in his sleep. Chanyeol was frightened again but he tried to handle everything calmly. He woke up Baekhyun and made him realize that he was having a nightmare again. Baekhyun didn't cry this time, he only moved closer to Chanyeol and pleaded him to hold him and not let go. Chanyeol did just that; he hugged Baekhyun and whispered soothing words to the elder until he eventually fell back asleep. It was Tao again; Chanyeol would do anything to make Baekhyun feel better and more secure about Tao but he had know idea how. Holding him seemed to work but Chanyeol knew it wouldn't work every time. He just hated it when Baekhyun cried or felt gloomy and he was going to try his best to let that happen less and less until it happened no more.


"You don't like indoors do you?" Baekhyun asked when they were once again in the car heading to heavens knows where. They had just finished having delicious lunch made by Baekhyun, and Chanyeol wanted to repay him by taking him out again.

"I do, but I want to take you out." Chanyeol replied with a smile as he reached out and took Baekhyun's hand then squeezed it."To make you happy."

Baekhyun couldn't respond, he was blushing and his heart was beating a bit too fast. Chanyeol had no idea how happy he was just merely being with him. Anywhere was fine as long as Chanyeol was with him, then he's beyond ecstatic.

The car halted to a stop and Baekhyun peeked out the window to scan the area.

A supermarket or what?

They got out of the car and when they stepped inside Baekhyun sighed lowly. Chanyeol noticed and linked their hands together.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"What are we doing here?"

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun,"Well, I want to buy something for us."

"Can I pay this time though?"

Chanyeol's eyes widened and he immediately shook his head."No, I'm gonna pay."

"But......you spend too much money on me." Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows slightly.

"Your'e my boyfriend, I'm supposed to do that and besides, I like giving you things." Chanyeol smiled sweetly at Baekhyun and the smaller male couldn't help but relax because of the smile."Now stop worrying, you're going to get wrinkles on that beautiful face."

"Hey!" Baekhyun pouted and Chanyeol laughed."I will not..."

Chanyeol went closer to him until their foreheads were touching."You'll still look beautiful though."

Baekhyun blushed and looked down at their feet and he couldn't help but laugh at the size difference.

"You have big feet." He muttered low enough for Chanyeol to hear and his eyes went wide when the younger lifted hi
"We're in public, don't..do that." Baekhyun breathed out when they parted and Chanyeol smiled beatifically.

"The store is nearly empty, no one saw that. And if you don't want me to do that then stop being all cute and pouty." Baekhyun's cheeks flushed red but Chanyeol only laughed then guided Baekhyun to a certain area in the shop. Baekhyun recognized it as a photo booth, he looked around as Chanyeol was calling for a worker to help them out.

"We want to take pictures and have them on our mugs please." Baekhyun's eyebrows raised in surprise. What the heck made Chanyeol want that?

"Why?" Baekhyun asked once the lady who Chanyeol was talking to left to get the camera ready."That's too expensive."

"Wrinkles." Chanyeol reminded him with a sly smile.

Baekhyun huffed lightly."But...you keep buying things and I haven't gave you nothing."

"I told you, it's really okay." Chanyeol looked into Baekhyun's eyes."And you have gave me things."

"I haven't." Baekhyun muttered.

"You have." Chanyeol disagreed."You gave me a drawing of a heart, and you made me yummy food, and..."

"And nothing." Baekhyun completed for him.

"No, and...I don't know how to say it....you just make me happy. Thats enough." Chanyeol smiled down at the older boy and Baekhyun's smile appeared too, despite still not agreeing with Chanyeol. They stared at at each other until the lady suddenly came back and interrupted their moment.

"The camera is ready sir." She informed Chanyeol and guided them to the area they take photos. Chanyeol glanced at Baekhyun and smiled.

"Just enjoy, ok?" He whispered and Baekhyun nodded then decided to might as well.

"Okay pose!"

At first it was a simple peace sign display and smiles but then Chanyeol decided to change a bit. He pulled Baekhyun in front of him then rested his chin on the other's shoulder and back hugged him. Chanyeol smiled for the camera while Baekhyun was nearly frozen in between his strong arms.

Baekhyun saw the lady smile at their position when what he really was expecting was a disgusted mien or something like that. He was still embarrassed doing this in front of others but Chanyeol seemed like he wasn't going to change the intimate positions.

"Smile young man!" The lady called out for Baekhyun and his face turned even redder than before.

Chanyeol glanced at Baekhyun and grinned. Their faces were mere inches apart so Chanyeol took advantage of that and pecked Baekhyun's rosy red cheek.

"Smile~" The younger cooed and tickled Baekhyun's waist just slightly but enough to make Baekhyun's lips crack into a smile. He turned his head only to be met by Chanyeol's handsome face. It felt as if nothing was going on around them when it came to moments like this. They gazed into each other's eyes with fast beating hearts until somewhere in the back of his head, Baekhyun heard a camera click.

It brought him back to his senses and he realized that he was in a store and a complete stranger was witnessing the whole thing while smiling happily the whole time.

"Just a few more."

Baekhyun held his breath when Chanyeol held his chin lightly and pecked his cheek.

"Oh! That was perfect!" The photographer honestly startled them."Okay, now you do the same to him." she said with a wide grin. Baekhyun thought she was crazy creepy, what was she...

Baekhyun was silent while Chanyeol smiled and turned to him."Come on, you heard her."

"....." Baekhyun only bit his lip but after some thought and Chanyeol's teasing "come ons'", he did it. Chanyeol was beyond happy and he was sure his heart was going to shoot up the roof. Baekhyun really did just kiss his cheek and he was blushing, only making Chanyeol even happier.

They finished soon and Baekhyun excused himself to leave for the bathroom. Chanyeol being so close to him when they were alone and when they were in front of others just made his head and heart and his whole being go crazy.

He stared at his reflection on the mirror and sighed, then a smile grazed his lips."I still can't believe this is happening."

Baekhyun washed his hands and left, eager to be with Chanyeol again. On his way out, a few books and papers dropped at his feet, startling him. He looked up and saw a guy with tattoos all over his body. He was smirking at Baekhyun, who was entirely confused.

"You're supposed to pick those up." the tattooed guy snarled.

Baekhyun had been through this before, wether in school or out, he always seemed to be a target. Luckily, not too much, but still it happened. And his way to deal with it was just go ahead and do what they wanted so they'd leave him alone. Also, he didn't like making scenes so he did what would prevent that. As soon as his fingers touched the first book, there was a strong grip around his wrist and he was pulled up to his feet.

"You fucking dropped them, you fucking pick them up! People aren't your slaves!" Chanyeol nearly growled out.

"Sticking up for your boyfriend, huh? I'm so scared." The guy smirked.

"Yes, he is my boyfriend." Chanyeol said, shutting up the man by grabbing his shirt's collar."And he's not picking up anything."

Baekhyun watched as the tattooed guy fell silent. He seemed intimidated by Chanyeol, maybe it was Chanyeol's voice or maybe his height but either way, he didn't talk back anymore and his smirk was long gone.

"Let's go."

Baekhyun bit his lip and followed Chanyeol without saying a word. Chanyeol looked mad, really mad.

"I thought you weren't coming back." The photographer said when they were back at her office, not far from the bathroom, which is how Chanyeol knew Baekhyun was in danger.

"Can you send the pictures to my email and we'll choose the ones we like later today at home?" Chanyeol asked, all he wanted was to leave before he beat the living crap out of that bastard.

"Sure you can! Just hand me your email and it'll be done!"

There was a big, gloomy frown on Baekhyun's face but Chanyeol didn't notice that. Chanyeol was ignoring Baekhyun, and Baekhyun felt so completely and utterly down.

They exited the store, with Chanyeol ahead Baekhyun, but not too far and into the car they went. Baekhyun glanced at Chanyeol and it only made him sadder, Chanyeol was furious. And it was his fault. He didn't like the way Chanyeol wasn't talking to him or even sparing him a glance. It hurt.

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