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Drinking was painful, especially for the first time, so Chanyeol was nearly suffocating. It made him forget his pain for a hour or so then Baekhyun filled his mind again. It was useless. A few girls tried to come up to him to get heated but he refused; Chanyeol wouldn't kiss or touch anyone but Baekhyun. Ever again. And no one was allowed to touch him but Baekhyun.

When it became too much, to the very apex, Chanyeol quickly left the bar completely drunk and mindless and drove off to Baekhyun's door step. He needed to see Baekhyun.


No matter what.


Suho was in Baekhyun's bedroom, talking on his phone and Baekhyun was watching (not really) some kind of comedy show on tv, when all of a sudden, the doorbell rang. It was almost ten on a Friday night and neither boy was waiting for anyone to come over. Baekhyun uncertainly walked up to the door, not afraid to open it since he wasn't alone anymore. So he opened it causing his breath to hitch in his chest. Baekhyun was frozen to his spot, not moving, not blinking, and not even breathing.

All these days that have passed without Chanyeol became nothing. And all the thoughts of becoming strong and better were totally crushed. All when Baekhyun saw Chanyeol and his gangly mess standing in front of him.

Baekhyun was just beginning to feel better but even though everything was nearly normal during the day, at night when Baekhyun was under his blankets, trying to sleep, Chanyeol would come to his mind and he had felt so depressed, staying for more than four hours just trying to sleep by getting Chanyeol off his mind. It was hard. His past week or so was horrible and so difficult to go through. He didn't need Chanyeol to come make his next week even worse.
Or maybe he did need Chanyeol, and who cares what happens then.

"Baek..." Chanyeol's voice warmed his heart up.

But Baekhyun couldn't utter a word. He could olny stare wide-eyed at the taller boy.

"You're so cute in that beanie." Baekhyun was puzzled but despite that, he blushed. Chanyeol never failed to make him blush. Chanyeol stepped closer and Baekhyun just remained frozen, even when Chanyeol grabbed his head and kissed him feverishly, right on his lips. Baekhyun's eyes went even wider and he gasped which resulted in Chanyeol sliding his tongue in the other's mouth.

Baekhyun missed this so much, even though it was rough, but to be honest Chanyeol kissing him was what he missed the most, so he, for the life of him, couldn't push Chanyeol away.

But there was something terribly wrong and unusual; Chanyeol smelled and even tasted like alcohol. When Baekhyun realized (realizing too late because his senses were a mess with Chanyeol kissing him deeply) that Chanyeol was undoubtly drunk, he raised his hands and pushed Chanyeol away forcefully.

Chanyeol grunted and looked at Baekhyun with wet and glassy eyes, as he stumbled backwards. He looked a mess. And he was obviously drunk and Baekhyun didn't know how he didn't see that from the beginning. But Chanyeol didn't drink. Since when? And he drove here drunk, what if he got into an accident? Baekhyun's stomach turned painfully at the thought.

"Why don't you let me kiss you anymore, Baek?" Chanyeol stammered."I love you. Stop doing this to me, I-"

"Why.....Why are you drunk?" Baekhyun questioned even though his heart was racing at the confession.

"I miss your voice more than anything, its so sweet and so-" Chanyeol didn't even seem like he heard Baekhyun's question.

"Chanyeol, why?!?" Baekhyun was getting impatient. He was so afraid. Chanyeol wasn't supposed to drink, it was too dangerous for him.

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