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"You take a shower first." Chanyeol said to Baekhyun."And here, wear this."

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol's hands, there were the blue plaid pajamas, neatly folded. He glanced at Chanyeol then back at the pajamas and took them along with his towel and in the bathroom he went. Chanyeol plopped down on his bed and recalled today's events. The police were now on the search for the unnamed damned man but they didn't know when they'll find him, of course. That also meant Chanyeol didn't know when Baekhyun would be going back to his home. Not that Chanyeol wanted him to, it was the exact opposite, he was actually dreading the day Baekhyun was going to leave his house.

Chanyeol moved that aside and thought of the way Baekhyun was all pouty and sad when he saw him with the girls. He didn't know how much Baekhyun witnessed but he knew it made him feel all weird and squishy when Baekhyun was obviously jealous. Even if Baekhyun had denied it, it was still obvious. And the red heart, that one drawing made Chanyeol happy beyond words. He reached his hand into his pocket and pulled it out.

Chanyeol got off the bed and went to search for tape in his drawer. As soon as he found it he taped Baekhyun's drawing on the wall right above the headboard of the bed. He pulled away and sat on the edge of the bed to admire the art.

It was perfect.

The time was still early in the night, only about 6:30ish and Chanyeol had no idea what they were going to do for the rest of the night. He scanned around the room to find something to do, he certainly didn't want to make Baekhyun bored. Chanyeol spotted his stack of movies in a open box he hadn't been through in a while. Well, movie time it will be. He'll let Baekhyun pick though.

Chanyeol whipped his head towards the bathroom door and he saw Baekhyun come out, wearing the pajamas that Chanyeol asked him to and his hair was wet and dripping. Chanyeol felt light-headed at the sight, to be honest he had a thing for Baekhyun's wet hair and this was only the second time he's seen it. He got off the bed, grabbing one of his mini towels and walked up to Baekhyun then he placed the towel on Baekhyun's hair to dry it. Baekhyun shut his eyes from the water as Chanyeol ruffled his hair with the red towel. He looked up into Chanyeol's eyes after a minute and then smiled widely.

Chanyeol smiled back and placed the towel on Baekhyun's head, making it stay still.

"Go pick a movie till I shower." Chanyeol pointed at the box a few feet away."I'll be out quick."

Baekhyun chuckled to himself when Chanyeol was in the bathroom. He pulled off the towel which Chanyeol had made a hat out of it for him. There were lots of movies in the box and Baekhyun had no idea which one he'll choose. He picked up the first five in sight and displayed them on the floor next to each other. His eyes scanned the five and he immediately eliminated two of them which were way more on the adult side.

It was sorta funny how there were rated movies and cartoon movies for kids right next to each other. He finally decided between the last two left and picked some kind of movie that had to do with winter, love, and chocolates. Baekhyun glanced at the bathroom, Chanyeol wasn't out yet. He stood up straight to stretch his tired limbs, beginning with his arms. He stretched them out to his sides and then above his head. His back cracked a bit when he popped his chest out and finally to his legs, the parts that were hurting the most.

Baekhyun spread them a bit and then turned his upper body to one side, folding one leg and keeping the other one straight. He did the other side and then stood up again. The final move was bending down to touch his toes, a simple stretch but very effective. As soon as he bent down Chanyeol decided to barge out the bathroom, seeing a sight he wasn't really expecting, because unfortunately for Baekhyun his rear side was facing the bathroom.In other words it was facing Chanyeol, a shocked Chanyeol at that.

Baekhyun jumped up at the sound of footsteps and turned his head to see Chanyeol staring at him with wide surprised eyes. He blushed and looked down at the floor.

Chanyeol had never been the type checking out people but what can he do? Baekhyun's err... ass was right there for everyone to see. Except he was the only one there, that was good he thought. Chanyeol remembered the day he followed Baekhyun to the bathroom at school and ended up ogling the older's legs and he remembered clearly that he had liked them. He didn't have the chance to look higher that day but he had a chance today and he took it completely, unconsciously though. He blinked rapidly, trying to get the thoughts out his head cause for goodness sakes they haven't even kissed yet and he's jumping all the way to... that.

Chanyeol cleared his throat then spoke up."Did you pick a movie?"

Baekhyun nodded and handed him the movie."It was sort of hard.. so I just chose this one."

Chanyeol smiled then looped his arm around Baekhyun's and guided him to the living room downstairs. Once they were there he inserted the DVD in and hopped on the couch where Baekhyun was sitting at.

"Do you want something to eat?" He offered the older boy.

"No thanks, I'm full." Baekhyun responded as he got comfortable on one end of the couch. He folded his legs in half and hugged his knees making Chanyeol nearly melt at the cuteness. The movie began and they both turned towards the screen, watching as the opening credits music was playing.

Maybe just twenty minutes in the movie and Baekhyun was fast asleep, resting his head on the arm of the couch. Chanyeol glimpsed at him then got off the couch, crawling to Baekhyun. He sat on his knees as he stared at Baekhyun's sleeping face. Chanyeol stayed nearly ten long minutes just admiring the beauty that was now his boyfriend. He noticed that Baekhyun had a small mole on the corner of his top lip and Chanyeol grew a very strong urge to kiss it. But instead he, for the very first time he noted, pressed a small kiss to Baekhyun's smooth forehead. He could feel his heart swell from just merely looking at the shorter boy, he was undoubtedly beautiful, stunning, angelic, perfect.

Chanyeol got up with a smile then leaned down to pick up Baekhyun, it was hard at first but he got used to Baekhyun's weight quickly. Baekhyun wasn't heavy, just the average teenage boy for his size. Luckily for Chanyeol, Baekhyun was a heavy sleeper so he didn't wake up when he placed him gently on the bed, then laid next to him. Chanyeol rested his head on his hand and watched as Baekhyun slept soundly, making soft sounds that sounded much like a cute puppy.

He grabbed the sheets and covered both of them, Chanyeol stayed a distance away from Baekhyun, just because he respected Baekhyun's privacy and maybe the other boy didn't like those kind of things. But he did intertwine their hands together and Chanyeol once again fell asleep while gazing at Baekhyun with a smile.

Chanyeol awoke to a hand clawing desperately at his arm. He forced his eyes open and it took him a second to adjust to the dark. His heart nearly stopped when he saw Baekhyun trembling with his eyes closed. He was murmuring incoherent words that Chanyeol could hardly make out, but he did catch what described it all.

Tao and No.

Baekhyun was having a nightmare, it frightened Chanyeol to no end, the way Baekhyun looked like he was about to cry in his sleep and the way Baekhyun's hands were still clawing at his arm as if trying to catch something but failing each time. Chanyeol couldn't take it anymore, he gripped on Baekhyun's shoulders and shook him gently.

"Baekhyun." He called out for the smaller boy."Get up."

Baekhyun only let out a broken whimper and he still didn't open his eyes. Chanyeol sat up and bent down to shake Baekhyun again, a bit harder this time as he called his name out over and over.

Chanyeol swallowed when Baekhyun finally slit open his eyes and slowly he opened them all the way. A tear rolled out his beautiful eyes and down his cheek. Chanyeol tried to remember how to breathe because he was still shocked by what was happening and when Baekhyun cried it seemed like his breath stopped all over again. Before he could've done anything Baekhyun abruptly moved forward and hugged Chanyeol tightly. He was clinging on Chanyeol like he was his lifeline.

Chanyeol's mind took a moment to process the sudden hug but soon he wrapped his arms around Baekhyun and pulled him closer. And then Baekhyun burst out crying and Chanyeol's heart broke a bit.

"Don't leave me." Baekhyun cried into Chanyeol's pajamas."I'm scared, really scared."

"Shhh.." Chanyeol caressed Baekhyun's soft hair."I won't leave you."

"I'm so tired and I feel like dying." Baekhyun confessed, still sobbing with his face buried in Chanyeol's chest.

"Don't say that Baek, I'm here with you." Chanyeol pulled him closer if it was even possible."Stop crying, please."

Baekhyun sniffed and wrapped his arms tighter around Chanyeol's torso. He remained in that position for a long time and Chanyeol didn't mind, not one bit. Baekhyun's tears finally came to a stop and he relaxed although he was still sniffling every other minute. Chanyeol tried to pull away so he would laynBaekhyun in bed to sleep but Baekhyun wouldn't let him, he clutched on Chanyeol even tighter.

"Don't let go...." Baekhyun whispered, his voice dripping of sadness and distress.

Chanyeol grimaced at the sound of Baekhyun's heart breaking voice."I won't, just lay down."

Baekhyun listened to him and laid back on the bed but he also pulled Chanyeol down with him. It took them a few seconds to get comfortable, with Baekhyun still in Chanyeol's arms. Chanyeol ran his hand over Baekhyun's back, up and down to help the older boy relax. A few minutes passed and Chanyeol heard Baekhyun's soft breathing indicating that he was asleep again. He pulled his head away slightly to look at Baekhyun's face which was buried in the crook of his neck. Chanyeol, for the second time, bent down and kissed Baekhyun's forehead softly.

He wiped off the trace of tears on Baekhyun's cheeks and then buried his face in Baekhyun's brown hair. Before he closed his eyes, Chanyeol promised himself to take care of and protect Baekhyun every second of the day, because the older did not deserve at all the emotional stress he was going through.

And to admit, it was bringing Chanyeol close to tears seeing him like that.


Chanyeol woke up again but this time it was actually morning and the sun was blazing through the window not dark and in the middle of the night. He looked down and saw Baekhyun still asleep and still in his arms.He looked so peaceful and angelic in Chanyeol's eyes. Pure beauty.

He didn't turn to check the time or nothing, he kept his eyes on the smaller boy. His mornings were much more inviting and appreciable ever since he would wake up and find Baekhyun lying next to him. Even though it has only been two days but they were so amazing and he only wanted more and more of them.

His hand reached up to Baekhyun's face and he brushed the strands of hair in front of the older's eyes. Chanyeol kept his fingers on Baekhyun's hair and soon he began to stroke them tenderly. He heard his phone tweet indicating that he received a text message but he didn't bother turn his eyes off Baekhyun. After a while, Baekhyun started to stir a bit in his sleep which meant he was waking up. Chanyeol smiled down at him when he opened his sleepy eyes.

"Good morning, sunshine." He whispered and Baekhyun blinked a few times then looked down between them, if there was any room anyway. He was staring at their connected chests and his heart raced way too fast for a person that had just woke up. Last night's events came ramming back into his mind. He had fell asleep while watching the movie and oh gosh, Chanyeol actually took him upstairs to the bed. And the more important thing here was his mental breakdown at the dream that haunted him, Chanyeol was there. Chanyeol saw him, Chanyeol held him when he needed it, and Chanyeol was still holding him.

And also, Chanyeol just called him sunshine.


"Did you go back to sleep or what?" Chanyeol asked playfully.

"No.." Baekhyun blushed and lifted his head up."Good morning."

Chanyeol's smile didn't flatter and Baekhyun gave his own sweet morning smile. He then to Chanyeol's surprise buried his face into his neck.

And to his own surprise, Baekhyun blurted out in a whisper."This feels nice."

It was too late, he couldn't take it back and part of him didn't want to because he was saying the absolute truth.

"It does." Chanyeol whispered back into his hair.

They stayed like that for another thirty minutes, enjoying each others presence and warmth as comfortable silence lingered in the air. Unfortunately, the silence was replaced with constant very loud doorbell ringing. Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol and Chanyeol only shook his head.

"Forget them."

Baekhyun raised an eyebrow."Who?"

"I don't know but they're irritating." Chanyeol responded with tight lips showing his annoyance.

"Go open, it's rude keeping your guests waiting." Baekhyun said as he wriggled out of Chanyeol's hug.

Chanyeol pouted in disappointment and got off the bed once Baekhyun was off of it too. Now he didn't like the bed as much without Baekhyun. He glanced at the smaller once more and Baekhyun smiled at him then walked off to the bathroom.

There was something Chanyeol loved about both of them wearing the same pajamas. He didn't know exactly but he knew that he enjoyed it a lot and he couldn't help but stare at Baekhyun because he was so damn cute in them.

Chanyeol's thoughts were cut by that stupid doorbell again and he growled in anger.

He exited the room with a groan and then went downstairs. He'll get rid of whoever came quickly so he could go back to Baekhyun then they can have nice breakfast time like yesterday. Chanyeol smiled at the thought and opened the door, then his smile nearly dropped to the ground. They weren't going to leave anytime soon.

He knew it.

Damn it.

"Where the fuck are you?" Kai yelled at him as he barged in the house."Did you get rid of your phone or what?"

Kyungsoo came in right after him with a box full of packed dishes. And a big frown on his face.

"Really BabySoo, I don't even think he deserves your breakfast." Kai glared at Chanyeol.

"Well, good morning to you too guys." Chanyeol smiled sarcastically."What's with all that?" He pointed at the box in Kyungsoo's arms as he closed the door.

Chanyeol didn't want to close the door, he wanted to kick both of them out and keep the food for him and Baekhyun. He was really extremely surprised and lucky that Luhan and Sehun didn't come along. His friends would just barge in his house and make it their home, normally he didn't mind but now, now was different.

"Well, I felt generous today so I'm giving you breakfast."Kyungsoo explained as he walked towards the kitchen, which was near the stairs.The stairs that the oblivious Baekhyun was going down at the moment." By the way, Luhan and Sehun wen---Baekhyun!"

Kai walked after his boyfriend and Chanyeol froze. Shit, how was he supposed to explain this? He couldn't leave Baekhyun alone so he followed them and he found the older standing on the stairs with eyes just as wide as the intruding couple. Oh damn, Baekhyun was still in his pajamas and he looked so cute from where Chanyeol was looking up at him.

"Well, that escalated quickly." Kai finally said to break the silence."Who topped?"

"Shut up!" Kyungsoo hit Kai on his arm slightly then turned to Chanyeol then to Baekhyun.

"Good morning Baekhyun-hyung." Kyungsoo smiled softly to Baekhyun and that honestly made the older just a little bit comfortable.

"Good morning." He replied and proceeded in going down the stairs. As soon as his foot landed on the floor Chanyeol reached out and took his hand, pulling Baekhyun beside him.

"We'll ask later." Kyungsoo said then went in the kitchen he loved a lot to prepare their breakfast.

Kai stared at the two standing side by side then smirked."You're wearing couple pajamas." he mocked."Impressive."

"I'll go help Kyungsoo." Baekhyun said then entered the kitchen. One, because he knew Kai was going to embarrass him and two, because he felt like he should help Kyungsoo since the younger was generous and kind.

"Where's your personal cook today?" Kai asked as he walked over to the living room.

"She's off for spring break." Chanyeol replied and followed his friend, plopping on the couch where he and Baekhyun were watching a movie last night.

"Mind explaining." Kai raised an eyebrow at the taller boy and kept staring at the silent Chanyeol till he broke him.

"What?" Chanyeol snapped."What the fuck do you want me to explain?"

"How quick you got Baekhyun to sleep with you?" Kai smirked.

"We haven't done that." He mumbled.

"Oh, so you're still planning to." Kai sat on the couch and turned on the television. "Chanyeol, you know what today is, right?"

Chanyeol looked at the other boy weirdly."Monday?"

"It's been a week." Kai said straightforwardly.

Chanyeol froze and swallowed an invisible lump in his throat. It has been a week. He didn't realize that he had been ignoring the fact that he was supposed to dump Baekhyun today. Ouch, that fucking hurt. He was still aware of it and okay with it the first two days but now. Now, he couldn't leave Baekhyun and he didn't give a fuck about the money anymore. But he won anyway and it didn't make him feel good like he was supposed to.

"You're not doing it, right?" Kai asked knowingly.

"I don't..." Chanyeol trailed off as he thought about Baekhyun. His beautiful smile, his warmth, his voice, his laugh, his hands, his eyes, his everything. Chanyeol didn't want to lose all that. It was too precious to just kick out of reach. Chanyeol would be beyond fucking stupid if he ever let go of something he has unconsciously always wanted.

"No.... I won't." He said and he finally looked at Kai."I don't want to."

"You won the bet." The younger smiled slyly."It's a good thing I don't have to pay you anything but you also don't have to pay me anything too, which actually fucking saddens me."

Chanyeol remained quiet, too busy thinking.

"But you should give me something for helping you find love after 19 years of loneliness." His friend added with a big grin.

"It's not love.." Chanyeol snapped his head towards Kai. "...it's just..."

"Love." Kai corrected him with a smirk."It's just love."

"It's not.....I just like it when he's around me. That's all." He said, more to himself than to Kai.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever, I believe you." Kai switched the channels and he wasn't looking at the tv anyway, but to Chanyeol.

"Are you going to tell him?"

"What?" Well that hit him like a shoe in the face. He can't tell Baekhyun then Baekhyun will leave him. Then he'll be...fucking miserable because without noticing it, the past few days he has gotten used to Baekhyun and everything Baekhyun does and he felt like he couldn't live without those little things.

"Hell no." Chanyeol grimaced."I'm not telling him. We'll just act like none of that ever happened, only us two know about it anyway."

"Makes sense, but you see..." There he goes. The Kai that would give you advice about relationships because apparently he was an expert. Even though he's technically been with Kyungsoo only and no one else for all his life but he liked to think that he was an expert because of that reason.

"You're not supposed to keep any secrets from him." Kai looked him in the eye."And that's one big bad secret."

"I'll tell him.." Chanyeol sighed and bit his inner cheek."Just not right now."

"Okay, your business." Kai shrugged."How come he's sleeping here though?"

"Long story." Chanyeol answered simply.

"How about long story short?"

"I don't thin-" Chanyeol immediately stopped when Baekhyun came in through the entrance of the living room. He looked at the older boy and he suddenly felt a huge fear come upon him. What if he wouldn't see Baekhyun anymore if the other boy ever knew about this stupid bet? He didn't like the idea of that, not one bit. It scared the living crap out of him.

It Began With A BetWhere stories live. Discover now