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"Where are we going?" Baekhyun asked once again.
"You'll see." Chanyeol looked at him with a smile and squeezed Baekhyun's hand. He was only driving with his left hand because he just couldn't let go of Baekhyun's. Chanyeol slowed down a bit and leaned to the side, surprising Baekhyun with a kiss to his cheek.
"Chanyeol, you're driving!" Baekhyun put his fingers on the spot Chanyeol kissed, which was burning pleasantly.
"I don't care." Chanyeol shrugged.
"Well, I do. I still want to live."
"Ok ok, I'm sorry. I still want to live too." Chanyeol glanced to his right."Because of you I want to live."
He earned a sweet smile from Baekhyun before the small boy opened his mouth."Okay, now look in front of you please."
Chanyeol obeyed silently. His bright and happy smile never leaving his lips as he continued to drive. The radio was on but on low volume. Chanyeol was focusing on the songs that were going and coming, he was counting down for the song he wanted to hear, or more specifically, the song he wanted Baekhyun to hear.
"Hmm?" Baekhyun answered without removing his eyes from outside the window.
"Why don't you higher the volume on the radio?"
"You want to listen?" This time the smaller boy returned his attention on Chanyeol.
"Yeah." Chanyeol smiled excitedly. "Make it really high, ok?"
"Ok." Baekhyun did as he was asked even though he was kind of confused. Chanyeol looked like he was hiding something. A sad song that Baekhyun never heard was on and it seemed like it was about to end. It did end in about one minute, Baekhyun was thankful for that because he had had enough with sad songs and sad feelings and all the pain that came with it. He just wanted to be happy now. With Chanyeol, of course.

"Our next song is a request from Park Chanyeol to his sweetheart Byun Baekhyun!" Suddenly, a lady's voice happily chimed through the speakers."It is DBSK's You're My Melody. Isn't that just adorable? Such a beautiful song. Well, enjoy and Baekhyun-ah, if I were you I'd never let go of this Chanyeol!"
She laughed a little then all that was heard was the soft music beginning playing.
All Baekhyun could do was look at Chanyeol, stunned expression plastered on his face. He was just about to ask when, how, where or even what, but was stopped by Chanyeol. The taller boy placed his finger on his own smiling lips, then afterwards pointed his same finger to his ear. Baekhyun understood, shush and listen. He obeyed but he was dying to ask Chanyeol - he didn't even know exactly what he wanted to ask him.

As the song played, Baekhyun's lips formed a beaming smile at the overly sweet lyrics. He was delighted and he couldn't hide it, even if he tried. Baekhyun didn't try though. He was happy and he was going to show it. Baekhyun kept looking down at his feet, wide grin never parting his face. Every few seconds, Baekhyun would look up at Chanyeol, who was keeping his eyes on the road with a goofy grin decorating his lips. Baekhyun thought it was too adorable. He wanted to kiss Chanyeol, he wanted to jump on him and hug him until neither of them could breathe any longer. How can someone be so sweet? How was Baekhyun ever thinking that he could be without Chanyeol? How did he let all those days pass without seeing Chanyeol? They were such a waste.
Without knowing, Baekhyun's eyes were watering because he was so touched by Chanyeol's surprise. He didn't notice there were tears until they were blurring his eyes and starting to roll down his cheeks. Baekhyun quickly wiped them away, afraid Chanyeol would see them. It was embarrassing that he always cried easily, but he couldn't help the fact that he had a sensitive heart. Plus, all the pain he had been feeling when he was without Chanyeol was coming back to him. He was reminded of those bad days and it made him even more emotional, which caused the tears to slip out.
The song ended and at the same time the car halted to a stop. The lady's voice came on then another song that this time Baekhyun knew by heart -Snsd's Merry-go-round- his own emotions right then were a wild merry go round. As he looked at Chanyeol -who was now looking back at him- and as the sweet melody went through his ears and touched his heart, Baekhyun felt so grateful. Grateful for Chanyeol, grateful for living at the same time as Chanyeol, grateful for being in the same school as Chanyeol, and grateful for ever agreeing to the bet.
Before he thought twice, Baekhyun unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned towards Chanyeol, ignoring the pain stinging in his lower back and between his legs. His hands immediately cupped Chanyeol's cheeks, causing Chanyeol to smile even wider. Then Baekhyun kissed him. He tried his best to make the kiss as sweet and emotion filled as possible, although he realized he didn't have to try. It was all coming naturally; everything came naturally when he was with Chanyeol anyway. He almost laughed into the kiss when he felt Chanyeol try to kiss back but failing, due to his unending smile. So Baekhyun just pulled away but kept their foreheads touching.
"When?" Was all Baekhyun could say. Sure, it wasn't a full question but he knew Chanyeol understood.
"Right before you came downstairs." Chanyeol laughed lightly."The radio was on and they were open for requests, so I called and asked them to put on that song for my one and only sweetheart." Chanyeol slid both his hands down Baekhyun's side until they rested on his waist. He waited for Baekhyun to say anything else but got nothing except a longing stare into his eyes.
"Speechless or what?" Chanyeol joked. His smile started to fade away slowly when he realized there were tears rolling out Baekhyun's eyes. Chanyeol sighed.
"Baek, why do have so many tears in y-"
"I'm sorry. T-thank you." Baekhyun was quick to beat him as he almost gasped out the words."Thank you so much Chanyeol. Thank you for everything."
Chanyeol raised one hand to Baekhyun's face to wipe the endless tears away."What are you even thanking me for? I do noth-"
It seemed like Chanyeol wasn't going to be able to ever finish his words, because once again he got cut off by Baekhyun.
"I love you." Baekhyun's voice was almost shaking. He pushed himself closer to Chanyeol and hugged him tight, burying his face into Chanyeol's warm neck, and whispering I love you once more.
"I love you too." Chanyeol said, hugging Baekhyun tighter."I love you from the bottom of my heart. I love you more than Sehun loves Luhan."
Chanyeol felt a small chuckle on his skin before Baekhyun lifted his head to connect their eyes again. He was smiling in a way that had Chanyeol's heart want to jump out his skin because there was suddenly not enough room in his chest.
"Really?" Baekhyun asked, his tears beginning to go away and eyes sparkling with something else. Chanyeol nodded.
"Ok then, I love you more than Kai loves Kyungsoo." Baekhyun said mischievously. Chanyeol laughed and ran his fingers through Baekhyun's brown hair.
"They would both kill us if they knew." He ruffled Baekhyun's hair as he kept laughing.
"Hey! Don't mess up my hair..." Baekhyun whined childishly and pouted.
"Ok baby, I won't." Chanyeol responded but kept on ruffling the soft hair anyway.
"That's unfair." Baekhyun muttered.
"No. You know what's unfair?" Chanyeol lowered his voice as he brought their faces close enough for their lips to linger on each other."That pout is unfair. It makes me want to just eat you up because you're so adorable Baek. So damn adorable."
Before Chanyeol could attach their lips, Baekhyun pulled away teasingly to sit back in his seat.
"Are we there yet?" Baekhyun asked casually, looking out the window and observing the area they had stopped at.
"Yeah, we are." Chanyeol was holding back a frustrated groan because he really wanted to kiss Baekhyun and even more, he really wanted to make out passionately with the smaller boy right in the car.
"Isn't this-"
"Yes, it's the field." Chanyeol finished for Baekhyun. This place has became a million times more special to him because of Baekhyun. So many moments they have shared and his favorite one of all; their first kiss.

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