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"I should have known." Chanyeol muttered under his breath then turned his back to his friends. All four of them. What a great time to come and visit. Wow.

"Dude, the fuck is wrong with you?" Kai shot Chanyeol's back a glare."Every time we come to check on you, you act all bitchy and whiny."

Chanyeol sighed. That was kind of true and he knew his friends didn't deserve that from him.

"Sorry." He walked to the living room and plopped down on the couch, switching through the channels aimlessly. His friends were right behind him and they were surprisingly quiet. Chanyeol couldn't think much about them because in his mind was nothing but Baekhyun.

He didn't love him. He didn't say anything and Chanyeol felt like crap. Chanyeol wondered what Baekhyun was doing upstairs. He might still be crying. The thought had Chanyeol's heart clenching in pain. He was beginning to regret confessing to Baekhyun. It was all a mistake from the beginning, he didn't mean to say it but it changed nothing because it was the truth. He loved Baekhyun and he knew nothing more.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Ask him."

"No! You ask him."

"No, I'm not his momma."

"He's frozen."

"Maybe he's dead."

"No, his finger is still pressing the remote buttons."

"He looks dead."

"He's not blinking."

"He's not breathing. Well at least it looks like it."

"He's dead."

"His finger is still moving you oaf."

"He's gonna kill that button right now."

"Poor button."

"Guys, where's Baekhyun?"

"He's upstairs and by the way, you guys are horrible whisperers."

"He's alive!!" Kai cheered and Sehun gave him a stupid look.

"Told you."

"So..." Kyungsoo gave Chanyeol a kind smile."Wanna watch a movie?"

"Mmm..." Was all Chanyeol was able to muster.

"We brought snacks." Luhan added in.

"Yeah and unpopped popcorn." Sehun snickered.

"Our popper is messed up FYI and we want hot fresh popcorn so shut it brat."

"Whatever, you just don't want to admit that Kyungsoo's popcorn sucks."

Kyungsoo gasped and Kai lunged forward to get a hold of Sehun's neck, but was unfortunately stopped by Luhan.

"Kyungsoo's popcorn is fucking amazing you fucking brat!"

"Sehun, are you serious?" Kyungsoo asked with a devastated look that made Kai want to chop Sehun into squares and triangles and circles for making his boyfriend upset.

Chanyeol only sat there and sighed at his uncontrollable friends.

"Sehunnie, you're lying right?"

"Of course Lulu," Sehun smiled at his boyfriend."I just wanted to piss off Kai for using vulgar language towards you yesterday."

"Fuck you, you brat. Admit that Kyungsoo's popcorn is the best in the universe." Kai said as he moved to Kyungsoo, who was over being sad after understanding why the youngest would say that about his popcorn. He really should've known. Sehun and Kai are never growing up.

"Nope." Sehun smiled.

"Sehun." Kai warned but Sehun didn't flinch.

"Oh look, Baekhyun's here!" Luhan reported quickly.

All heads turned to the doorway where Baekhyun was indeed standing. He was in a grey turtleneck sweater and his eyes were slightly red and puffy. Luhan and Kyungsoo immediately began wondering what made Baekhyun cry, because it was obvious that he had cried. And Kai and Sehun were wondering how the fuck was Baekhyun not burning in that sweater in this scorching heat. Chanyeol, on the other hand, wanted to end himself.

Why, just why did Baekhyun cry?

Chanyeol was ready to cry himself just looking at Baekhyun's eyes, which were staring right back at him. He was surprised when Baekhyun offered him a small smile. Just a tiny one and Chanyeol began to think that he was only imagining it.

"Hi." Baekhyun shifted his eyes from Chanyeol's to greet the others.

The air was filled with silence for a few minutes. Everyone was staring at Chanyeol and Baekhyun and they knew that something was going on. It was beginning to get awkward so Kyungsoo quickly shouted out excitedly."I'll go make the popcorn and you guys get the movie ready!"

He then walked towards the kitchen but was stopped by Baekhyun, who smiled at him and offered to make the popcorn himself. Kyungsoo didn't say no, he couldn't say no when he felt that Baekhyun needed and wanted to be out the room.

So just like that Baekhyun was absent in the room again. Chanyeol let out a frustrated huff and faced the television again. The first person to make a move was Luhan. He took a seat beside his taller friend, who looked like he was about to blow up at any moment. Luhan patted Chanyeol's thigh to get his attention but Chanyeol didn't move.

"What happened?" Luhan whispered and he sighed when he got no answer.


"Nothing happened." Chanyeol gritted out."Nothing at all."

"Yeah, you can lie to someone other than me." Luhan snorted then hit Chanyeol's thigh again."Tell me."

Chanyeol bit his lip and thought to himself that enough was enough. He was going to get up, go to the kitchen and kiss Baekhyun with every thing he's got. Then he was going to know the truth from Baekhyun, no matter what. He jolted up from his seat, shocking Luhan, and made his way to the kitchen, where he could already smell fresh popcorn.

"Something's up and I'm going to know." And with that Luhan got up after Chanyeol. And of course the other nosy teenage boys followed him.

When Chanyeol saw Baekhyun, he couldn't move anymore. Baekhyun was sitting on a stool near the stove and he was staring at the counter, drawing unknown shapes on it with his finger. He felt Chanyeol's presence and looked up to find Chanyeol there, staring at him with eyes that made Baekhyun's stomach do flips. Baekhyun went completely red when all memories of the past hour flew in his head. Seeing Chanyeol made him so embarrassed.

But no matter how flustered or shy he was, he was going to say what he had to say.

"I'm sorry." There. He said it. And whatever was going to happen he was just going to let it happen.

But what happened was far from what he was expecting. Chanyeol running to him and cupping his cheeks in his big warm hands, then kissing him deeply was not was he was expecting. Nonetheless, he kissed Chanyeol back mindlessly. Wrapping his arms around Chanyeol's neck, Baekhyun pulled him closer and closer until their chests were touching.

Seconds after, Chanyeol pulled away but still kept the closeness between them.

"Why did you cry?" He breathed out.

"I-I....Chanyeol....it's j-just..." Baekhyun stuttered and tried to look away from Chanyeol's face but it was useless since they were so close.

"Baek..." Chanyeol thought his heart was going to stop if Baekhyun wasn't going to say anything.


"I just couldn't believe it." Baekhyun blurted out.

"Believe what?"

"Everyt-thing. It all feels like a d-dream. You....and you saying those words and just...everything. I'm sorry for acting that way b-but I couldn't...I just...it's so far away an-"

Chanyeol didn't wait for any other word, he quickly embraced Baekhyun's quivering lips with his in a sweet kiss that had Baekhyun's knees turn into jelly. It was this that almost had Chanyeol jumping off a cliff from frustration and fear. He should've understood Baekhyun without words, for he knew that Baekhyun was a very shy person.

"You're so silly." Chanyeol whispered then kissed Baekhyun's nose, causing Baekhyun to blush.


Chanyeol smiled sweetly and gazed into Baekhyun's eyes."Hmm?"

"I..." Baekhyun dropped his gaze just slightly because he was far too shy to say it right in Chanyeol's face.

"What is it?" Chanyeol said in a low voice, trying to help Baekhyun out."You can tell me, Baek."

"I just....I really like you."


"No, I.....I love you." Baekhyun quickly added, still feeling the words weren't enough to express what he felt for Chanyeol.


Chanyeol's heart was flying, soaring, high in the sky. He blinked for a few seconds then a wide smile grew on his face as his chest was feeling warm with affection. He inhaled deeply then lifted Baekhyun's chin so he could get a good look at the rosy cheeks and sparkly eyes and the cute button nose and the sweet lovely lips. He stared and stared and stared. He stared because that was all he was able to do.

"God damn, you're beautiful." Chanyeol murmured softly."So beautiful."

"Very nice show but just so you know, THE POPCORN IS BURNING!!"

Last straw for Chanyeol. Kai was going to die tonight.

And Sehun.

And Luhan.

And yes, even Kyungsoo.

Nosy idiots.

Chanyeol made a mental note to give the poor kitchen a door later on.

They all wrapped up and left to the living room, with the burnt popcorn and Baekhyun was afraid he was going to burn like the popcorn from the heat that was fusing his face, actually his whole body. During the whole two hours of the movie, Chanyeol wouldn't let go of him, holding him tight by the waist. Chanyeol kissed him every five minutes, either on his hair, nose, cheeks, or lips. He couldn't and he wouldn't stop, not after Baekhyun confessed to him in such a sweet and cute way that had his heart swell with love for the small boy.

"Thanks for the burnt popcorn and thanks for your time and also thanks for the cheesy romantic mini show you displayed for us." Luhan stood just right after the movie ended. He honestly didn't care about the movie, he was watching the two lovebirds cuddled together on the floor throughout the whole thing.

"And now we would like a place to snooze till morning." Kai added with a big wide smile.

Chanyeol said nothing.

"Oh gosh it's 12 already." Kyungsoo said as he glanced at his watch."We can't go home now. It's too dangerous."

"Hey Park, I'm on your bed with Lulu ok?"

Chanyeol whispered something into Baekhyun's ear and Luhan nearly squealed at the sight. Baekhyun and Chanyeol both smiled to each other after Baekhyun gave the taller male a nod.

"Ok, how about all four of you sleep on the bed and Baekhyun and I will stay here, on the couch?"

"Ew no!" Kai shrieked."Who knows what you've done there!"

Baekhyun immediately blushed when he thought about it, they did do something but he cleaned up everything. To tell the truth, now even he wanted to punch Kai.

"Shut up and just sleep there." Chanyeol glared at Kai."Or you have another choice, the tub."

"No no, we're taking the bed. Bye, good night." Kyungsoo said rapidly, pushing Kai towards the stairs. Not much after Luhan and Sehun followed them and Sehun was grumbling something about Kai getting up in the middle of the night horny for Kyungsoo and GOD WHY IS THIS MY LIFE.

"So....do you want to sleep yet?" Chanyeol asked Baekhyun once the others were gone. He had nothing to worry about his friends. Knowing them, they must've packed their pajamas and everything before coming to "watch a movie only". For now, he wanted to be alone with Baekhyun (he always wanted to be alone with Baekhyun) and maybe even sleep with him on the couch, where they would be closer than the bed. He wanted Baekhyun close to him, always. And imagining when he would hold Baekhyun against his chest as they lay together on the small couch excited his heart.

Baekhyun smiled softly to himself, not turning around to look at Chanyeol."Sort of."

Chanyeol bit his lip then walked a few steps until he was behind Baekhyun, he wrapped his arms around Baekhyun's waist and leaned his face into his covered nape, inhaling his sweet sweet scent. Chanyeol smiled against the turtle neck when he felt Baekhyun's breath hitch. He looked at Baekhyun's face to find his eyes closed and his cheeks pink.

"Aren't you hot in this?" Chanyeol whispered as he lightly tugged at the sweater's hem."Or are you just covering some things? Hmm?"

Baekhyun remained silent but his cheeks grew redder by the second. Chanyeol was really embarrassing him. Yes, he wore that stupid thick sweater to cover the hickeys Chanyeol gave him and yes, IT WAS HOT.

"Come on, let's sleep." Chanyeol said into Baekhyun's ear causing Baekhyun to hold his breath because Chanyeol's voice, so deep and so sexy and so perfect.

Chanyeol grabbed a nearby bed-sheet and sat on the couch, waiting for Baekhyun to join him. His eyes never left Baekhyun as the smaller boy took off the heavy sweater, revealing a thin white t-shirt that Chanyeol could actually see Baekhyun's nipples clearly.

God help me.

Chanyeol gulped and quickly moved his eyes away from Baekhyun's chest to his face, smiling at him and gesturing for him to lay down on the couch. Soon they were cuddled on the couch, with Baekhyun on the inside and Chanyeol on the edge, hugging Baekhyun close to him. He couldn't resist when he had Baekhyun's smooth (and red spotted) neck exposed right before his eyes. Chanyeol kissed the soft skin and soon enough his butterfly kisses turned into wet open mouth kisses and he clearly felt Baekhyun shudder against him. When Chanyeol glanced at Baekhyun's face, Baekhyun was red all over and he was biting his lower lip, trying to hold back any sounds threatening to slip off his lips.

"Chanyeol stop, it tickles." Baekhyun breathed out and Chanyeol only chuckled lowly.

"Well....I don't see you laughing." Chanyeol challenged and moved his lips towards Baekhyun's face. His fingers carefully turned Baekhyun to face him, so that their lips would meet. Unfortunately the kiss didn't last as long as Baekhyun was honestly wishing it would but he had nothing to complain about with the way Chanyeol's simple kiss made him dizzy.

"Good night, sweetie." Baekhyun pretty much melted, feeling every beat of his heart thumping rapidly against his chest, threatening to come out.

"Good night, Channie." Baekhyun offered back and placed his hands on top of Chanyeol's arms that were holding him securely.

It Began With A BetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora