Chapter 02

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Why on Earth did anyone let me try to be normal? I groaned as I looked at the stack of summer assignments littering the floor. I should've just stuck it out at a private school as 'Savanna', maybe then the past three years wouldn't have been so shit.

"Ana!" Ethan shouted before barging into my room.

"What!" I hissed, annoyed at his sudden appearance.

"You look terrible. Oh, did you take my charger?" He smirked.

"NO!" I shouted, chucking a pillow at him. "Now get out!"

Ethan laughed as he slammed the door behind him, and I fell back against the headboard. Today is the first day of senior year, and I'm already over it. My 'normal' High School experience hasn't been terrible, I actually managed to meet a lot of nice people, but Josh and his goonies kept their word on making every day suck. Luckily, I've had Emma by my side to help keep me going. My third alarm beeped loudly, and I reluctantly rolled out of bed and started getting ready. Tucking my blonde hair into my wig, I fixed the rest of my hair and looked in the mirror. Normal, yet fake. That's the best way I can describe myself. I must fake my looks and background in order to let myself be normal. It's all so hypocritical, but it is what it is.

I stepped back into my room and scooped my schoolwork into my backpack. My stomach began to rumble as I moved downstairs towards the kitchen. Ethan stepped into the hallway holding a plate of bacon and nearly ran me over. I groaned in annoyance as he pushed me to the side.

"No shouting, not this early." Mum pleaded, moving past me in her dressing gown.

It always shocks me how she manages to look amazing even when she's half asleep. I apologised and scooted past her to grab a quick breakfast.

Mum yawned softly as she watched me pour my cereal. "You're going to be on your own for dinner tonight, your father and I are working late and Ethan-"

"-Is going out with some friends." Ethan finished as he returned with his empty plate.

I frowned as I watched him put it in the sink and leave. Why do boys never clean up after themselves? My phone buzzed again, reminding me that I need to leave soon. Putting mine and Ethan's dishes in the dishwasher, I ran up the stairs to brush my teeth and grab my glasses before heading back to the garage. I looked longingly at my white Lamborghini before I got into my old Range Rover and sped down the road. Thankfully I had stopped riding the bus as soon as I turned sixteen—nobody should willingly ride a bus to school, they're insane.

Pulling into the school parking lot, I parked at the back and smiled at Emma as she ran up to me. She hugged me tightly and started pulling me towards the school. As we neared the front parking spaces, the sound of Josh's voice assaulted my ears. Looking to the side, I saw him standing near his bicycle surrounded by a group of squealing girls. I groaned as he smirked and took advantage of their attention.

For some god-forsaken reason, someone thought it was a good idea to get Josh into modelling. He immediately took off and when an arrogant jerk gets famous, it boosts their ego to ridiculous levels and makes them even more unbearable.  Emma pulled my arm, trying to get me away from Josh before he noticed me, and thankfully he was too occupied with staring down one of the girl's shirts to care about me. Good, I really don't want to deal with him this early on a Monday morning.

"What's your locker number?" Emma asked as she checked her schedule.

"3701." I responded, coming to a stop in front of it.

A loud squealing noise erupted from her throat as she realised our lockers were side by side.

"I know that squeal!"

The Fake Nerd | Book One of the Fake SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now