Chapter8:it's like a bomb went off

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Delilah's pov

I can't believe he just said that!!! He has no right to judge me just on my gender!!!!!

"God, do you know how rude you sound. You can't judge me based on my gender! I'm better then every guy that has ever been a quarterback for your team, I do my research. Do you know who my dad is! I mean it's not like I care if you do or not because he's a crappy dad, he was on heck of a good football player though! You know what I don't care what you say!! I'm trying out on Monday and that's final. Make me run until I faint, I don't care but I will be trying out!!"

I walk out of the room. I was going to try out! There was no way I wouldn't. I just wish I wasn't judged on my gender.

I run out onto the field and just lie there looking at the clouds. When I was a little girl I use to look at the clouds when I felt alone, there's just so many you can't help but feel put together.

I lie there for about 2 minutes before my eyes slowly drift closed.

*Brent's pov*

I am proud of my girl standing up for herself like that.

"I can't believe you wouldn't even let her try out. What are you afraid of? That she'll be better then her dad, your last football prodigy! I had faith in you, I thought maybe you would give her a chance. I can't believe you won't! All she wanted to do was tryout! You didn't have to let her on the team, and you definitely didn't have the right to say that to her!"

I walk out side of the coaches office and walk towards the field. When I get there Delilah is asleep on the ground. How did she fall asleep! This Field is the rockiest field ever played on!

I hear a car pull up and it's Zach.

*Zach's pov*

I'm so excited to see Delilah again! She's so pretty, and funny, and kind, she's almost perfect. When I said she was her exact words were

"No I'm not perfect, I refuse to be, if I am what's the point of being me."

She's great. I think I might have a slight crush on her. Ok, a big crush on her but I mean how could you not. She's great. She even plays football!!! I can't wait until she joins the team!!
How cool would that be, my crush, maybe girlfriend by then, would be playing along side me on the field, tackling guys, throwing the ball, making touch downs.

I arrive at the school ant see two people in the field, one laying down and one standing up.

I run over there.

The person standing up is Brent, the one laying in the ground is Delilah. At first I'm worried, then I relive she was just sleeping.

"What happens to her" I say pointing to Delilah.

"She'll probably want to tell you. I'll go wait by the bleachers." Brent say walking toward the bleachers.

I sigh.

"You know if you guys are going to talk about me you could at least talk quieter." I jump hearing Delilah talk. She woke Up.

" sorry,"

"No it's ok, so I'm guessing you want to know what happens with the coach?"

"Yeah kind of,"I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"Well if you lay down I'll tell you."

I lay down and look at the sky.

"Brent and I walked into the coaches office all excited, then after we told he about me he said he would never let a girl play on his team. I kind of exploded and said that if he said no I would still tryout on Monday, I didn't care how hard he worked me. But that part was after I told him off and called him some names."Delilah says. At first I'm shocked because coach is a really scary guy, then I think of course Delilah would do that, she's a dare devil!


A/n  omg omg omg omg omg, 110 reads !!!!!!!
You guys are awesome. My new writing plan is too write 2 chapters that have 600 ish words and then one  with 2000 words or close to it.

Please check out my other stories, I need to know where to go with them!!

Anyway ,bye, thanks,love you!!!

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