CH 5 Decision

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I am making a sincere effort to update each week, and i'm just praying I don't forget. Enjoy this next chapter!

"Hazel! Jason! Frank! Somebody!" Nico burst into a run, waving the code like a liberty flag. He banged on Frank's/Hazel's door, still yelling like a madman. This was important. Reyna never left voluntarily, she was taken, and they had to do something about it.

"Holy Hannah, Nico!" Hazel exclaimed, opening the door. " What  is it? Your still bound to your room for the night searches. Your not supposed to be out." she scowled at him, confusion and annoyance shining in her eyes.

"I..... solved..... holy cow that was a run." Nico panted. "I solved the code. The numbers that we found in Reyna's cabin mean something." He showed her the note, and explained how he found it.

Hazel nodded. " The one group reported that they saw signs of something being dragged from the quarters. They also found some sort of dart casing. Now, the code ties it all together. She was taken."

"But by who?" Nico asked. "Should we investigate more? Move search parties? Maybe send someone out of the camp's boundaries?"

"Less questions more actions, Nico." Hazel said, brushing her hair behind her shoulders. " We take it to the senate, and see what they say. If we can't do anything, we'll stick to our patrols. Okay?"

"Okay." Nico sighed. He felt sad. He wanted to act now, while the trail was still fresh, not wait for the senate. He bid Hazel goodbye and went back to his sleeping quarters, uneasy.

Nico paced and paced and paced. Hazel wasn't back yet, and he was dying of suspense (we Rick Riordan fans understand). Finally, a thought  came to his head that surprised him.

Screw this, I can't wait any longer.

Nico sat at his desk and began to write. What he wrote changed everything.

Dear Rome,

I'm sorry for leaving on such short notice, but I have gone in search of Reyna. I concluded from the evidence that she was kidnapped, and her life was in mortal danger. I could not wait for the senate's decision. I must leave while the tracks are fresh.


Nico di Angelo.

With that, he grabbed everything he needed, swiftly packing. He rushed out the door, backpack on his back, determination in his eyes, hope in his heart.

He was going after Reyna.

Finally, at least a little action! I love you guys for supporting me and reading!! Thanks!

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