CH 13 Lifeline

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For a moment, Nico couldn't move. He was stunned. He had finally found Reyna, after all of this time, after all of the searches and sleepless nights. Now, she was here.......

Nico snapped out of it. He started to run, sprinting full speed. He drew his night black sword. A inhuman fury coursed through his veins. This man, the very one standing in front of him, had hurt Reyna. He had taken her against her will away from a camp that needed her. Now, this mystery man will pay.

"Reyna!" He yelled. Reyna turned toward him, her face going slack with shock. The guy next to her turned also. "Who is that?" "My rescuer." Reyna replied.

She went ninja. Reyna knocked the feet out from under the man. He yelped with shock, then tried to grab her arm. Reyna dodged, and Nico poured on the speed. He needed to get to her, now.

The man suddenly lunged for Reyna. She stumbled back, becoming terrifyingly close to the edge of the pit. Before she could get proper balance, the man aimed a kick at her legs......

"No!" Nico used shadow to knock the man away. He turned on him fast, his eyes blazing. The man drew his sword, and charged toward Nico.

Nico dodged his sloppy attack easily. He aimed a slash toward the man's arm, missing by inches. The man wildly aimed a stab at Nico's neck, and Nico dodged again. The guy was a terrible swordsman. He could barely even hold up his sword. Nico knocked the feet out from under the guy.

In a last resort, the guy threw his sword. It grazed Nico's arm, leaving a trail of blood. Nico flinched, then brought the pommel of his sword onto the man's head.

He crumpled to the ground like aluminum foil, unconscious.  Nico felt relieved. Now, he and Reyna can leave-

A sudden scream came from behind him. Nico spun around to see Reyna fall. The rocks beneath her had given out.

Luckily, during the fight, he had come in close range. Nico lunged and grabbed her wrist. Reyna dangled over the edge of the pit. Nico hung on for dear life.

"Hang on!" Nico yelled as Reyna grabbed onto his hand with both of hers.

"Help me!" Reyna screamed.

Guess what? Another cliffhanger! Tune in next week to find out what happens next! And I just gotta say I love all of you for staying with me so far.

Wish me luck at Track this Tuesday!!!! :) :) 

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