Ch 21 Frost and Blood

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Y'all better watch out I gotta juicy little cliffhanger for y'all on Chapter 23. *Wicked laugh*

"Scatter!" Nico dove left, the Icehound's teeth missing him by inches. Reyna slashed with her sword, but missed it. The beast turned on her, it's snarl rumbling through the air. Nico got to his feet, cursing. He lunged and slashed, but the hound retreated out of his reach.

The Icehound lunged for Reyna.  She stabbed at it with her sword, but it blew ice out of it's mouth, freezing her foot to the ground. She struggled, screaming, while the icehound crept forward, it's lips pulled back in a hideous snarl.

"Hey, Frosty!" Nico, having a surge of bravery - or possibly pure stupidity - charged the beast. "Frosty" turned around a little too late. He slashed at it's face, the ice on it shattering.

Frosty let out a terrible howl, stumbling backward. Instead of blood, crystal clear water poured from the wound. It shook it's head, spraying water, then growled at him. Nico tensed, ready for it to spring like a loaded trap. He had to distract it from Reyna.

Reyna stabbed at the ice on her foot, trying to free herself. Frosty ignored her, and apparently decided that Nico was tastier. It lunged, and Nico tried to dodge again, but was too slow.

Nico yelled as the hound's fang grazed his arm. He lurched backward, gripping his arm. Blood welled from the wound, soaking his jacket and turning his hand crimson. Nico felt dizzy. The world spun. He fell to his knees. The Icehound, letting out a bark of triumph, surged forward....

Reyna's shout came from behind Frosty. It spun around, only to have Reyna's sword impale it in the chest. It fell, convulsed once, then was still.

Nico watched, mesmerized, as the Icehound shattered into a million jagged ice cubes. Reyna knelt, gathering some in her hand.  She walked over to the hole, and slid it in. The concoction popped once, then was still.

"Okay, so we have shadow, fire, and ice." Reyna said. "Now we need a rock, and-"

"Blood," Nico said. He stepped up close to the hole, and dangled his hand over it. Blood from the wound Frosty gave him dripped down his arm, off of his fingers, and into the hole.

The concoction turned a bright shade of orange. It bubbled and popped randomly, then was still. Reyna scowled, "Strange thing, ain't it?"

Reyna tore a long strip of fabric off her cloak and tied it to Nico's arm, bandaging the wound. Nico remembered when he chased that one guy down the street for it, and when he had found Reyna's ring in the hotel.

Reyna stood, and Nico did too. "Come on," she said, "We still need one more ingredient."

See you next week! And just as a warning, the next chapter will be kinda boring. Sorry. 

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