CH 14 Weakened

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I swear it's not my fault!! I couldn't go to the library all this week because either my mom was working, I had Track, or schoolwork. I don't have Internet at home, nor a fancy-smansy smartphone What-do-you-call-its (And I don't want on either. Do you know how many books I could buy, with how much that costs?)  And the school wifi won't let me onto Wattpad. Sorry a dozen times over! Here's the next chapter! And if I can't update this week I apologize in advance.

Nico struggled to hang on. Reyna's hand was slipping from his grasp. She tried to pull herself up, but when she got a good grip the rock would crumble.  Nico had to repeatedly schoot backwards to avoid weak rock.

Nico tried to pull her up, but he had no strength. He had spent it in the shadow travel. Reyna was lending him her strength - the only way he was able to hang on - but it was growing weaker.

Nico looked into Reyna's eyes. They both knew it was pointless. They would run out of strength sooner or later.

The rock crumbled under Nico again. He moved back as far as he could without letting Reyna go. "Let go, Nico!" Reyna yelled. "Save yourself!" Something in Nico hardened. No way. He won't let Reyna go, he can't. He knew what Tartarus was like, and he won't let Reyna survive it alone.

Nico locked eyes with Reyna. "We go together." He said.

The rock beneath him gave out. This time, Nico didn't move. Reyna screamed as they both fell, stil holding hands, into the darkness below.

I know it's insanely short. Just bear with me, would you? I hope you like this fanfic, even though it's a bit heartbreaking! Tune in next week! Again, if I can't update next week I apologize in advance. 

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