Ch 27 Betrayed

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Let's see if I can update both of my fanfics today. I know it's Sunday and all, but I'm at my grandma's house and she has a computer, so.....yeah.

Nico didn't have any dreams, which was strange. In  Tartarus, he had nightmares constantly. But now, his sleep was peaceful. He savored it, you don't get this everyday as a demigod.

He opened his eyes. Bright light blinded him, and he squinted.  "Finally, you're awake." A familiar voice greeted his ears.

Will stood by his bed. Nico sat up fast, "Where's Reyna? How is she doing? Can I see her?"

"One question at a time!" Will said. "Reyna is here, and she is recovering well. And, yes, you can see her eventually. But you need to talk to me first." Will smiled, "I want to know what happened. Can you come to my office for a moment?"

Nico nodded, and followed Will to another room. "How long have I been asleep?" Nico asked. "About two days. You needed it. I mean, the shape you were in? You needed to recover." Nico sighed, "There's a reason we were like that. "

Nico summarized it all: the code, pursuing Reyna through the city, the trip through Tartarus. Will listened, then at the end, said "So, she left all of those notes behind?" "Yeah, she did. Without them, I would never had found her." Nico felt grateful for Reyna's intelligence. She basically saved herself. 

Will sighed, "Shame, then maybe it would have worked."


Suddenly, Nico saw a flash of metal. He yelled, only to have Will's hand clamp over his mouth. The knife was so close to Nico's throat, it touched.

"Do something I don't like," Will growled, "and you're dead."

Forgot the prophecy, did you?


I honestly think Will is awesome, so making him the mastermind was conflicting. But, whatever.

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