CH 12 Found

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Shadow travel never seemed as big as a blessing as it did now. As he rushed to get everything together, he felt fear and excitement rush through him. A true lead, now he could find Reyna!

Nico put his bag on his back and rushed to the deepest, most darkest shadow he could find. Unfortunately, that was under the bed.

Nico muttered curses as he slipped his pack under, then slid his legs and hips after. He imagined someone coming in at this moment and finding him like this. Percy and Jason would die laughing.

He closed his eyes and concentrated. He focused on the pit, the thing that haunted his dreams to this very day. The place that had caused him more pain then he had ever imagined.

Nico found himself by the entrance of Tartarus: a huge pit like a gaping mouth, ready to swallow him up.

Nico squinted towards the edge. Two people were standing by it. Nico looked harder, then got a shock.

The person closest to him looked familiar. Long black hair, pale skin, and a purple shirt. Then they turned and revealed a beautiful face that Nico had longed to see for so long. It was her, the person he had come all of this way, who he had risked his life to find.


Yet another cliffhanger. There's some action in the last chapter and, you guessed it, another cliffhanger! I know you all hate me but hey, I'm trying to be the new Rick Riordan ( am I doing a good job?) :) :) :) :) PS I'm sorry if this font is different or whatever but I typed this in my Google Docs, so yeah.  

The search for truth- a Reynico fanficWhere stories live. Discover now