CH 9 The Chase

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The woman gave a description of a guy that Reyna was with. Nico started asking around again, looking for both Reyna and the man described. The man had long, shaggy brown hair, and silver eyes. No witnesses. If one teen would look beyond their phones for one second... ( made you look, didn't I?) :)

After wandering around for all eternity, Nico realized that the sun was getting close to the horizon. He needed a place to stay. He rounded a corner, frustration starting to creep in again. How can he do this alone?

Stay strong.

Reyna's message rang in his ears like a bell. He needed to stay strong, for her.

That's when it all changed.

A guy was standing on a corner. Nico felt his instincts screaming at him to do something. He looked kinda..... sketchy. He spotted something in the guy's hand. It was purple cloth. Where had he seen it? He's seen it somewhere. Wait.....

That was a cloak. A purple cloak.

Reyna's cloak!

Nico marched over to the guy. "Hey, you! Yeah, you! On the corner!" Nico had never felt so pissed off in his life.

The punk walked over to him. He had black hair, with pale skin and blue eyes. Nico felt ready to give him a black eye.

"What are you doing with my friend's cloak? She's missing!" Nico demanded. The guy smiled innocently, "I don't know what you are talking about." He said. Nico rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah? What up with the cloak? Just happened to buy one like hers?"


The guy turned and ran.

Nico chased him. He wove through a crowd of pedestrians, determined not to lose him. The guy kept running, going at full speed. Man, was this guy on a track team? He would kill at the one hundred meter.

Nico ran and ran and ran. He felt exhausted. Forget the one hundred meter, this guy is long distance.

The guy rounded a corner. Nico pursued, then stopped dead.

Reyna's cloak was on the ground, abandoned in the middle of the sidewalk. Nico walked over and picked it up, still on the lookout for Mr. Track Man.

Something was in the pocket. Nico took it out, yet another message. The letter said:

19 21 14 2 5 13 8 15 20 5 12

Nico translated,


Ahhh its been so crazy, writing a bunch of fanfics and balancing track and school at the same time! But its spring break, and I actually managed to finish writing out this fanfic on paper! I was so psyched!  Keep reading! If you haven't voted or followed me what are you waiting for? :) 

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