Ch 16 Unknown

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I know it's Sunday and not a Monday, but I might not be able to get to a computer tomorrow, so what the heck? Shout out to all of the moms out there. Happy Mother's day!

They said nothing for a long time. The only sound was the Cocytus river rushing by, voices occasionally whispering from the swirling, dangerous waters.

Nico kept his head in his arms, trying not to look at the landscape. Being a son of Hades, he saw Tartarus in it's true form. He had almost lost his sanity last time. Reyna walked over and put her arm around him. After a moment, Nico lifted his chin.

"We need to find a way out. The only way we can do that is to look around." Nico said. Reyna nodded, "Let's go, then."

Nico stood, and offered Reyna his hand. At this point, Reyna was the only thing keeping him sane. She was all he had. Reyna took his hand, her eyes locking onto his. "We need to stick together. Each other is all we got." she said, echoing his thoughts.

Nico nodded, and looked ahead. Fear spiked his heart, but at the same time he felt confident. Reyna is with him this time. He isn't alone anymore.

With that, they walked off; holding hands, heads up, together, into the unknown. 

The search for truth- a Reynico fanficWhere stories live. Discover now