Ch 23 Blindsided

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I AM SO SORRY! Our car broke down, and I couldn't get to the library! Again, terribly sorry! If this happens again, let me just tell you it is NOT my fault, okay? I wish I had internet at home, but we can't because my brother's made a few dumb mistakes. Now that that rant is over, lets get to that cliffhanger I've been howling about!

"Are there any loose pebbles anywhere?"

Nico couldn't help but agree with Reyna. Despite the rocky landscape, they couldn't seem to find one loose rock. They had to find it, fast, so they can get the heck out of here.

"Wait, hold up." Nico said. He stopped at a nearby pothole, drew his sword, and started stabbing at the rock.

For about two minutes, either the rock wouldn't budge, or the pieces that broke off were too small to use. Finally, a suitable chunk broke off.

"Problem solved." Nico said, holding up the chunk. "Now all we need to do is add this in and - "

A low growl rumbled the ground, cutting through the air like a knife. Reyna and Nico both tensed, waiting for something to happen.

Another snarl rumbled the air. It set Nico on edge, making the hair on the back of his neck stand up. Reyna drew her sword, "What is that?"

They got their answer.

A huge, hulking shape emerged from the shadows. Nico heard the sound of scales, and could feel the vibration of huge steps. The sound of something swishing the ground filled the air - a tail?

Nico strained his ears. Suddenly, two glowing red eyes lit up the shadows. The thing had huge fangs and claws, with a jet black scaled hide. Nico felt pure fear rush through his veins, threatening to freeze him in his place.

"Drakon!" He screamed, "RUN!"

Well, there you go. Sorry it's short! Please comment, I want to see how I'm doing. Again, if I can't update next Monday/Sunday I am terribly sorry. 

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