Ch 17 Welcome to Tartarus

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Hallelujah I can update right now!

They walked side by side. Nico kept his sword ready for an attack from any direction. Reyna looked just as alert, her dark eyes scanning the horizon.

The poisonous air stung their lungs. Nico searched for any sign of the Plegathon- a fiery river that if you drank it's waters, you will be healed. It's not pleasant, but it's the only way to survive.

Nico realized that he was shaking. The feeling of just being back here filled his whole body with fear. The true form of Tartarus is a truly terrifying thing. Reyna squeezed his hand, her smile encouraging. "Stay strong, or should I put that in numbers?"

Nico laughed, and that alone seemed to make the moment better. Reyna smiled, and they kept walking.

A large cliff loomed in front of them. Nico looked over the edge, spotting the Plegathon. It's fiery waters swirled below like molten lava. Nico turned to Reyna, "We need to get down this cliff." Reyna nodded, and started climbing down. Nico followed her.

For the next few minutes, Nico's life was spent searching for hand holds and footholds. He struggled, crying out in shock or hissing with frustration whenever the rocks gave out from under his hands and feet. This reminded him way too much of when Reyna was dangling over the edge, when he failed to pull her up-

The rock gave out for the tenth time. Nico tried to get a hold, but couldn't find one, and shouted as he slid down a few feet scrambling for a hold. He finally found one. He winced, his hands and knees stinging. The rock had scraped him.

"You okay, Deathboy?" Reyna called out from below him. "Fine, just slipped." Nico called back. "And don't call me Deathboy!" "I'll stop calling you Deathboy when you're dead!"

Nico muttered under his breath. They finally reached the bottom of the cliff. "Okay, what now?" Reyna asked. "We need to drink the water, it can heal us." Nico said. Reyna started at the cuts and sores that had formed on her hands as they scrambled down the cliff face. "Are you sure, river can heal?" she asked. "Yeah, I've been here before." Nico said.

Reyna hesitated, then plunged her hands into the fiery river. She cupped her hands to her mouth and drank.

She coughed, spluttering. Nico gripped her shoulders, "You okay?" "Just dying," she said, "and choking on fire water."

"Welcome to Tartarus." Nico sighed.

Yeah, I know. Boring. But, hey, it gets better. See you next week!

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