Ch 19 Shadow, Fire, and a Werewolf call

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"The first thing we need," Nico said, "is shadow." Reyna nodded, and said "Can't we just use shadow cast by an object?" Nico shook his head, " I don't think that will cut it. It has to be controlled and manipulated into something. Here, lets dig a hole and put everything in it, okay?" Reyna nodded, "I'll dig the hole, you put the shadow in it." 

Reyna dug, alternating between using her sword and her hands. Nico tried to summon shadow. Tartarus had weakened him, and it was harder than usual to bend shadows to his will. After a few more tries, he finally managed to get some to bend toward him.

Reyna finished the hole, Nico bent the shadow, and after a few seconds, made it settle at the bottom. Nico looked up from it and said "One down, four more to go."

"Okay, the next thing we need is fire. I'm sure we can get that from the Plegathon." Nico said, walking over to the river as he spoke. He knelt down and cupped some in his hands, the fire scorching his skin. Wincing, he carried it over and poured it into the hole. The fire sizzled with the shadow, popped a few times, then was still.

"Good, okay, now we need ice." Nico said. "Ice? Here?" Reyna asked. Nico felt a twinge of panic. How can they find ice here? Then he remembered the Battle of Manhattan. When Kronos had tried to take over he had brought certain monsters with him. Thalia Grace had turned a giant into ice by cutting it's head off. "Reyna, do some monsters turn into ice when defeated?" He asked. She nodded, "Yeah, some. You should know one of them." She said with a smile.

Nico suddenly remembered that there are three types of Hellhounds: one is fire, one is shadow, and one is....

"I got it, I can call and Ice Hellhound." Nico said. "But it will take the two of us to defeat it." Reyna nodded, "So, how can you call it?"

Nico threw back his head and let out a cry unlike any other. It sounded like a cross between a wolf and a Sasquatch. It was fearsome, and sent shivers up Reyna's spine.

"If you did that in battle, they would all run." Reyna said, taking her hands off her ears. "Was that sarcastic?" Nico asked, arching an eyebrow. "No, seriously. It sounds like a werewolf." she said. Nico shrugged, and Reyna spoke after a moment. "So, what now?"

"Now we wait." said Nico. 

Sorry to keep you waiting on the update. If school was in, I would be able to update it earlier ( I think....) Oh, whatever. Until next time! Yo Yo. :)

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