CH 7 The Prophecy

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Did I mention that this chapter is okay? Its pretty good, I guess. I'm sorry, but I wasn't able to update at the beginning of the week because of Track and my Mom and Dad are always working. Enjoy this new chapter!!

Nico stared up at the stars. Ever since he had found the trail, he had been walking nonstop. Soon, he felt exhausted, but refused to stop looking. How long had he been walking? He checked his watch. It was 12 AM, midnight. He had started walking at sunset, 7 PM.

Five hours? How the heck was that five hours? It felt like twelve. Jeez, how long until another clue? He'd been walking this lonely road forever, not a single sign he was on the right track.

Just keep going, he thought. You'll find something sooner or later. 

Nico kept at it. Occasionally, he would find tire marks the same size and track as the ones he followed to the road. This would lighten his spirits, and drive him onward. Finally, some clues!

As he followed the light of the moon and stars, Nico realized that he was humming a song he had heard long ago.  He knew that song, where had he heard it? He could hardly remember the lyrics, but the beat was clear. A voice sang it in his head. A familiar voice, but he couldn't remember who's.

Dawn spread its golden wings over the horizon. Nico raised his face to the lightening sky. He'd been walking all night by nothing but starlight, and his feet hurt. He ignored his pain, and tried to push on. How had he gone on this long was a mystery. That mysterious song still rang in his ears, but he ignored it. He felt exhausted, like his legs would give out at any moment.

Nico stopped on the side of the road. He needed sleep. No point in finding Reyna if he died trying. As he curled up, that song still rang strong. The melody was soothing and comforting. He closed his eyes, letting sleep take him.

In his dreams, Nico found himself by a burning campfire. He looked and saw that he wasn't alone. Rachel Dare sat near him, her eyes reflecting the firelight. She seemed to be in some sort of trance. Nico got the instinct that she needed to say something.

Rachel's eyes fixed on him. A green aura surrounded her, and green smoke curled around her feet like snakes. She said something terrifying, enhanced by the sound of three of her speaking at once.

The queen taken must be found,

The hero flees from Rome proud.

Clues lead the way, their existence unknown.

And soon the queen may be alone.

The hero be struck by the sun above,

Betrayed by who he used to love.

Suddenly, the ground opened at Nico's feet, and he tumbled into darkness.

It took forever on that prophecy man. Don't complain its dumb or not as complicated/cool as Uncle Rick's. If I can't update next week I apologize, but I don't have access to a computer that often ( the school wifi never lets you on Wattpad. Its so annoying!!!)

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