Ch 29 Connection

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Nico rushed through the infirmary doors.  His heart raced like a jackhammer. Reyna was still here, still recovering from her injuries from the drakon. He needed to find her, now.

He ran through the seemingly endless halls. Nico's midnight eyes searched and scanned, where is she? Is Will still here? Is Will the only bad guy here? The questions buzzed around his head like a swarm of angry bees. He hoped that his last question wouldn't be answered.

Yet another dead end. Nico spun around. This infirmary is a labyrinth. How can he find Reyna?

Suddenly, he felt something. Nico stopped in his tracks. Something......something inside.... told him to turn around. He realized it was the connection, the one he had with Reyna from the shadow travel. Spinning around, he took off. 

Inspired, he took a left. Continuing down the new hall, he felt the connection grow stronger. She's here, she's close.

Nico found the room. Reyna was on the bed, asleep. Nico rushed to her side. "Reyna, get up!" Reyna's eyes opened, "Nico? What's wrong?" "No time to explain. We need to leave right now. Come on-"

Footsteps sounded behind him. Before he could react, a soft click sounded near his ear. Cold metal pressed against the back of his head. Reyna's eyes grew wide, and Nico froze. 

"Don't move," A deep voice filled Nico's ears, sending shivers down his spine. "Or I shoot."

Im going to post the next chapter tomorrow, instead of next week, because it's really short. 'Til then, enjoy the cliffhanger!

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