Ch 15 Fallen

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I'm sorry for all of the cliffhangers, I really am (not). Thanks for staying with me so far!

The darkness swallowed them whole. Nico gripped Reyna's hand tightly as they fell. The wind whipped around them, blowing in their hair, howling in their ears like a pack of wolves. The fall was insanely long. Nico held onto Reyna for dear life as she started to slip from his grasp.

Nico looked below, then saw it.

Tartarus came looming into view. Reyna gaped at it, while Nico felt a rush of terror. This place was all too familiar.

The Cocytus swirled below them, looking harmless enough. But Nico knew better. He screamed, "Hang on!" as they hit the surface.

Nico went under. He struggled, fighting for the surface. Voices filled his head, clouding his mind like a sinister fog.

You struggle in vain.

I struggle to survive, Nico told himself, trying to kick to the surface.

Life is pain, everything is pointless.

Nico felt Reyna's hand slip from his grasp. He tried to grab her hand again, but missed.

I am the son of Hades, I go where I wish. Nico chanted silently, diving towards Reyna. She was sinking fast. Nico grabbed her arm.

Everything is pointless.

Reyna opened her eyes and looked into his. She kicked towards the surface with him, hand in hand, determination shining in her eyes fiercely.

They broke the surface, gasping for breathe. Nico struggled to stay afloat and hold onto Reyna at the same time. If they lost each other....

Give up, it is better to die than to survive this place.

Nico shook his head, defiance and denial running through him. I have survived once, he thought, I will survive again.

Unsheathing her sword, Reyna plunged it into the sand on the shore. She hung on for dear life, crying out to Nico, "Come on!" Nico pushed on Reyna's back, pushing her out and onto the shore. She climbed up and offered him her hand.

Give up.

It was one last attempt to stop him. Yet, it almost had an effect on him. He was tempted to not grab Reyna's hand, to die. He knew what this place was like, why in the world would he want to live through it all again?

Then he looked into Reyna's eyes. He could see the fear there. He can't just leave her here to survive this alone. If he had to live, at least he could live to help her. He raised his chin, one last word of defiance entering his mind.


Nico grabbed onto Reyna's hand, and she pulled him out and onto the shore.

They both collapsed. Nico gasped in pain, wincing as the sharp glass dug into his skin. The sand was broken glass, just as he remembered it.

Nico looked at Reyna. She was picking glass out of her hand, wincing. At least she's alive, he thought. Reyna walked over and crouched next to him. "How do we get out? The Doors of Death are closed." Nico shrugged, "I don't know. Without the Doors of Death...."

Realization hit him like a ton of bricks. Despair and terror rushed through his blood. Nico looked at Reyna; she understood too. No Doors of Death, no escape, nowhere to go.

They were trapped.

I almost cried while writing this chapter. I hope you liked this one! I'll update next week!  I have a  Track meet  tomorrow!! Hey, maybe I can get a 6:50 mile or something! Wish me luck!

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