Chapter 9

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*Jessie's POV*

I check my makeup in the rear view mirror. God, I am so nervous. Zayn said nothing about the kiss yesterday, so I am completely lost on how things will go today.

Isaac climbs into the driver's seat. My phone buzzes in my lap.

1 new message

From Charlotte:

If you get pregnant, I am denying knowing you... But that would be one attractive baby XD

I laugh. Oh my, Charlotte.

Isaac glances at my phone and I shut it off. "What was so funny?" He asks.

"Nothing." I drop my phone on my lap.

Zayn lives almost 10 minutes away, leaving plenty of time for Isaac and I to not talk. Not that we are awkward around each other or totally hate each other. We just know that if we were to start a conversation, it would end up as an argument. About Zayn, sure, but also about music, air conditioning, windows, family, life, religion- anything we disagree on. So we have learned it is better to keep to ourselves if we are left alone.

We arrive at Zayn's house.

"Call me when you want me to pick you up," Isaac says. "I might answer."

"You're hilarious." I shut the car door and walk across the street. He was joking, right?

I knock on the door. I better not be the first one here. Anticipating the result if that were true makes my heart race.

Zayn opens the door and grins at me.

"Hey," I say as I walk through the door.

Holy shit. The house is amazing. The walls are painted a beautiful cardinal color. The house is adorned with cherry hardwood flooring. Many decorations, ranging from paintings on the wall to vases, complete the chic look of the house. All I can say is that his parents must have really been into interior design. I walk down a hall and find the living room and kitchen. Liam sits on a black sectional sofa. He picks up a cup of water off the dark brown coffee table. A flat screen TV softly plays music. To the left of the living room, Sarah sits at a bar in the kitchen. The entire house leaves me in shock.

A hand touches my shoulder and I jolt up.

"Excuse me," Zayn whispers. I am about to respond harshly, because he scared me, but then I see that I am blocking the entrance to the living room.

"Sorry," I say. "Your house is beautiful." I turn sideways so my back is to the wall. Zayn brushes past me and sits next to Liam on the couch.

I decide to sit next to Sarah in the kitchen, because, well maybe the thought of sitting with Zayn scares me at the moment.

The project is coming along nicely, considering the fact that we all started minutes ago. We decided to split a canvas into four squares and each represent a dream we have had in one of the boxes. The drawings will be very surrealistic, to match the style of the artist Salvador Dali. From what I see, Sarah had some dream where everything was candy. It is really colorful, and she is actually using the jellybeans Zayn and I had bought at the art store. Liam's is a painting of a boy walking through a city at night. Tall buildings bulge out at him, making the whole thing more cramped, and the windows form the shapes of creepy faces. My piece is a black and white drawing of a melting girl. Underneath her is the silhouette of a car crashed into a tree. The focus of it is the shading I use. Zayn's is really strange. It is a man on a boat in a river. Trees on the bank are a light shade of orange, like tangerine, and the sky is almost the consistency and color of marmalade. There are yellow and green cellophane flowers as tall as the trees, and rocking horses eating pies. (A/N: I pray someone got my Beatles reference.) It makes no sense to me. I plan on asking him about the dream he had. Once we put all of our pieces together, shapes in our drawings spell out "ARE YOU DREAMING?" that is completely hidden when the pieces are separate. If this all works out, it will be pretty cool.

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