Chapter 36

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I am in some club somewhere. I do not know where or care to know. I sit at the bar with an untouched drink on the table that Harry urged me to get. Music pounds through the room and shakes me to my bones. There are minutes until 2015.

Lights, confetti, and drunk people are everywhere. Harry asked me to come with him here this morning. Today is the first time we've seen each other after the holiday. Liam invited us, Harry had said. So far, I haven't even seen Liam. There are too many people here to find anyone.

Harry left me at the bar an hour ago to do something with his friends. I do not mind. I get sick when I see him. He told me earlier that Zayn was not invited. I made my eyes brighten up when he told me that, like it was good news, but inside I was disappointed. Zayn wasn't invited, so it did give me the ability to breathe knowing I could focus on only Harry. The problem is that after those few days Zayn and I spent together, my mind wanders more onto him than anything else. Especially when I am with Harry, Zayn runs through my mind, and I don't hate it. I encourage the thoughts of him.

I want him here, is the problem. I think about how I would be enjoying this party if Zayn was sitting next to me. If we were talking about things we like and things we hate and about our families and if we were joking around. I'd probably take the drink he would've told me to get, because I would've trusted his judgment on them. He wouldn't have left me to fend off drunk boys at the bar alone. We would have fun, and maybe I would've kissed him at midnight.

Pain runs through me. Maybe I would've kissed him, if he wouldn't fucking pull away.

That day that he spilled his life out to me will not leave me alone. I still do not understand why he wouldn't let me kiss him then, but every other time he was willing and ready. It gives me stress that I do not want to have. I sip the drink Harry ordered me. And it makes me cringe. I push it back on the table.

I force Zayn out of my mind. All I do is compare him with Harry when I let him into my thoughts, and I shouldn't allow myself to do that this night.

The new year is less than five minutes away. I figure I need to find Harry now. I hop off the stool and leave my drink at the bar for someone to hopefully take. I spend a second trying to see into the crowds, but I know the only way to find him is to go into it myself. Hesitantly, I move toward the major group of people that I wouldn't doubt Harry to be in.

I push through the sea of sweaty bodies for some time before I realize trying to find him in this mess is hopeless. I sigh as I get pushed around by people dancing. I decide to return to my seat at the bar, if it isn't stolen by the time I get back. I push myself around, and someone runs into my back. I get shoved to the floor. I quickly get up and dust myself off before I am trampled. God, some people at these parties are so careless. "Excuse me," I sass to the person who knocked me over.

"Watch where you're going," the man says in his raspy voice. I whip my head around at the familiar sound, and my breath hitches as I see it is Harry. He is wearing bright sparkly green "2015" glasses and has confetti in his hair and on his clothes. His look of frustration diminishes when he realizes who I am. "I'm sorry," he says, and he tries to help stabilize me although I already am.

I frown. "It's okay."

He smiles down at me while I try to decide if I am happy I bumped into him or not. Harry starts to notices that we are getting shoved around by the people surrounding us. He throws his glasses off of his face and grabs my hand.

He gently pulls me, and I hesitate. "Come on," he says. I squint up at him, and he nudges me on with a small smile. I comply, and he begins to pull me away from the crowds.

He takes me to a quieter corner by the end of the bar. It is nicely isolated from the rest of the room. The music is not so loud here, and people aren't coming by every second. I can easily imagine what he is trying to accomplish by leading me here. Harry puts his hands on my hips and spins me around to face him. He backs me against the wall and moves closer until his chest touches mine. His body guards me from the commotion of the party happening feet away. "Are you having fun?" he asks with his silly smile.

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