Chapter 17

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After that tree-climbing date, Harry took me to my car at the restaurant. We said goodbye, he kissed me again, I went home.

After that, we went on a lot of dates. He is so creative with them, too. One time he took me to a drive-in movie. I cannot say I remember much of what the movie was about... Another time we were bickering about who was a better driver, so he set up a date for us to go to the fair and ride bumper cars all night. We still fight about who is better, though.

I gave up on trying to find out where I know Harry from. It is pointless; he does not remember me either, and I doubt it will affect our relationship.

We have been dating for a little less than two months now. He wants to take me out to meet his best friend and his girlfriend. We are going out for lunch.

The two of us sit in his car outside of my house. Harry just picked me up and is calling his friend to confirm our meetup.

"Hey, so my girlfriend and I are just about ready to leave," he says on the phone.

Holy Jesus. Girlfriend? Did he just? He called me what? I can hear his friend on the phone saying "so she's your girlfriend now," which is exactly how I feel.

Harry continues to smirk at me throughout the rest of the phone conversation, looking so smug or cocky, even. Like he thinks he knows I have been waiting for him to call me that. That hardly works for him, though. His smile is too cute. I poke his dimple while he is trying to speak. He tries to shoo my hand away, which does not work, so he eventually ends up grabbing it and holding it down.

"Alright, bye," he says to his friend, and hangs up the phone. He lets go of my hand.

"Girlfriend?" I ask, wide eyed and a little mentally blurred by it all. I try to sound annoyed by it, too, which is not true at all.

"I mean, we have been dating for a while now. You can't pretend to be mad," he says. I do not answer. His over-confident façade retreats, along with his stupid smile. "You aren't mad, right?" He seems to be holding his breath, like he is nervous that he is wrong.

Funny. I have actually been hoping for this. "No, I'm not," I smile.

He relaxes. He leans in to me and leaves a sweet kiss on my lips. All I can say is that that car ride hit so many different emotions for me. Joy, excitement. Anxiousness. A bit of awkwardness.


We walk in to the restaurant together.

Harry talks to the receptionist, and she leads us to the table where a young couple is sitting. They both stand up.

"Hey Louis, Eleanor," Harry happily says to them.

"Hi Harry," Eleanor says, and she gives him a light hug.

Louis and Harry do one of those stupid guy-handshake-hug things.

"This is my girlfriend, Jessie," Harry introduces me. The way he says girlfriend is uneasily. It is still foreign for us. But it still makes my cheeks flush, my body tingle. I love it.

The girl steps over to me. "I'm Eleanor. It's nice to meet you," she smiles. She seems so sweet already. I go in for a handshake, but she hugs me.

Louis moves over to me next. "It's nice to finally meet you," he says. Finally? Apparently Harry has been talking about me more than I have guessed. "Come here." He grabs me and lifts me in a hug, and I start to giggle uncontrollably.

"You can put her down now," Harry says. He is shuffling around trying to make sure Louis does not accidentally kill me. Louis places me on the ground softly, and I take a step back.

All is Fair: Zayn Malik FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now