One Direction imagine ♡ Zayn:

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Summary: AU where Zayn is a skater, who skates into a girl's life, teaches her to live more, to break rules, and now? To let go.His fingers drummed against some skin, hands sneaking under the fabric, wanting to escalate higher and higher. Our tongues danced with each other as I hovered over him, the mattress screeching under our weight. His stubble tickled me as I continued to kiss him, not wanting to lose the moment because the second the clock struck four o' six, Mom was going to come in and find us. His rough hands rubbed circles on the slender back of mine as we made out, Linkin Park's song "What I've Done" hung, soft and low, in the background."Mmm," he mumbled, disconnecting from our searing kiss, "this is kind This sure is making the whole 'going slow' thing harder than it looks...""We can do it, babe," I smiled, rubbing the lobe of his ear, "well...I can at least.""Now come on, I can do it, too. It's gonna be a lot harder for me, but I can do it," he claimed, his hands holding me on the waist. The contact was burning me, urging me to crawl in a hole with him and live there forever-have him whenever and wherever I wanted."I don't think it can be much harder thanthat," I laughed, gaze trained on the tent forming under his cargos. He chuckled to himself, knowing he would have to excuse himself to the restroom to relieve himself later. He was used to having sex whenever he wanted, but he took a chance with me, told me I was worth the wait."So," he sighed, "the skate contest is in another week, and I will need a date to the skaters' bash at the beach when our team wins.""Hmm," I mumbled, "I might have to think about it...I mean, I have to check the calendar to see who else I might have a date with." His brows knit together, waiting to hear me emit a soft laugh, and when he did he shook his head, lolling it to the side for making him jealous for a second too long. Leaning forward to reward him with a kiss, our attentions diverted when we heard the click of the He focused his stare on me, his hands no longer resting on me. "Babe, is that-""Sweetheart!" a voice wavered from downstairs. "Mom is home! Oh, and get dressed! I ran into Mrs. Horan at the store this evening, and she wants us to come over for dinner! Niall is going to be there! How exciting, right?""Niall Horan?" Zayn barked, voice almost inaudible. "Babe, I thought I told him to back the fuck off! I am going to-""Sweetheart, heard me?" Mom asked, ensuring tonight's events were clear to me. The sound of her feet marching against the staircase, I jumped off Zayn, rushing him into the closet."If Niall thinks he is even allowed to look at-""Shush, babe! Just shush, alright? I will figure it out right now! Just...just be quiet, alright? Do not move an inch! If Mom even hears a breath, we are both dead," I ordered, loud enough for him to hear, but not Mom outside the door. As soon as I shut the door, Mom knocked the door, and I straightened the wrinkles on the T-shirt I was wearing. I sat on the bed, looking as "casual" as ever and said, "Come in!" The door extended, and Mom invited herself inside, closing the door behind her. "Heard me, sweetheart? Mrs. Horan invited us over for dinner, and word on the street is Niall Horan is interested in a certain someone I know!" She winked, nudging me with an elbow. I groaned, walking toward the radio to turn off the music blaring from it. "Oh, come on, be abit more excited than that! Niall is such a sweet child! Kind, handsome-""And rich, just admit it, Mom," I muttered."Sure, rich," she shrugged, "but there is a lot more to Niall Horan. I am sure he is a lot more sweet and wholesome than that-what is his name again?""Zayn," I grunted. "His name is Zayn." Though I could not see him, I knew he was in the closet, clenching his jaw and balling his fists in anger, wanting to tear me from her and kiss me until the rage vanished."Whatever his name is," she cackled, nose in the air, "besides, he is old news, right?" When I did not answer, the curves from her smile straightened into a taut line, saddened with the thought of me still lingering onto him. She sighed, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. Realizing his Vans hat was next to me, I scooted it under the duvet, afraid she might notice it, too. I made a mental note to not take his hats off during our makeout sessions. "Listen, sweetheart," she began, voice feigning concern, "Zayn Malik is bad news. The other mothers from school told me about him-told me about his run-ins with the law at school-his graffiti and violent behavior! Besides, what more does he care about aside from his tattoos and roller-skates and- Skateboard," I corrected her, voice stern and firm."Skateboard," she hissed, "and smoking those darn cigarettes. Listen to me, sweetheart. Niall will be a much better catch. He's good-looking and-""Zayn is good-looking," I argued, crossing arms. Sometimes, I would have to restrain from touching him-from holding his hands or kissing his mouth. He could have been a model if he wanted to."I mean, sure, if he shaved a bit and quit wearing such vulgar T-shirts! I cannot believe his mother would even let him out the house looking like that!" Trisha was a sweetest woman I've ever met-much better than the woman who raised me. She was genuine, taught Zayn to do whatever he wanted in life, told him it was alright to be carefree, to want to skate and live with little to no rules...and then he taught me the same. I heard movement from the closet, knowing he wanted to jab his fist into the wall hearing her insult him, degrade him in front of me. For so long, he fought just for me to agree on a date with him, and for her to shred him into bits was hurting his ego, and though he might not admit it-breaking his heart. Mom scooted toward me, tucking a tendril of hair behind an ear of mine. "Think about it like this, sweetie-in a few more months, you are going to Massachusetts for college, right? Is Zayn going to follow along? Is he even going to college?""He...he wants to go to Massachusetts with me...and we're going to rent a flat together," I mumbled, knowing she would never allow it."Excuse me?" she retorted. "No, no, no! If your father were here, he would notstand for this!" "No, if Dad were here, he would tell me to do what I want-to follow the dreams I have! Not tear them down and force some bullshit dream into me like someone else I know!""Watch the language!" she hissed. I never cursed until I started dating Zayn behind Mom's back. I was hooked on him-whatever he did, I did, too. "And for God's sake, let him go! Zayn cares about nothing but skateboards and cigarettes and word on the street is he's a serial cheater! I heard he cheated on the Edwards' daughter with some other girl on the street. I will not stand for my daughter to be the next whore on his award wall.""Mom!" I shouted, not wanting to hear her bash him with some rumors she heard from the street again. Before I could calculate a tear was gushing out, some water leaked out, a tear streaking across a cheek. I tried not to sniffle or else Zayn would crash out of the closet to heal me, hold me until those tears were gone. "Fine, fine! Just...just get out of here! I will get dressed, see Niall tonight, but just...just get out of here!" She sighed, satisfaction gleaming across her features."It's settled then," she beamed, rising off the mattress and sauntering toward the door. Turning to leave, she caught one final glimpse of me and added, "This will be worth it, the long run, alright?"I nodded, dismissing her out the room. When we heard the click of the door, Zayn rushed out of the closet, kneeling before me, his massive hands grabbing the broken face of mine. Holding his hands in mine, head shaking, I croaked, "Babe, I didn't want to, but she was being an asshole, and I wanted her to shut it, so I said alright, and I don't want Niall! No one makes me feel like this, but you...and I feel so dumb right now, babe, I-""I know, I know, shush, no more tears, alright?" he comforted me, erasing those tears with his thumbs."I won't kiss him, alright? Not even if she makes me, I won't kiss him. I don't want to kiss him!" I shouted. I know, I know," he said again, "and I can't even live with the thought of him kissing this mouth." His thumb traced my bottom lip, the taste of salt lingered on there. "It's mine," he breathed. "All mine..." He leaned in, giving me a soft, long kiss, the salt from tears mixing with his drugging taste. He was a mix of weed, cigarettes, and some mints he chewed on earlier. He was a forbidden drug, and me being me, I wanted more-so much more I could not even control the urge. When our mouths disconnected, I noticed his tanned hands fisting the sheets under us to control himself from punching a wall, from losing himself to anger."I-I don't know what to do," I sniffled, looking into those rings of coffee in his eyes. I remembered waking to them the first night he snuck into the house and cuddled with me, I remembered looking into them the first time he took me on a "romantic" date, I remembered searching for the love in them when he bandaged me after I fell off his skateboard and finding it."There's not much we can do," he answered. "Just...just don't fall for his charm, alright? I know those Irishmen are notorious for wooing women off their feet, but just...remember me." I could feel his heart slowing down, not understanding this, not understanding the reasons Mom hated him so much."I would never choose him over this," I said, grabbing his hand and setting it over the left side of my chest. He stared at his hand, unsure what I meant. "Hear that? It's not for Niall, it's for the man in front of me right now..." His gaze switched between his hand and me over and over until it fixated on me in the end. "Babe..." he started, "what we have is soimportant to me. Fuck, it's the best thingto ever happen to me. And the other mates on the team make fun of me all the time because I'm so tangled in this, but...we should let go." A breath released out of me when I heard the words, and tears were racing down faster until he added, "just for now, alright? For a few more months...""No, Zayn," I argued, "I can't! I can't, I can't, I can't!" I was shaking fists into his chest, fighting him, letting him know I could not breathe without him. He caught those fists, urging me to relax and calm down, but I refused."Listen, listen..." he coaxed. "Just for now, alright? And afterward, meet me in Massachusetts, and we can bewhomever we want. We can be together, we can kiss and makeout each night, and hell, we can even make love if we're game for that, alright? I...I just want this to be easier for the both of us, and I know it's going to be hard, but it's going to be in our best interests, also. Understand? God, babe, I can't wait to have our own flat, waking to this beautiful face, kissing it whenever I want, and just...being alone, but we have to wait, alright?"I sniffled, kissing his soft nose. "Alright," I forced out, "but...don't...don't find another girl and forget about me, alright?""I could never," he admitted, kissing me on the forehead. "I might have to wait...but it's going to be worth it, babe." Before he turned to the window to sneak out, he kissed me one final time on the mouth, a kiss more slow and deliberate than usual. When he tossed one leg over the windowsill, I noticed his hat still under the duvet."Wait, babe, this hat!" I shouted, rushing toward him with the hat extended.He forced a smile and adjusted the hat on me instead. "Keep it," he chuckled, "to remember me..."His last words to me must have been a joke because there was no chance in hell I could ever forget Zayn Malik. -

One Direction imagine/preferences #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now