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Liam decided to take you out with the boys, at first you tried to object but in the end you gave in. It was fun, up until the boys were getting tipsy and funny. Them being funny isn't a bad thing, it's just that, you're insecure about your laugh. You are forced to try hold in your laughs as the boys goof off doing things that were really funny. You were sitting but you were looking down holding back your laughs. "What's wrong y/n?" Liam asks noticing, "nothing why?" "you don't seem happy" "oh no I'm fine" "are you sure you haven't smiled or even laughed once." liam replies and you look down. "Oh I get it" Liam sighs. "I don't know why you're insecure about your laugh, I mean I thin it is one of the most adorable thing. I love it when you laugh it is so cute." Liam whispers, but you didn't agree. "If it makes you feel any better I sound like a sea lion when I laugh." Liam says to brighten your moon, you smile, "but my laugh is horrible" "no it isn't, I like it, I love it, it makes you who you are." "but-" "but you're insecure about it, but there is no reason to be, we all have insecurities and without them, we wouldn't be how or even who we are. I don't like how my biceps aren't as big as others but the ones I have make me, me." "That's a real bad example because your biceps are big." "I don't think so, just like you don't think your laugh is cute like I do." "that's different." "no it isn't, it's exacty the same." Liam smiles pecking your lips, "now smile, and laughs because you are adorable and your laugh makes you, you." Liam instructs making you feel a little bit better.

One Direction imagine/preferences #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now