Almost is Never Enough "Niall"

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As a part of a movie soundtrack, you and Niall were chosen to duet a song that would play during one of the more intimate parts of the movie plot. There was a little apprehension about going into this with your ex-boyfriend, but there was nothing you could do as the producers made their thought final. It was opening night of the movie and you were asked to perform the song on the red carpet before the movie. Niall was to play the guitar as you both sit on stools singing your hearts out. Unfortunately, the situation required a lot of time spent with Niall, something you wouldn't of complained about if this was 3 months ago. But as the time you spent together grew, you actually became quite good friends, earning one another's trust. Niall had been put on vocal rest the night before the performance, and knowing how he was, you'd have to calm his nerves a million times before performing. "Don't worry Y/N, I practiced the chords all night, and I know my whole part!" He ranted before you two walked on the small, dimly lit and intimate stage. "Niall, I know," you chuckled, "You've told me a million times today...and yesterday." You laughed, remembering the hundreds of messages he'd sent you. "Almost ready?" The stage manager called. You both only nodded walking toward the steps. "Niall, calm down. You'll be amazing, you always are." You said having noticed his heavy breathing. "Thanks Princess-ah, I meant Y/N." His comment threw you off a bit, but no later were you called to stage sitting on the stools. The lights dimmed a bit more and Niall began strumming. It sounded so beautifully, even you had to admit he had looked amazing while playing and singing. The fans who attended were swaying back and forth soaking one of the most intimate songs ever to be sung by their idols. "But almost is never enough," you both finished the song perfectly and the crown began roaring. Standing up, you took a bow and hugged Niall. "See, I told you! You did amazing Niall." You whispered into his hear. "No, Y/N, we did amazing, they loved us together.." He began but you soon cut him off with a kiss on the lips, it was an act on impulse, you felt like you couldn't control yourself. The crowd erupted into even louder chants. When you pulled away, you saw a slight blush appear on Niall's face, "Sorry," you mumbled rushing off the stage and into the small dressing room they made fro you both. "Y/N! Y/N! Wait.." Niall called after you. Finally catching up, he breathed out, "Don't apologize." "But we broke up-" "Shh, doing that song with you was one of the best things in my life. I felt something up there with you, and I know for a fact there is no way in hell you didn't feel it too."

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