Your wedding note*zayn*

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You and Zayn have been waiting so long for this day to come, and its finally here. Your wedding dress has been sitting out waiting for you to wear it. Today is the day. No more waiting! Trish Zayn's mum walks in and helps you put on your dress, along with Zayn's sisters. Your Mum is by your side too doing your hair while Trish is putting on your make up and getting you all more beautiful than you already are. "Zayn is so nervous. He can't wait to marry you." Trish tells you, "I've been waiting for this for so long" you tell her. "Mama, I love you" you say to your mum. Your mum looks at you and says "I love you Princess". You stand up and look in the mirror with your Mum standing right beside you holding you. "Thank you Mum" you tell her "For what sweetheart?" she replies. "For being there every step of the way. You are incredible" your mum kisses your cheek and says "You're so welcome sweetheart. I'm glad to have guide you this far. And I'm still going to be here for you when you need me" Its time now. From the minute Zayn proposed to you, you couldn't wait for this day. It's here now! It's finally here! You meet your Dad there and he puts a flower in your hair. You and Zayn are getting married at a beautiful hotel. You are walking down the aisle now. You are staring at your feet saying "Left foot, right foot" your Dad tells you to look up and you were standing right infront of Zayn. He couldn't believe his eyes. You were so beautiful. You take Zayn's and this is where is all begins. "You may now kiss the Bride" Zayn grabs your face and you put your hands on his and both kiss each other. You turn around "It is with great honour to present to you Mr and Mrs Zayn Malik" Zayn picks you up Bridal style and takes you down the aisle. He puts you down at the end and you both kiss again. And run off to the car. You reach your reception, Zayn is kissing your cheek as you both walk in. The boys were cheering you both on. Your couples dance came up. Zayn was waiting on the dance floor and holds his hand out. You walk over to him grab his hand and he gives you alittle twirl and you both start dancing to "I Miss You" by Blink 182. Zayn whispers in your ear "I can't wait til tonight" You give him a little slap and continue to dance. Your head is resting up against his chest and hes head is resting on your head. As you both dance and everyone watches.

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