Your wedding note *liam*

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You were sitting in a seat letting Liam's sisters Nicola and Ruth do your hair and make up. You get up to check yourself up. You put your hand over your mouth and smile. They did a fantastic job! You were gorgeous! You quickly put your dress on and you just felt like a model. Liam's mother Karen walks in with your mum and takes a look at you and just smiles and puts both hands on her mouth she walks over to you with your arms out and hugs you. "You look like a Princess!" she says to you. You smile at her and thank her. Niall is running upstairs to your room. He stops and looks at you and just says "Wow!" you smile cause you feel Wow! Zayn is not far behind and he stops and looks. Two positive reactions from gorgeous boys? Bonus!! You were being called so you make your way down. Your wedding was at a beautiful Japanese garden. You link arms with your Dad and say to him "I love you Daddy. I will always belong to you" he smiles and says "I love you so much sweetheart. Liam is a great lad, its time for me to let go of my baby girl" You almost cry but you can so you just hug your Dad. Hes guiding you down the aisle now. One step after the other. You see Liam hold his hand out for you. You grab Liam's hand and let go of your Dad's. You wanted to cry both of happiness and sadness. Liam looks at you and immediately says "You are so beautiful (Y/N)" you smile at him and continue with the ceremony. "Liam, you may now kiss your bride" Liam smiles and holds both of your hands, leans in and kisses you softly. "Ladies and Gentleman I introduce to you Mr and Mrs Liam Payne!" you wave at your Mum and Dad. You are no longer under their name anymore. Liam is smiling so big holding your hand as you walk at the aisle. Your reception was on a beautiful deck right near a beach. Everyone is waiting for the Bride and the Groom, you too finally walk in and a few people came up to hug you. Its now for your couples dance. Liam stands up from his chair leans over and offers you his hand. You grab his hand and leads you to the dance floor. You both dance to "Fix You" by Coldplay. The moment was perfect. You were both dancing under the stars. Near the ocean. Liam leans in for a kiss and you wrap your arms around his neck.

One Direction imagine/preferences #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now