That's who he is

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Juni's P.O.V.

After my body was pushed up against the guy with a beautiful deep voice, I couldn't shake the feeling that I know that voice from somewhere. The bell rang saying that first period is starting. Great. English with Mrs. Dunlap. What kind of person's last name is Dunlap. She's way too happy. It's annoying. I rushed to English and sat in my seat in the middle of the back row. I scanned the class room to see if the teacher was here yet when, I saw him. I noticed that he had electric blue eyes. he was only a couple seats away from me. he was in the row in front of me. I noticed he was talking to someone. Must be one of his friends. I was so mesmerized by his eyes and the fact that his jet black hair fell perfectly onto his face, that I didn't notice Mrs. Dunlap walk in the class with a pile of graded tests in her arm.

"Good Morning Class!" Mrs. Dunlap said enthusiastically. Great. She's gonna brag about how someone got a perfect score on that stupid test. I was sure that I flunked it.

"Good Morning Mrs. Dunlap." The class said flatly. We were all too tired to be here.

'I'm happy to say that everyone did exceptionally well on last week's test. There were however two students who got a perfect score on their test." Geez. She's too peppy. I thought to myself. 

"They are Andrew Biersack and Juniper Pitts!" She excitedly said. Everyone's heads turned to look at me and Andrew. I looked and Andrew. My face was going hot because of all the attention. Andrew gave me a smile and I blushed. He had such a perfect smile. I had no idea that he was staring into my golden caramel tinted eyes. And before I knew it class was over. The bell was signaling that second period is about to start. just as I was about to leave, Andrew pulled me aside.

"Hey. Juniper right?" He said running his hand through his hair.

"Yea. Just call me Juni." I said smiling.

"The name's Andrew. But call me Andy." He returned the smile.

"I figured." I said slightly laughing.

"Sorry for running into you earlier. I was pissed and didn't see you." Andy looked down at his feet.

"No worries. Shit happens. What class do you next?" I lifted his head up.

"Umm..." He pulled out his schedule.


"Can I see your schedule?" I asked as he handed it to me. I scanned it. We had the same schedule today.

"Your schedule is the same as mine." I smiled as I handed him the paper back.

"Cool. Wanna walk together?" he said while grabbing my hand.

"Sure."I said blushing. He had such warm, soft hands.

"Batman fan?" Andy saw my shirt and shoes.

"Who doesn't Love Batman? He's fucking Amazing!" I was practically jumping with joy.

"I think we just became best friends!" Andy said laughing.

"We sure did." I started to laugh too.

"I know. Hey can I ask you something?" he sounded a little nervous.

"Ask away Andy." I said looking him in the eye.

"Do you wanna hang out after school tomorrow and watch my band practice?"

"Sure. You're in a band? That's cool." I didn't know he was in a band.

"Sure am. We practice just about every day."  He started smiling when he answered my question.

The rest of today went on with me and Andy babbling on about things like what music we like, Batman, how we are both outcasts, and how he's a giraffe with gazelle legs. We sat next to each other in Math and history. He's my lab partner in Science. I'm so happy I have someone to talk to in school. I know I have Sammi but it's going to be a few weeks before I see her. I was just about to walk home when Andy thought it would be good idea to sneak up on me and scare me.

"BOO!" Andy yelled while picking me up.

"AAHH! ANDY PUT ME DOWN!" I couldn't stop laughing as I screamed.

"NEVER!!!" Andy started running to his car while carrying me bridal style.

"Fine. You win this round Biersack." I gave my fake pouty face while wrapping my arms around his neck so I don’t fall.

"Andy!" I heard someone call out. I noticed someone standing next to Andy's car.

"Purdy!" Andy said while putting me down and giving 'Purdy' a man hug.

"Hello my name is Ashley. And can I say you look hot." So his name is Ashley. Oh god. He's one of those guys. I smirked and rolled my eyes. I looked at my phone. I noticed that it was 3:49.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breathe. My dad was going to kill me.

"Is everything okay?" Andy's voice was full of concern.

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