Behind Closed Doors

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*Sammi's POV*

We drove off to the mall while Jinxx and the boys talked. Juni is so oblivious sometimes. She doesn't have the slightest suspicion that their being a bit sneaky.

"So where should we go first?" Juni asked while we walked into the mall.

"Let's check the directory and see if there's a Hot Topic." We found the directory and saw that Hot Topic was on the left. We went there and bought some shirt, jewelry, belts and jeans. After that we roamed the mall and went into random dress shops and got kicked out of two by old lady managers for being 'disruptive and childish.' Their just mad because they probably haven't gotten laid in 10 years. Juni was having so much fun. She didn't notice that her bracelets weren't covering her scars. I don't think she really cared though. But what I don't understand why she didn't call or text me about her dad or anything. We headed to the food court to get lunch. I think this would be the best time for me to ask. We weren't paying attention and accidentally ran into some guy.

"Shit. I'm sorry we weren't looking. Are you okay?" I pulled Juni up as I looked at the guy. He looked about 18. He had dark brown hair. He wore a grey beanie, skinnys and a plain white shirt.

"No problem. I'm fine. The name's Kellin Quinn. Just call me Kellin."

"I'm Sammi and this is Juni." I pointed to Juni. She waved and smiled.

"You guys look new. I haven't seen you around."

"I just moved here. Juni hasn't really gone shopping that much. She's been here longer than me though. You?"

"I lived in the next city over for as long as I can remember." Kellin chuckled.

"Nice. Wanna get lunch with us?" Juni asked looking at all the places we could get food from.

"Sure. Want Chinese? I'm buying. No buts."

"Sure. You really don't have to pay we can buy our own food."

"No it's fine. You guys seem really nice." Kellin ordered our food and payed. We sat down and started talking about school and music. He's really nice. He said that he's actually dating someone but it's not really working out. Juni told Kellin about her and Andy. I told him about Jinxx but I used Jinxx's real name so he wouldn't get lost. Kellin looked at his phone.

"Well I gotta go. My parents are gonna bitch flip if I don't get home soon."

"Let me see your phone before you go." Kellin handed me his phone and I put my number in his phone. Juni did the same. I handed Kellin his phone.

"Here you go." I smiled. He looked at his phone and typed something. My phone went off at the same time as Juni's. I got a text from Kellin.

Thanks for the numbers pretty. ;) Catch ya later. ~ KellinQuinn

"No problem. You're not bad looking yourself." I winked and Kellin took off.

"Sammikinz, can we go home I'm getting bored of the mall." Juni whined and threw her trash away with mine.

"Sure. We just need to stop at a convenience store to buy some monsters and popcorn for tonight."

"Alright." We left the mall and stopped at the first convenience store we saw. I grabbed what I needed and payed for it. Juni grabbed a Monster and we left the store. I saw a bar and shrugged it off. I had no idea that two drunken guys would come out yelling and head to a car. Juni froze.

"Sammi, what's today?" I looked at my phone. Shit. Today was the day Juni's mom died.

"Ummm... the twenty seventh... err… Why?" I wasn't sure what was going to happen next.

Juni dropped her Monster and fell to the floor. I looked at the guys and saw them drive off. Fuck.

"Juni!!" I picked Juni up and dragged her to the car with the bag of food in my hand. I laid her in the backseat of the car and called Jinxx. It was ringing I was begging for him to pick up.

"Hello?" Jinxx answered thank god.

"Jinxx thank god you answered." I noticed tears were forming in my eyes.

"Sammi. What's wrong?"

"It's Juni."

"What about Juni?"

"I'm not that sure. She saw something and then she froze and now she won't answer anyone. Jinxx I'm scared." I was crying.

"Get back to Ashley's now!" Jinxx hung up and I sped off to Ashley's. We got there in a matter of minutes. They guys were already outside waiting for us. Jake and Jinxx looked like they saw a ghost. CC, Ashley, and Andy were in shock. Jinxx ran to the car and grabbed Juni.

"Jake get inside now! No Buts. Just do it." Ashley went inside with Jake. Jake was starting to shake and mumble a lot. Andy saw Juni's pale body and took her from Jinxx.

"What happened?" Jinxx looked at me as we entered Ashley's living room. Andy laid Juni down o the couch and kneeled next to her. CC was with Ashley and Jake in the kitchen.

"We got popcorn and Monster for later. There was a bar next door. It didn't dawn on me that Juni would see two drunken guys leave and get into a car and drive off. And today well made it worse. Umm it's that day Jinxx. Her mom died today. Does Jake know about today?" I had tears streaming down my cheek.

"If only I had thought it through she wouldn't be in this state!" this was all my fault. I should have taken into account that bars had drunk people coming in and out of them.

Jake kept yelling, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH JUNI?? LET ME SEE HER!" Ashley and CC held him back as Jake frantically jumped and shoved to see Juni.

"It's not your fault." Jinxx pulled me close and wiped my tears. Andy kept trying to get Juni to wake up. I pushed Andy aside and sat next to Juni. She was in a way, dreaming or zoning out. Whatever you want to call it. The drunken guys triggered her and made her remember the crash. So basically she's zoning out and dreaming at the same time. there's a medical term for it, i just can't think of it right now.

"Juni. Please wake up. Snap out of it. Your home. Look Andy's here. Juni please SNAP OUT OF IT!" I collapsed and started sobbing. I heard Jake break through Ashley and CC's human barrier and he just stopped in his tracks.

"Jake it's time. Right now I think you're the only one who can get her to snap out of this. She's zoned out. She's triggered because she saw the drunks and remembered the crash. And today only added to the trigger."

"Shit. That's today. Fuck." Jake face palmed himself. He walked over to Juni and sat on the couch and cradled Juni.

"Juniper. Snap out of this. Wake up. It's me Jay Jay. Jacklepuff. Please wake up Junipie. I miss you." Jake had tears streaming down his face. He held Juni closer. After about 5 minutes, Juni snapped out of trance and looked around. She was so scared. She started shaking badly.

"Who the fuck are you?" Juni looked at Jake.

"Jake. Jacob. Jay Jay. Jacklepuff. You're older brother." Juni shook her head. She got up and ran off to somewhere in the house. I heard a door slam shut.

"Fuck." I murmured. Everyone looked at me.

"Where'd she go and why did you say 'Fuck'?" CC looked at me.

"She slammed a door shut. We need to find her now. She's about to do it. Ash please don't tell me you have anti depressant or sleeping pills in your house." Ashley's eyes widened.

"Shit. I have sleeping pills in my bathroom. I only use them when I cannot sleep."

"Fuck. Don't just sit around. FIND JUNI!!" I screamed and everyone scrambled to find her. I hope we aren't too late.

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