Dreams That Feel All Too Real

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*Jinxx's POV*

I fell asleep and Jake going over the edge flooded my thoughts.


I called Jake 20 times and constantly texted him. He wouldn't answer.

"Guys, have you heard from Jake? He won't answer my texts or my calls. I'm scared." I had worry dripping off each word I said.

"No. He won't pick up. Wait. Can you track his phone?" CC looked at me with wide eyes. That idea might work.

"I can try. I had a mini tracker on his phone when things started going downhill." Ashley pulled up his computer and did his thing.

"You are a genius Ash." I rushed to his side in hopes of finding Jake before it was too late.

"There! By the lake." Andy pointed to the screen.

"Gummy is Jake okay?" Sammi had tears sliding down her cheeks. I wiped them away.

"I hope so sweetie. I hope." I pulled Sammi close to me.

"LET'S GO NOW!" I yelled to the guys as I carried Sammi to my car. We all squished into my car and sped off to the lake.

"Jake please be okay." I mumbled as we got close to the parking lot. I stopped the car in the middle of the lot and jumped out.

"Andy and Ash go to the Lake house. I'll take CC and Sammi and check around the lake. Use these for contact. Channel 6." I tossed them walkie talkies and headed off to the lake. We searched every part of the lake. CC went into the lake to see if Jake jumped in. Nothing. Where could Jake be?

"JINXX WE FOUND HIM!" Ashley yelled over the walkie.

"Where are you?"

"The lake house second floor by the tall oak. Hurry" Andy said smoothly.

Jake please don't be gone.

"I'm coming."

"SAMMI, CC, THEY FOUND HIM!" I yelled to CC and Sammi who were by the lake.

They ran with me to the lake house.

I got into the room where Ashley and Andy were. Jake was covered in blood and lay limp on the floor. He looked cold. Jake's arms were covered in deep cuts.

"Sammi stay here. Don't come in.CC get over here." I rushed to Jake in hopes that he was alive. I saw him breathing very slow and shallow.

"Jake please don't die. JAKE wake up!" I shook him. His eyes opened slowly.

"I'm sorry Jinxx. I love you guys."

"Jake stay here. DO NOT CLOSE YOUR EYES! CALL 911!" CC called and I looked at Jake while I cried. I heard Sammi walk in. I looked back and she fell to the floor. Ashley went over to hold her. I was covered in my best friend's blood. And he was dying in my arms.

"Andy give me your shirt. Rip it up length wise." Andy did and he handed me the strips of shirts. I heard the faint sounds of sirens. I tied the pieces of cloth to Jake's arms in hopes to save him. The paramedics rushed in and put Jake on a stretcher .I followed them. I hopped in the back of the ambulance and tossed Andy my keys.

"Follow us." Andy nodded and squished everyone in my car. The doors of the ambulance shut. I looked back at Jake. His breathing slowed down even more. He opened his eyes and looked at me. He held my hand.

"Jinxx. I'm not gonna make it. Thanks for being there for me. I wish Juni didn't have to find out this way. The pain got the best of me. Make sure Trixy gets her walks in. And that Ashley doesn't get with my sister. Andy has my blessing to be with Juni. But if he hurts her I will haunt him every day for the rest of his life." Jake chuckled slightly and shut his eyes.

"SAVE HIM!" I started crying. My best friend was dying. Within 10 minutes we reached the hospital. Jake was rushed to surgery.

We waited for 3 hours when the doctor came in.

"Jacob Pitts." I stood up.

"I'm sorry to say this but Jacob has passed. He lost a great amount of blood and we just couldn't give him enough. He had created a large and deep vertical cut. I'm extremely sorry for your loss. We did our best. You can see him. We cleaned him up as best we could." I fell to the floor and cried my eyes out. Andy pulled me up and helped me to Jake's room. Ash pulled a chair up next to Jake's bed. He lay there lifeless and cold. I grabbed his hands and spoke.

"Jake. Why did you do this? This is all my fault. I should have looked out for you more. If only I had checked on you more and stayed close. I can't believe you're gone. I mean what am I suppose to tell Juni. She's gonna go crazy if she finds out this way. What do you mean the pain got the best of you? You said you were fine a month ago. You looked so much better than before. How could you do this? Jake I love you like a brother. I told you not to do something like this. I can't live with myself knowing I let you die. You died in my arms. Jake please come back. I need you. The guys need you. Trixy needs you. FOR FUCKS SAKE JUNI NEEDS YOU!!!"

*End of Dream*

"NO!" I shot up and screamed. Tears stained my face and more were pouring out of me.

I jumped out of bed to see if Jake was still with Sammi. I peeked in and saw that Jake and Sammi were still cuddled up. Thank God. I checked Jake's arms. I made sure that there weren't scars. There were old ones from a few months ago. But luckily he was clean. No new scars. I walked back to my room. I looked at my alarm clack. 4:54 am. Great. I decided to go to the living room and watch some TV to help me sleep. I don't know what I was watching. Within 10 minutes of me turning the TV on I fell back asleep. All I know is that dream felt all too real.

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