Lies. Lies. and more Lies

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*Juni's POV*

We pulled up to my house. I needed to get home quick. I can't have dad ruin this day. Before I could go Andy grabbed my phone and I think was putting his number in my phone. I looked at the name he put in.

"Really. Andy The Most Sexiest Guy With Blue Eyes In The World" I said starting to smile.

"Yes. I knew I could get you to smile. SUCCESS!!" Andy yelled and then Ashley awoke to his success yell.

"What?!" Ash was utterly confused.

"Nothing." Andy said.

"Thanks for the ride Andy."  I quickly hugged him and then dashed to my front door praying that dad was sleeping.

I opened the door quietly and noticed Dad was on his recliner with a bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand watching the football game. I quietly tip toed to my room. Before I got to the stairs my dad saw me. Shit.

"And where have YOU been???" My dad said glaring at me. I was scared of that glare.

"I was... after school with my teachers to get help." I stuttered. Fuck. I hope he didn't notice.

"Bull shit. A naughty girl like you deserves a punishment." He gave me a smirk. Oh my god no. not today.

"No! Please not today!" I begged I knew what he was about to do. I ran to my room but my dad caught me before I made it to my room.

"Come on. It's time." He pulled me into his room and ripped my clothes off my body. I was crying and pleading for him to stop but he didn't. He slowly entered me. he was violating me. I silently cried waiting for this torture to end. When I screamed he slapped my ass with a leather belt. The only sounds heard were his grunting and my occasional scream and plead. After thirty minutes he stopped.

"now that's a good girl" he got up, got dressed and went back to his recliner where he passed out. I was laying on the floor for another ten minutes. I ran to my room with my clothes in my hand. I grabbed pajamas and headed to my bathroom that was in my room. I showered hoping that the pain of today would wash off. it didn't. I got dressed and sat on the floor of my bathroom. My back up against the door. I looked over and saw my only friend. The cold razor. I slit my wrists and arms each cut, deeper than before. I didn't go too deep. I wish I had. I started slitting my thighs. I hated the way I looked.  I didn't have a thigh gap and I felt fat. I was anorexic but I stopped last year. Just as I was about to cut my stomach because I hated the way it looked, my phone buzzed. It was Andy. He texted me. It read:

  Juni are you okay?? I want to make sure that your okay. You know you can tell me anything. ~ Andy

I responded not telling him what happened.

I'm fine Andy. No need to worry. Thanks for making me feel safe. I know I can tell you anything. ~ Juni

He didn't respond. I trudged to my bed. I dint bother putting the covers on me. I put my phone in its charger and fell asleep on top of my bed. Crying. This was not how I planned to end my day.

I woke up the next morning. 6 am. Perfect timing. I got up and got dressed. I wore my dark blue skinnys with a KISS shirt. I wore my black converse. I put on some black eyeliner, mascara, and put on smoky gray eye shadow. I grabbed my phone and checked to see if Andy replied. No reply. He must still be sleeping. I grabbed my black hoodie, phone, backpack, keys, and headphones and started my journey to the hell hole. It was about 6:30 when Andy texted me.

Are you sure? I'm glad I can make you feel safe. Do you want a ride to school? It's no trouble. ~ Andy

Yes I'm sure. I'm already walking to school. I'm halfway there. ~ Juni

Well, I'm picking you up. Where you at? ~ Andy

I'm by that pizza place on Joseph ave. ~ Juni

Alright be there in 5. See ya. ~ Andy

*Andys POV*

I woke up at around 6:30 and noticed that Juni texted me.

Are you sure? I'm glad I can make you feel safe. Do you want a ride to school? It's no trouble. ~ Andy

Yes I'm sure. I'm already walking to school. I'm halfway there. ~ Juni

Well, I'm picking you up. Where you at? ~ Andy

I'm by that pizza place on Joseph ave. ~ Juni

Alright be there in 5. See ya. ~ Andy

I quickly got dressed and woke Ashley up.

"Dude get your ass up we're leaving. Here are some clothes. Hurry up. We are picking up Juni." I tossed him some clothes and waited for him. While I waited I put on some eyeliner. After 10 minutes, Ashley was ready.

"Let's Go!" I yelled as I grabbed my back pack. I left a note for my parents saying I was leaving.

 "Alright chill your tits." Ash said as we got into my car and drove to the pizza place. I saw Juni and stopped the car. She hopped in the back and I noticed something on her arm. Something's not okay. I'll ask her later. She wasn't being honest. She was scared and was telling me bullshit saying she was okay. Lies. Lies. And more lies.

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