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*Juni's POV*

I saw drunken guys get in a car and drive. I asked Sammi what the day was praying it wasn't that day. Yup. It was. The day mom died in the crash. Fuck. I froze. All that was going through my mind was the moments leading up to the crash. Going to see Nana, playing poker with Grandpa. I beat him too. Can you believe that an 8 year old beat an old guy who's been playing forever? I remember eating the homemade Mac and Cheese casserole at Nana's. Then Mom said we had to go. I whined but we left. I remember getting hit, calling Nana, talking to the nice EMT lady, and Dad coming to get me. Someone was at the house when I left with Mom to go to Nana's. I think it was one of Dad's friends. But he was little. Maybe he was one of Dad's friend's kids. I used to hang out with Dad when I was little before he got really into alcohol. His friends were really nice and they had some cool kids. But then again, he was on Dad's back. I heard people crying and yelling my name. Sammi sobbed from what I heard. CC and Ashley were holding someone back. I don't know who though. Then Sammi said it's time and that this whole situation was her fault. I don't know. Then someone cradled me and said for me to snap out of it. I could hear but I couldn't see. The memories of my childhood kept playing. Then all of a sudden I jolted awake. I looked at the person holding me. I don't know who the fuck they are.

"Who the fuck are you?" I looked at them

"Jake. Jacob. Jay Jay. Jacklepuff. You're older brother." I know for a fact that I don't have an older brother. I shook my head and ran to a bathroom. I don't know whose house I'm in but I found the bathroom and found sleeping pills. Luckily I kept a razor in my phone behind the battery. I saw a bedroom with a window. I ran in and slammed the door. I jumped out of the window and opened the pill bottle. I cut a bit before I took the pills. I made sure to cut a few deep cuts. I am NOT living here anymore. Dad fucking beats me. Mom died before my eyes. This guy is saying he's my brother. What the fuck! I tossed the razor after the cutting. I made enough. I stumbled while opening the bottle so I accidentally crushed some. Oh well. It's not like anyone will find me in time. But I need Dad right now. No matter how much he's beaten me I know that deep down he has that love for me when I was 8. He was surprisingly not super drunk. He was hung over though.

"Juniper? WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!!!!!" Dad squinted his eyes at me and ran towards me.

"You beat me like three days ago dad. I ran to a friend's house. I will not live with you anymore. This kid said he was my brother. He said his name was Jacob. I swear to god he isn't my brother. Sammi moved here yesterday. Dad I'm tired. I took some sleeping pills. Oh and you have blood on you. Bye." I shut my eyes. I was still holding the pill bottle.

I heard Dad yell something and then he grabbed my arms. Everything faded into the blackness. I think this is the end for me. Holy shit. What if that kid is my brother? What if he's the little boy on Dad's back from the day of the crash? I'm hallucinating. Its crazy talk right? I saw this pretty light. But god dammit was it fucking bright.

"Holy Shit turn that fucking light down. I can't fucking see." I yelled. Some girl with wings came up to me. She was pretty. Her wings had red tips.

"Juniper. What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here right now. It's not your time. You shouldn't be here. What will Jake say? Please tell me you didn't do this intentionally." I scrunched my nose. She came over and hugged me. Her wings surrounded us.

"Mom? What do you mean? Who the fuck is Jake? I couldn't deal with the pain and memories mom. They were too much. I'm better off anyways."

"No honey. Jake is your brother. I was trying to tell you to take care of your brother Jake but we were hit before I could finish. You are going back there now before you can't leave here ever again. I promise that things will get better. You might be sad in the future. There will be heart breaks and aches. Dad will get better. You must promise to help him though. I've seen what he did to you. But look-" She pointed down to the ground. Dad was holding me.

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