Explaining and Jake's Breakdown

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*Juni's POV*

We finished breakfast about an hour later. It was 11:30 am. Ashley went to Jinxx's. Andy, Cc, and I went back to CC's. I sat in the back with CC since he was 'lonely'. And me being his bff I sat with him. I actually fell asleep on the ride home. I felt someone pick me up and carry me when the car engine stopped. I woke up to Andy carrying me.

"Look who woke up." Andy said while carrying me into CC's house.

"What time is it?" I hope that it's not 2 yet.

"It's noon. Don’t worry. We have about an hour before we pick Sammi up.

Andy put me down on CC's couch. CC was in the kitchen rummaging for some Monster.

"So will you tell me why you were crying in the car saying 'Mommy'?" Andy asked.

"Why were you so sad in the car?" CC came in with 2 Monsters. Both were open.

"Dude you are gonna get a huge fucking rush having two." Andy said a bit panicky.

"Calm your balls. One is for me and the other is for you and Juni." CC quickly replied. He passed the Monster to me and sat on the floor looking at me.

"Okay so when we were in the car I had a flash back of me and my mom getting into a car accident. I was eight years old when it happened. We were coming home from my Nana's house. We had just gotten off the highway when I saw bright lights. My mom saw them too. She must have known we would get into an accident and that she wasn't gonna make it. She told me that she loved me and to remember it. Then she said, 'take care of Daddy and your-', but we were hit before she could finish. I still don't know who she wanted me to take care of. I got a broken wrist and a concussion. My mom died on the way to the hospital. I just wish I knew who else she was going to say." I sighed.

"Oh." CC and Andy said in unison. Then CC's phone went off. He got a call. He went out and answered it.

"Now you know why I was crying in my sleep." I sighed again.

"It's okay babe. You're here now. We are your family now. But I think its time we head to the airport. I want to beat the traffic." Andy comforted me.

"Yeah. Sammi would hate me if I didn't get her. I miss her so much. She helped me when my mom died and when my dad started the abuse." I looked down.

"It's alright. You're with us. CC and I will make sure your safe. And so will the rest of the band. We won't let anyone hurt you. Not anymore." Andy cooed.

*CC's POV*

"Oh." Andy and I said in unison. Juni's story sounds like Jake's story on how he lost his mom and his sister made it. Could she be Jake's lost sister? I'm not gonna ask her. Then my phone went off. I got a call from Jinxx. He doesn't usually call unless we have a gig. I went outside and answered.


"CC, Jake's having a breakdown. I need you here ASAP. He's at my place. I'm not sure what happened. We were practicing and then he just stopped, froze and broke down. Hurry." Jinxx said with worry dripping from every word.

"I'll be there as fast as I can." I hung up and went back inside. I grabbed my car keys and jacket. Andy was doing the same. He must be going home with Juni.

"Where you going?" Andy asked me.

"Jinxx's. There's been a disturbance in the force. It's a pretty bad one too." I referenced towards Jake's break down. Andy didn't really get it. I walked up to him. I didn't want Juni to know because she's got a lot on her plate right now. And I don't think Jake needs more people to know.

"Jake is having a breakdown and Jinxx needs me. Don't tell Juni. I'm sure Jake would want to keep it confined for now." I whispered to Andy as we walked out of my house. I locked the door and headed towards my car.

"Oh. Text me how he is after you repair the disturbance." We both chuckled at the last part.      

"Will do." I hopped in my car and headed to Jinxx's. I hope Jake is alright. Jake's been really off lately. I hope this ends soon. It's starting to scare me. But I think Jinxx is paranoid. Him and Jake have know each other for god knows how long. Jinxx and Jake are like brothers put it that way.

It took me about 20 minutes to get to Jinxx's. Luckily Jinxx left the door unlocked. I didn't see them in the living room so I assumed they were in Jinxx's room. They were.  Jake was on the floor curled up balling his eyes out. Jinxx was cradling him and rubbing his back saying 'it's okay' to calm Jake down.

"Thank god you're here." Jinxx looked up from Jake and at me. I walked over to Jake and rubbed his back.

"Jake, what's wrong?" I looked at Jake. His crying died down into sniffles. He was shaking uncontrollably.

"Its- My-Something reminded me of my sister." Jake stumbled.

"What reminded you of her?" Jinxx asked as calm as he could.

"While we were rehearsing some parts for Perfect Weapon the breakdown part reminded me of Juniper. She loved those kinds of guitar parts. I promised to show her when I learned how to play. But then when my mom was in that accident my aunt and uncle took me and then I never saw her again." Jake sighed heavily and put his head in his hands. Wait. He said Juniper. Holy shit could Juni be Jake's sister. The story is exactly the same. That must have been who her mom was going to say before she got hit. It was Jake. She wanted Juni to take care of Jake.

"Jinxx can I talk to you in the hall real quick? I promise it will be fast Jake. It'll give a bit to collect yourself." I helped Jake up and walked into the hall with Jinxx. I shut the door slowly.

"I think Juni is Jake's sister" I said bluntly.

"That's what I thought when I met her." Jinxx stated.

"Her story sounds exactly like Jake's. Juni said her mom told her to take care of her dad and the word your. I'm assuming she meant Jake. Dude, Jake needs to know we found Juni."

"I know he does. But what will happen when Juni sees Jake and doesn't recognize him? She'll freak out and crush Jake. I mean Jake's going through a lot and imagine Juni not knowing Jake. It'll only push him over the edge.  We need something or someone who knows Juni a lot better than us to help us."

"Wait. I've got it! Sammi can help us. Andy said that they had to pick up Juni's best friend at the airport. Sammi has to remember Jake."

"That's right. Sammi is Juni's best friend. She knows a lot about Juni. We'll talk to Andy and Sammi later. Let's keep this between us for now. Got it?" Jinxx said.

"Got it." We walked back into Jinxx's room and Jake seemed calmer. He was on his phone texting someone.

"Hey." Jake said looking up from his phone.

"All better?" Jinxx sat next to Jake. I sat on the floor as usual.

"Yeah. Guess I needed some comfort and then a bit of alone time. Can I crash here tonight Jinxx? Not in the mood to face my aunt and uncle right now."

"Sure." Jinxx gave a slight smile trying to ease the pain for Jake.

I texted Andy saying Jake was good now and asked if we should have practice tomorrow. He said we would and he's glad Jake's better.

"We have practice tomorrow!" I yelled trying to bring everything back to our normality.

"Okay CC. Geez don’t need to scream it to us. We are right here." Jake said.

"Why do you do this CC? Why do you scream when we are right here?" Jinxx said holding his head.

"Because I'm CHRISTIAN FUCKING COMA!!" I yelled Again. I burst into a laughing fit after I yelled my name.

"Oh god. What are we going to do with you CC?" Jake said walking over to me and helping me up.

Everything is the way it should be. Hopefully it stays like this.

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