Being myself once again

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Juni's POV

I hopped into Andy's car. It was about 6:45 am. He looked at me weird. He didn't see them did he?? I shrugged it off. We sped off to the school. I texted my dad saying I was going to be home late. Hopefully he won't get mad. We pulled into the school parking lot and Andy parked the car. I wasn't sure what Andy and Ashley were talking about. I wasn't really listening. I was so caught up in my thoughts.

"Juni. You're coming to see me practice right?" Andy pulled me back into reality.

"Huh? Yea. I am." I spoke and looked straight down to my arms making sure they were covered.

"Your going to see me and how sexy I am on the bass." Ash winked. I rolled my eyes and walked with Andy.

"Dude. Really?" Andy looked at Ash.

"Yup." Ashley gave a smile and skipped towards someone standing by the school on his phone. I think one of his friends. I think it was Jinxx.

"JINXX!!!!" Ashley yelled as he tackled Jinxx to the pavement.

"Asshole." I heard Jinxx mumble.

"You know you love me." Ashley winked. This must be typical Ashley.

"Sure is." Andy looked at me. Shit. I said it out loud. Eh. It happens.

"Well it's good that I know now." I looked at a smiling Andy. He walked over to Jinxx and helped him up and then 'man-hugged' him.

"Thanks bro. Hey, I'm Jinxx. You are?" Jinxx looked at me, smiled and stuck out his hand for me to shake.

"Juni." I smiled shaking his hand. I think I've seen him somewhere here in school.

"A pleasure to meet you Juni. Wait. Aren't you in orchestra with Mr. Homer?"

"Yea. Wait. Jinxx!! How the hell did I not remember you?? I'm such an idiot." I face palmed myself. Jinxx was in the same violin class as me. Here's a shocker, I play the violin. I went and hugged Jinxx. He was my partner last quarter. Awesome guy. He is FUCKING AMAZING on violin. I totally forgot I had violin with him because I sort of skipped a few classes and sat all the way in the front while he was in the back. And plus I occasionally zoned out. Jinxx returned my hug. He looked at me with a confused expression on his face.

"Jinxx, you alright?" I asked.

"What? Yeah just thinking about practice and how I don't always see you in class anymore."

"Oh. I'm in the front corner. I sometimes skip class and I zone out so I get really quiet."

"That explains it, then."

"Yup." I blushed a bit and giggled.

"Soo, Shall we go inside?" Andy spoke.

"Lets go!" Ashley chirped.

"Wait. Where's CC?" Andy looked around.

"He's coming late." Jinxx responded while entering the school.

"Alright." Andy spoke.

'Who's CC?" I looked at Andy confused.

"Our drummer." Ashley butted in.

"Uh huh." I nodded my head.

Andy had his arm around my shoulder. I leaned my head into his arm. Even though we weren't dating, this felt good. I felt safe.

"Let's head to the lockers. I have to grab some stuff for class before these hallways get packed and then I'll never leave." Jinxx said walking towards the locker filled hallways.

It was soon 7:30 am and I headed to orchestra with Jinxx. He seemed oddly familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it. I felt like I knew him from somewhere. Class didn't start for another hour but Jinxx thought it would be a good idea to catch up and help me practice. I agreed.

"Hey remember when we glued Mr.H's favorite mug to his desk?" Jinxx looked at me smiling.

"Oh my gosh. YES!! That was such a funny day!! I can't believe he still doesn't know." I started laughing.

Jinxx slowed his pace and then picked me up from behind and turned me around. My body was hanging a bit over Jinxx's shoulder.

"JINXX PUT ME DOWN!!!!" I couldn't stop laughing. He started running to the class.

"NEVER!!" Jinxx skidded down the hallway making a sharp turn towards Mr. Homer's class room. We entered the room and Jinxx finally put me down.

"We're here!" Jinxx said out of breathe.

I walked over to my violin and pulled it out of its case. I started tuning it when Jinxx sat down at the piano in the room. He was tuning his violin. After about 5 minutes of tuning and putting rosin on our bows, I was ready for Jinxx to help me. We were learning a song by Bach. We practiced for about 25 minutes. It was now 7:45.

"Do you get it now?" Jinxx asked while sitting down pulling out his phone.

"Yup. Thanks." I sat down and did the same. I texted Sammi.

Heyy SammiKinz. :) ~Juni

Hello beautiful ~ Sammi

I can't wait. Next week is vacation!!! And you'll never guess what happened to me. ~ Juni

I know. And WHAT?!?!?! ~Sammi

I met this guy and he's just like me and his friends are cool. They are so funny. I'm meeting another one later today. :D Sammi I'm so happy I found someone at this hell hole like me. ~ Juni

That's great Junicakes. Is he hot? ;) ~Sammi

Actually, yes. He has BLUE EYES!!! And he's perfect. Can't wait for you to meet him. He's like my best friend. But don't worry. You're still #1. <3 Gotta Go. Class is starting soon. ~Juni

"Good and Alright. Bye Junicakes ~ Sammi

I had 30 minutes before class actually started. It was only 8. Class doesn't start until 8:30. We don't have homeroom. We just go straight to first period. I got bored and decided to steal Jinxx's phone. I grabbed it and ran through the hallways.

"JUNI GIVE IT BACK!" Jinxx yelled while chasing after me.

"NEVER!!" I yelled back dodging people in the hallways. I took a shortcut and headed back to the orchestra room.

"I'm so going to get you." Jinxx picked up his pace and caught me as soon as I got back to the orchestra room.

"AHH!!!" I yelled as Jinxx tackled me to the floor. I started laughing and Jinxx did the same.

"Give me the phone Juni."



His phone buzzed. He got a text. I didn't see who was from. "Ughh. Here your lucky you got a text or else I would have kept it." I said surrendering the phone back to him.

"Thank you." Jinxx smiled and read the text. His smile faded away.

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