Don't You Dare Piss Me Off

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 Jinxx's POV

I saw Andy and Ashley walking towards me. Some girl was with them. I looked back at my phone. I was texting Jake. Lately, he's been out of his element. Some days he'd be good and quiet and then others he'd cry his eyes out. And on a few occasions, he'd get in trouble with the cops. I don't blame him. He lost his mom in a car crash and that same day was ripped from his family. He had a sister two years younger than him in the car with his mom. She survived. He was forced to live with his aunt and uncle. They didn't go to the funeral because his aunt thought it would ruin his mind and have constant nightmares. I feel really bad for the kid though. I've known him forever. His sister, Juniper was the funniest girl ever. She hung out with this girl Sammi Doll. I don't remember much of Sammi. It's been such a long time since I've seen her.

"JINXX!!" I heard Ashley yell. Before I could react, he tackled me to the pavement.

"Asshole." I mumbled.

"You know you love me." Ashley winked.

"This must be typical Ashley." I heard the girl speak low. She must have meant to say it in her thoughts.

 "Sure is." Ashley looked at her.

"Well it's good that I know now." She looked at a smiling Andy. Andy walked over to me and helped me up and then we man hugged.

"Thanks bro. Hey, I'm Jinxx. You are?" I looked at the girl. I smiled and stuck out my hand for her to shake.

"Juni." She smiled shaking my hand.  She looks like that girl in my violin class.

"A pleasure to meet you Juni. Wait. Aren't you in orchestra with Mr. Homer?" I asked. I didn't want to jump to conclusions.

"Yea. Wait. Jinxx!! How the hell did I not remember you?? I'm such an idiot." Juni face palmed herself.

She was my partner last quarter.  Juni is such an amazing player. She got every note right. But I noticed she hasn't been in class a lot. And if she was she seemed to zone out a lot. Juni came over and hugged me. I returned the hug. And when she let go, I got a clear shot of her face. She looks so familiar. Like I've seen her before. I had a confused look on my face.

"Jinxx, you alright?" Juni asked.

"What? Yeah just thinking about practice and how I don't always see you in class anymore." A lie. A complete lie.

"Oh. I'm in the front corner. I sometimes skip class and I zone out so I get really quiet."

"That explains it, then."

"Yup." Juni blushed a bit and giggled.

"Soo, Shall we go inside?" Andy spoke.

"Let's go!" Ashley chirped.

"Wait. Where's CC?" Andy looked around.

"He's coming late." I responded while entering the school.

"Alright." Andy spoke.

'Who's CC?" Juni looked at Andy confused.

"Our drummer." Ashley butted in.

"Uh huh." Juni nodded her head.

"Let's head to the lockers. I have to grab some stuff for class before these hallways get packed and then I'll never leave." I said walking towards the locker filled hallways.

It was soon 7:30 am and I headed to orchestra with Juni. Class didn't start for another hour but I thought it would be a good idea to catch up and help her practice. Luckily she agreed. I wonder if she's dating Andy. She looks like it.

"Hey remember when we glued Mr.H's favorite mug to his desk?" I looked at Juni smiling. That was the best prank ever.

"Oh my gosh. YES!! That was such a funny day!! I can't believe he still doesn't know." Juni started laughing.

I slowed my pace and then picked Juni up from behind and turned her body around. Her body was hanging a bit over my shoulder.

"JINXX PUT ME DOWN!!!!" Juni couldn't stop laughing. I started running to the class.

"NEVER!!" I skidded down the hallway making a sharp turn towards Mr. Homer's class room. We entered the room and put her down.

"We're here!" I spoke out of breathe.

Juni walked over to her violin and pulled it out of its case. She started tuning it. I sat down at the piano in the room. I used it to tune my violin. After about 5 minutes of tuning and putting rosin on our bows, Juni was ready for me to help her. We were learning a song by Bach. We practiced for about 25 minutes. It was now 7:45.

"Do you get it now?" I asked while sitting down pulling out my phone. I was making sure Jake was okay. He lives a few cities away. He can't make it to most of our practices but I go over to his house and help him. He's a fast learner.

"Yup. Thanks." Juni sat down and pulled out her phone. She was texting someone.

I looked at the clock. It was 8. No one would be here until 8:30 when class stared.

Juni came up to me and stole my phone. She grabbed it and ran through the hallways.

"JUNI GIVE IT BACK!" I yelled while chasing after her.

"NEVER!!" She yelled back dodging people in the hallways. She used my words against me.

"I'm so going to get you." I picked up my pace and caught Juni as soon as we got back to the orchestra room.

"AHH!!!" Juni yelled as I tackled her to the floor. I started laughing and Juni did the same.

"Give me the phone Juni."



My phone buzzed. I was getting a text. "Ughh. Here you're lucky you got a text or else I would have kept it."  Juni surrendered my phone back to me.

"Thank you." I smiled and read the text. My smile faded away.

Andy texted me. C.C. was in a fight. Great. This is the second one this week. They were at the back of the school.

"I'll be right back." I rushed out of the room. I had to stop it before Ashley made it worse.

I just made it. Ashley was about to throw his fist. I pulled him out of the way. I grabbed the jocks that were beating C.C. by their collars. I was pissed. I may seem like a chill and calm dude. But you piss me off; you're going to see one angry Jinxx. None of the guys bother to piss me off. They learned their lesson when Ashley decided to really get on my nerves. He had a black eye and a broken arm.

I started beating the jocks and then C.C., Ash, and Andy pulled me back.

"I fucking swear. You beat him again. You're going to the hospital." I growled.

"Okay okay. We won't touch him we swear" The jocks whimpered and ran off. One had a broken nose and a split lip. The other one had a black eye and a bloody nose.

"Easy Jinxx. You don't need another detention." Andy tried calming me down.

"Dude. It's okay I'm fine." C.C. came over to me.

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