The Truth Revealed

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I was just about to go to bed when my phone rang. It was Juni. Why is she calling me? It's like 10 pm.

"CC. Are you awake?" She was crying.

"Juni. What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked.

"I'm coming over you house now. I can't live this way anymore." She choked.

"Okay I'll be standing outside waiting for you." I replied before the call ended.

My parents were over my uncle's house they would be back by tomorrow afternoon. I walked down the stairs to the front door in my long pajama bottoms and no shirt and stood outside and waited for Juni. Why was she crying? I'm coming over you house now. I can't live this way anymore. Kept playing in my mind until I heard someone running and crying. It must be Juni. She ran into my arms and collapsed.

"Sshhhh. Its okay I'm here. Let's go inside and sort this out." I cooed

I led her to the living room and we sat on the floor. She was still crying. I noticed that she had bruises on her arms and had a black and blue eye and was bleeding on her arm. She was hunched over.

"Juni, what happened? Why are you crying? How did you get all bruised? Explain." I sternly said but in a calming way so I didn’t scare her.

"I- My dad." She stuttered.

"Juni, does your dad beat you?" I pulled her onto my lap and I rubbed her back. She flinched a bit.

"Yes. I can't be there anymore. I was waiting for Sammi to get here but this is too much. Eight years of this fucking shit. I'M DONE!" She cried. I put her in front of me and looked at her arms. She had scars. Old and new.

"Well you can stay here until she gets here. You're safe now. But Juni… Do you cut?"

She looked up at me. Her eyes were red and puffy. She simply nodded.

"I was going to call Andy but time wasn't an option. I had to leave fast. I couldn't risk my dad finding me far away." She calmed down a bit. I could tell that she liked Andy. But I'm glad she called me. I don't think her dad would guess that she would be here. Me, Andy, Ashley, Jinxx, and Jake are here for her. We are her new family. Shit. Jake. I forgot to see if he was okay. I'll do that in the morning. Right now Juni is what's important.

"Juni come with me. Let's go to bed and we'll fix this all in the morning. I'm gonna call Andy now to let him know that you're here. He should know that you're here since you were going to call him. Okay?"

"That's fine. CC, Thanks for the help. This means a lot." With that I pulled her into a hug and hissed her head. She's like my little sister now. Even though we've only met like 8 hours ago. We walked upstairs to my room. Juni sat on my bed while I called Andy. I walked into the hallway. He picked up after 4 rings.

"Hello?" Andy said groggily.

"Andy. Its CC. Look Juni is at my place. I don't think she's going to live with her dad anymore. So for now, she's with me."

"What the fuck happened?! Why didn't she call me?" Andy was getting scared and mad.

"Calm down. Look all I know is that her dad abused her and she needed to leave ASAP and I was literally three houses down from her. Time wasn't an option for her. She didn't want to risk it."

"Okay. Well I'm heading over there now. Thanks for telling me. I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Just don't tell the rest of the guys yet. She's not ready."

"Alright. Bye." Andy hung up.

I walked over to Juni and sat down next to her. She was staring into space. I pulled her into my side and rubbed her arm. She leaned her head into my arm.

"Thanks. CC. For everything. You're like the big brother I never had."

"No problem Kiddo. Andy's coming over now. I'm guessing he wants to check to see if you're okay. Let's just hope he doesn't go crazy." Juni and I laughed at the last part. As soon as we calmed down there was a lock knock. It was Andy.

"That's probably Andy. Let's go." I spoke.

"Okay." Juni smiled.

We got down stairs and I looked in the peep-hole to make sure it was Andy and not her dad.  Juni was on the floor sitting down texting someone. Sure enough Andy was there. I opened the door and Andy rushed in.

"She's in the living room. Calm down. Don't freak her out even more than she already is."  I whispered.

"Thanks." Andy looked into the living room and saw Juni. He walked in and sat down next to Juni.

I walked to the kitchen to grab some left over pizza and headed to my drum room. I sat at my desk and used my laptop while Andy and Juni talked.

*Andy's POV*

I was just about to fall asleep when CC called. Why is he calling this close to midnight?

"Hello?" I said tired as ever.

"Andy. Its CC. Look Juni is at my place. I don't think she's going to live with her dad anymore. So for now, she's with me."

"What the fuck happened?! Why didn't she call me?" I was getting worried.

"Calm down. Look all I know is that her dad abused her and she needed to leave ASAP and I was literally three houses down from her. Time wasn't an option for her. She didn't want to risk it."

"Okay. Well I'm heading over there now. Thanks for telling me. I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Just don't tell the rest of the guys yet. She's not ready."

"Alright. Bye." I hung up and went to put my shirt, jeans and sneakers on. I grabbed my car keys and left my parents a quick note saying that I'd be at CC's.

I hopped into my car and started it up. I drove as fast as I could to CC's. I loved Juni. I just hope she's not really bad. It's going to my job to protect her now. I'm gonna ask her out.

I turned my car off when I pulled into CC's driveway.

I got to the door and knocked loudly. CC opened the door and whispered, "She's in the living room. Calm down. Don't freak her out even more than she already is." 

"Thanks." I looked into the living room and saw Juni. I went over and sat next to her.

"Hey Juni. Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine now. I don't want to go back Andy. It's too much. Waiting for Sammi wasn't an option anymore." She was fighting the tears.

"You did the right thing Juni. But why didn't you call me? You know I would have gotten you."

"I know but I couldn't risk my dad finding me far from home or risk him seeing you. CC was right here so I ran and took the few things I needed and shoved them into my duffel bag."

"Well all that matters is that you're safe now. I love you Juni." I kissed her forehead and pulled her onto my lap. I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I love you too Andy." her eyes sparkled like she was happy.

I leaned in and kissed her. She didn't hesitate. We pulled away and I looked at her in the eyes. God. Her eyes were beautiful. A golden caramel color. They were perfect.

"Juni, I love you and I want to protect you. Will you be my girlfriend?" 


Hey guys, Sorry about the big updates I've been updating 5 chapters at a time so i can put the sequel up and get this site up to date with another site that has this story posted along with the sequel. I'm very greatful to whoever is reading this. I love you all very much. :) <3

~Wolf Tiger <3

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