Why Didn't You Tell Me?

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*Jakes POV*

After Jinxx and CC yelling my name I saw her. Sammi. I can't believe she's here. But how?

"No. Jake. As in Jake Pitts. The one who called me doll face and made fun of my last name. You were always hanging with Jinxx." Sammi looks lost.

"Yes Sammi. It's me Jake. Juni's older brother. How did Jinxx find you? I mean this is crazy." I hugged her.

"I actually moved here. I'm a few streets down from here. Juni and Andy picked me up. But what happened to you? You never came to the funereal and disappeared."

"My aunt came and took me. My nana called my aunt after Juni called her. She didn't want me to be scarred for life seeing my mom being buried. My aunt came and got me the night it happened."

"Wait… Did you say Juni picked you up? JINXX! CC! Why didn't you tell me you found Juni?" Jinxx and CC ran into the room.

"Look. Juni is going through rough shit as is. Telling her she has a brother was just going to make it worse. And plus we weren't even sure we found your Juni. That's why we got Sammi." CC replied.

"That's true." I mumbled. I miss Juni so much. I need her here.

"Jake. Look at me. I didn't even remember that you were Juni's brother. I forgot that she even had a brother. She doesn't even know. It's best for her right now. What she deals with is more than she can handle. Please. Do not tell her you’re her brother unless it's an absolute emergency." Sammi was right. But what was Juni dealing with?

"I will do what I can." Tears were treating to pour out of my eyes.

"I'm sorry that you can't tell her. But look at least you know that we've found her." Jinxx put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm gonna go lie down on the couch." I walked over to the couch and hung upside down flipping through the channels seeing what was on. Nothing good was on so I left MTV on and lay down on the couch taking up the entire couch.

"Jake. I'll be back later. I'm gonna take Sammi out. Please don't do anything bad. And watch CC. Make sure he doesn't play with fire. Better yet bring him to the park. It will shut him up. And then you can rest." Me and Jinxx laughed. CC can be such a kid sometimes. I got up, turned the TV off and grabbed my jacket.

"CC! Let's go. We're going to the park!"

"OOOOO!!! THE PARK! LET'S GO." CC exclaimed. See what I mean. A total kid.

Jinxx and Sammi got into Jinxx's car. Me and CC started walking towards the park. CC stopped and growled.

"CC what are you doing?" I looked at the person who CC growled at. Shit it's my dad. He looks drunk. Dad never got drunk.

"Him." CC glared at my dad. I stopped CC before he ran to my dad.

"CC. No. That's my dad. Let's just go to another park." I tried changing the subject. Why is CC mad at my dad?

"That asshole of a father beat your sister Jake. And I'm sure he's done worse too." CC clenched his fists. He turned around and headed the opposite direction.

I stayed silent the whole way to the park. I was pissed. Why would my dad hurt Juni? This made no sense. After about an hour CC was tired and wanted to head home and take a nap. I agreed. The nap sounded good.

"Jake. Hello? Earth to Jake." CC waved his hand in front of me bringing me out of my thoughts.


"Let's go." CC hopped on my back.

"Dude. I can't carry you." I started walking with CC on my back.

"Yea you can. You're doing it right now."

"Shut up."

About half way home I put CC down and then hopped on his back.

"Ugh. Why Jake?"

"I'm light so calm your balls. Now ONWARD MY NOBLE STEED!!" I yelled. CC started running to his house. He put me down when we got inside his house.

"Thanks for taking care of me buddy. Means a lot." I said walking to the living room.

"No problem. This is why CC is here. To make people feel better and take care of them." CC came over and gave me a hug. We were like that for a bit. He knew I needed it so it wasn't totally awkward. Then CC went to his room.

"SHUT THE DOOR!!" I yelled lying down on the floor.

"Whatever." Christian called back. It's funny using his real name some times.

I drifted off into blackness.

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