My Past is Behind Me... Well Almost All of It

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C.C.'s POV

I was on my way to my locker when I met up with Ash and Andy.

"Where's Jinxx?" I asked.

"He went to class early to hang out with Juni. His violin partner from last quarter." Andy stated.

"Oh. That's cool."

"Yea. So, you're going to be at practice today right?"

"Yes Andy. I will be there."

"Okay good.'

I got my stuff from my locker when two jocks came up to me.

"Aww look the trio of emos!" The taller jock said. The shorter one laughed.

I looked back at my locker not wanting to make this worse.

"Hey! I'm talking to you. Look at me when I'm talking."

"You know what go fuck your slutty girlfriend. You have no right to call me emo and take the shit out of me because I'm being myself. You should try it sometime since your acting so fucking fake just to be 'popular.'"

I threw air quotes over popular. With that the jocks pulled me through a door that led to the back of the school. Great. This is the second fight this week. Well I better remember their weak spots. I dodged the jocks first punch. The shorter one tried kicking me in the stomach but missed and got my left leg. I collapsed onto the floor.

"Shit." I muttered.

"Andy what the fuck do we do?" I heard Ashley whisper. I knew what he was going to do.

I tried to block the punches and kicks. I blocked most of them. I pulled myself back up and managed to blow a punch to the shorter jock's face. As soon as I did that, I fell back onto the floor. I saw Ashley prepare to throw a punch, but out of nowhere Jinxx came out and pushed Ash aside. He grabbed the jocks by their shirt collars. He started beating the jocks as I pulled myself back up on my feet. Those jocks were getting it. Me, Ash, and Andy had to pull Jinxx off of the two jocks before they were in deep shit.

"I fucking swear. You beat him again. You're going to the hospital." Jinxx growled.

These jocks had it lucky. The jocks were scared straight.

"Okay okay. We won't touch him we swear" The jocks whimpered and ran off. One had a broken nose and a split lip. The other one had a black eye and a bloody nose.

"Easy Jinxx. You don't need another detention." Andy tried calming Jinxx down. Jinxx is a really caring guy. He won't stand for people beating his friends up.

"Dude. It's okay I'm fine." I walked over to Jinxx and put my hand on his shoulder reassuring him.

I had a black eye, a split lip, and a bloody nose. Nothing too bad.

"I've gotta go. Class is about to start." Jinxx ran off. He had blood on his hand. I don't think he noticed though.

"Let's get you cleaned up before a teacher sees you." Ash spoke. He was right I don’t teachers seeing me like this.

We walked to the boys' bathroom and covered my black eye with some pale skin toned foundation. So what if I use make up. I don't care.  I am who I am. No one will change that. I let my lip heal on its own. My bloody nose went away after like five minutes.  We had just left the bathroom when the first period bell rang. I rushed to history with Ash. Andy dashed off to Biology.

*Juni's POV*

"I'll be right back." Jinxx rushed out of the room.

Where was he going? I thought to myself. He looked so worried and angry. I'll have to ask him when he gets back. I went back to my seat and pulled out my phone. I looked through my contacts. I saw Andy's name. Andy The Most Sexiest Guy With Blue Eyes In The World. I giggled when I saw his name.

I spent another twenty minutes spacing out when I saw Jinxx panting. His hands were on his knees. I looked at them. One of them had blood drying on it. No. He didn't. He wouldn't he's such a sweet kid. When did he get to be so rough? Hopefully he just scraped it.

"I'm…. I'm back" Jinxx panted.

"I can see that. But why are you panting? And why is there blood on your hand?" I asked starting to get nervous.

Jinxx stood up straight and looked at his hand.

"Shit. How did I not see that?" He mumbled.

"Jinxx what is going on? Why did you leave the room sprinting and now your back panting and you have blood on your hand?"

"Andy texted me saying CC was in a fight. The second one this week. I had to stop because Ashley was going to make it worse. That’s why I left running for my life. If Ashley got involved then all hell would break loose. I saw two jocks beating CC, so I pulled them by their collar and started beating them. I know I look like a nice kid and all but I do have a past with detention for beating kids. See, I have an anger issue and the guys know that. I can only take so much before I snap. I broke Ash's arm and gave him a black eye. I hate when my friends are getting hurt. I know violence isn't the answer but it’s the only way they will stop. Once word got out that I broke Ashley's arm, no one bothered to talk to me except for the guys. They didn't care they understood. I did apologize to Ashley for breaking his arm and now we are all good. Here's a shocker. I go through so much bullshit everyday that I guess violence became a part of me. But I have my violin and guitar now. So my violent past is just about gone. Music has seriously helped me get through a lot of shit."

Jinxx sat down and I hugged him. I feel bad for him but I won't say it to him.

"Jinxx, I didn't know that. Is CC okay?"

"He's fine. He has a bloody nose a split lip and a black eye. Nothing the guys can't fix."

"Well at least he's okay." I smiled and just as I got up the bell rang. I grabbed my violin. Instead of going to my regular seat I sat next to Jinxx. I missed sitting next to him. He's like a brother I never had. All the students started filing into the room.

"Good Morning Class!" Mr. Homer greeted us.

"Good Morning Mr. Homer." The class grumbled.

"Ah, Ms. Pitts I see that you've decided to join us. And you're sitting next to Jeremy. Excellent choice." Mr. Homer said as posh as ever. Ugh. I looked at Jinxx and we rolled our eyes.

Violin was a drag but at least I got to sit with Jinxx. I swear he seems really familiar. I wish I could remember where I've seen him before. Damn me and my forgetfulness.

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