Long Day To Long Night

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Ashley's POV

History was boring as ever. Not much ever happens there. To be honest, I just want to go home and work on my custom OUTLAW black Harley Davidson motorcycle. (Not a real motorcycle as far as I know). I sat next to CC in the back, seeing as he's my partner. The bell rang and I headed towards Math. CC went off to Band class. I walked in and saw Jinxx was there. Cool. I sat next to him and saw that he was on his phone. Yet again.

"Hey." I spoke seeing if Jinxx was listening.

"Hi Ash." Jinxx said not looking up from his phone.

"Who you texting?"


"How is he?" I was a bit concerned.

"Okay but I might have to skip practice if he goes downhill. Put it this way, he's going through some tough shit and the days coming up aren't helping."


"Yea. I'll find out if I'm skipping by my last period." Jinxx sighed. Now he's unhappy. God. Why is everyone so upset?

"You okay buddy?" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine. It's just Jake I'm worried about. If he keeps beating himself up like this any longer, bad shit is going to happen. "

"I see."

Jinxx simply nodded and put his phone back in his pocket. This day is going to be a drag.

*Time Lapse. After School* Juni's POV

Today was a drag. But I get to see Andy practice. Yay. And then next week Sammi's coming!!! I was walking to Andy's car when I saw Jinxx slumped on the ground with his head in his hands. I walked over to him.

"Jinxx, are you okay?"

"Huh? Yea I'm fine." Jinxx stood up and headed to his car.

"No you're not."

"Juni I'm fine. I need to go now."

"Jinxx." I whined.

"I'll tell you later." He got in his car and sped off. I'll just talk to him later. He probably just needs to cool off from this morning.

I walked to Andy's car and snuck up on Andy and Ash.

"BOO!" Andy and Ashley jumped in surprise. I started laughing.

"Hey Juni." Andy smiled and wrapped me in a hug. God. How I love hugs. They're like my weakness. I hugged back. I looked at Ash and he gave a fake pout. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him.

"Did I scare you Ash?"

"No just surprised me."

I gave Ashley a hug and jumped into Andy's car.

"SHOTGUN!!" I yelled after I was in the passenger seat.

"No fair you cheated?" Ashley hopped in the back seat and stuck his tongue out at me. I did the same to him. Andy chuckled at our foolishness while putting the key in the ignition.

"CC's meeting us at your place right?"  Ash asked.

"Yes. Is Jinxx coming?" Andy looked at Ashley before driving.

"Good. And no. I'll explain later."


'What is everyone hiding from me?' I thought to myself.

Before I knew it we were at Andy's. Andy opened the door and led us into his basement. CC, I'm assuming, joined us 10 minutes later. I was on the couch when he arrived.

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