Telling Ash

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*Jinxx POV*

"Alright. Last night Juni called CC saying she couldn't live at her dad's anymore. She brought a duffel bag and ran to CC's. He's three houses away so it made it easier for Juni to escape. She planned on calling Andy but she couldn't risk her dad finding her far away or hurting Andy. When Juni got to CC's she was crying uncontrollably. CC got her to calm down a bit and noticed she was bleeding and covered in bruises and some… well scars. He noticed that some were recent. Turns out her dad abused her and is an alcohol addict. She was originally gonna go to Andy's but time wasn't on her side. CC called Andy and told him that Juni was with him. Andy rushed over calmed Juni down. So now she's gonna stay with CC. Then today CC saw you're dad. CC was ready to knock him out. But you stopped him Jake. And when I saw Juni Friday morning I swear to god. I thought she was your sister. She's in my violin class so I promise to watch out for her. And CC said that when Juni rushed over she told him the story of the crash. She said the last thing her mom said was 'take care of Daddy and your-' before they got hit. CC thinks that your mom was going to say your name Jake. And it makes sense. And Juni has gotten close to CC that they are like best friends. But Sammi is still number one. And CC has become Juni's 'brother.' Jake she will be okay. She's got Andy, me, CC, Sammi, and Ashley. Don't worry. You will see her soon. Just let this dad thing die down. We're here for you Jake." I put my hand on Jake and patted his back.

"Thanks Jinxx. I just can't believe my dad would do that to Juni. He loved Juni so much. Why would Juni cut? So does this mean you and CC were talking about Juni?" Jake looked like he was about to cry.

"Yeah. CC said her story sounded exactly like yours. I swore she looked the same. The only difference is the blond in her hair and that she has a lip ring. Then CC called it Operation: Make Jake Better. Sammi was our only hope in getting you two back together. The cutting I can't say. CC isn't exactly sure."

"Well it looks like Operation: Make Jake Better is working. Thanks for telling me Jinxx. I'm glad that Juni knows and met you guys. I just wish I could see her now." Jake started to smile.

"Jake it's alright. You will see her sooner than you think. And now that I'm here to stay, I'll find out what's up with Juni. The cutting is something I might be able to clear up. I only know about the past cuts. Recent you'd have to talk with CC." Sammi looked over at me while she cradled Jake.


"Well she cut because of her dad beating her. And she never thought she was good looking. She hated how she looked. She went anorexic but she stopped that. Thank god. She was hospitalized for it three times. It's been rough for her. She basically watched her mom die right before her eyes. She's had flashbacks ever since. That's my side of this." I looked at Jake. He just hung his head low.

"If only I pushed myself harder to go find her. It wouldn't have gotten this bad." Jake got up and walked up to the wall. He leaned his head on it and sighed. He's gonna do it. He needs to stop.

"Jake don't do it. It's not your fault. At least you know she's alive and we found her. Stop beating yourself up for the shit that happened in the past."I told Jake. It was too late. Jake had punched the wall. He left a big hole. Jake sunk to the ground sobbing his eyes out. Sammi rushed over to help Jake. He just looked like a big mess.

"Jake. I think it would be best if you went to bed. You look exhausted." Sammi helped Jake and I went down stairs to call Ashley and catch him up.

"Ash. Are you doing anything?"

"Not really. Just at home trying to work on some bass parts."

"Can you swing by my place really quick just for five minutes?"

"Sure. I was about to head to Andy's anyway."

"Alright. Be quick."

"Bye Jinxx."

I went to the living room and sat down. Am I really falling for Sammi? She's perfect. Everything about her makes me smile. No one can compare to her. I just hope those prep girls don't brainwash her.

"Jinxx, I'm gonna lay with Jake until he falls asleep. He asked me too and he needs it. I'll be out soon." Sammi walked into the living room with her pajamas.

"Sure thing. Thanks for doing this Sammi. Hopefully this ends. I hate seeing Jake like this. I've been so worried about him."

"No problem Gummy Bear." I pulled Sammi into a hug.

"Sammi... Can I ask you something?" I held her hands out in front of me.

"What is it?"

"So there's this girl. I really like her and I think she likes me. But how do I tell her 'I like you. Will you go out with me?"

"Just be honest. I'm sure that if she likes you, she'd want an honest person. Now go tell her."

"I just did." I just confessed and looked at Sammi. She blushed. She tried covering it with her hair.

"Gummy Bear I love you so much. I love it when we hold hands and hug. I'd love to go out with you." I pushed her hair back. I leaned in and we kissed. Sparks flew everywhere. Ya, ya, ya it's cliché but true.

"I'm gonna check On Jake, Gummy."

"Alright. Remember you're mine." I winked.

Sammi went and changed and headed upstairs to go lay with Jake. About 10 minutes later Ashley walked in.

"Hey. You wanted to talk?" Ash said sitting down on the couch.

"So Juni is living with CC now because her dad abuses her. Her and Andy are together. Her best friend Sammi is here. She hung out with me and Jake a lot when we were little. Juni is Jake's baby sister. But Juni CANNOT find out. Sammi made it pretty clear. Jake's only allowed to say it if it's an emergency. Whatever you do, DO NOT TELL JUNI. Oh and Sammi's mine so back off. Jake and Sammi are upstairs. Jake punched the wall so she went up to comfort him." I looked at Ashley who was shocked.

"So Juni is the same Juni Jake talks about."



"Dude shut up. Jake is probably sleeping. He hasn't gotten any lately."


"CC, Sammi, and I are working on reuniting Jake and Juni. Keep this to yourself okay?"

"Alright. Well I'm gonna see Andy now."

"Call Andy FIRST!" I yelled as Ashley walked out.

"Bye Jinxx." Ashley mumbled shutting the door.

I walked upstairs to check on Jake and Sammi. They were sleeping. Sammi cuddled up next to Jake. They were holding each other. Adorable. I snapped a picture and fixed the covers on both of them. I went to my room god changed and went to bed. It was about 9:45 when I fell asleep. All I could think about was Jake going over the edge. That wasn't a good sign.

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