Spicy Wasabi and Going to See This 'Mystery' Person

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*Jake's POV*

We were practicing the breakdown part of Perfect Weapon and it reminded me of the promise I made Juni. I promised her that when I learned the guitar I would teach her how to play. But then the accident happened and I never got to see her again. I just froze at the thought. I ended up falling to the floor and started sobbing uncontrollably. What the fuck is wrong with me. I have been all over the place lately. This isn't me. I hate this month and this week. I'm dreading the end of the month. February 27th was the day my mom died in the accident.

After I fell to the ground and started crying Jinxx took off my guitar and started to cradle me to stop my crying.

"Jake. What's wrong?" Jinxx asked worried.

I couldn't respond.

"Jake answer me please."

I started crying more. Jinxx went and called CC in hopes to get me to calm down since Jinxx was having difficulties.

"Jake calm down everything's fine. Just please talk to me. I can't stand to see you like this anymore. It's bad enough that you get in trouble with the cops here and there. If you put yourself into deeper shit you are going to do something that will regret after you do it. I can't live with myself knowing you did something horrible. Just please talk." Jinxx was scared out of his mind. I could tell. I knew what he was talking about too. He was talking death. I have thought about suicide in the past. Jinxx knows. Me and the cops have a history. I would hang with the wrongs groups every now and then. And we stole some stuff. Not my best choices.

I slowed my crying. "Jinxx… I promise... it won't happen." that was all I could get out. I went back to crying a lot.

After 30 minutes CC came.

"Thank god you're here." Jinxx looked up to CC. CC walked over to me and rubbed my back.

"Jake, what's wrong?"CC looked at me. My crying died down into sniffles. I was shaking uncontrollably.

"Its- My-Something reminded me of my sister." I stumbled over my words.

"What reminded you of her?" Jinxx asked as calm as he could.

"While we were rehearsing some parts for Perfect Weapon the breakdown part reminded me of Juniper. She loved those kinds of guitar parts. I promised to show her when I learned how to play. But then when my mom was in that accident my aunt and uncle took me and then I never saw her again." I sighed heavily and put my head in my hands.

"Jinxx can I talk to you in the hall real quick? I promise it will be fast Jake. It'll give a bit to collect yourself." CC helped me up and walked into the hall with Jinxx. He shut the door slowly.

I went and sat on Jinxx's bed. I called my aunt telling her I had another breakdown. I told her that I need to find Juni soon because this was too much. She said everything was alright and that Juni will show up soon. I told her that I would stay at Jinxx's for the night so I could go to practice on time. She said it was fine. I started messing with my phone going through the contacts. I texted Ashley. I haven't talked to him in a while. I let him know I was okay. I didn't tell him about the breakdown. I'll tell him tomorrow or someone else will tell him. Just then CC and Jinxx came in.

"Hey." I said looking up from his phone.

"All better?" Jinxx sat next to me. CC sat on the floor.

"Yeah. Guess I needed some comfort and then a bit of alone time. Can I crash here tonight Jinxx? Not in the mood to face my aunt and uncle right now."

"Sure." Jinxx gave a slight smile.

"We have practice tomorrow!" CC yelled.

"Okay CC. Geez don’t need to scream it to us. We are right here." I groaned.

"Why do you do this CC? Why do you scream when we are right here?" Jinxx said holding his head.

"Because I'm CHRISTIAN FUCKING COMA!!" He yelled Again. CC burst into a laughing fit after.

"Oh god. What are we going to do with you CC?" I said walking over to CC and helping the nut job up.

CC shrugged.

"Well, now you are better. I'm gonna go get lunch. Wanna join?" CC asked.

"Sure. Breakdowns can make you hungry." We all laughed at that.

"Pizza?" CC suggested.

"No. Sushi is better well I prefer more things over pizza."

"Fine. To the SUSHI BAR!" CC again yelled in our faces. God. What is wrong with him? We all hopped into CC's car and drove off to a sushi place. I need to find Juni and soon. What was CC talking to Jinxx about? Was it my breakdowns? Is he keeping a secret from me? I ask too many questions. Whatever. Jinxx and CC are here to help me right now and they are doing great. We got sushi to go and headed back to Jinxx's. I used the chopsticks to put the wasabi into the sauce. I ate some ginger with my sushi. Man it was awesome. Me and Jinxx dared CC to eat the rest of the wasabi. He did it and spit it out right after. Ya. That shit is spicy as hell. That's why you put the wasabi into some dipping sauce. It makes it less spicy.

"MOTHERFUCKINGJESUSCHRISTHOLYFUCKERSSHITASSHOLES THAT’S HOT AND SPICEY!!!" CC screamed running around wiping his tongue. Me and Jinxx couldn't stop laughing.

"Well now you know not to eat just wasabi." I said while trying to compose myself. But I failed horribly.

"Ya." CC said calming down.

"Well this was a productive afternoon." Jinxx said getting up to throw away the garbage.

"Sure was." CC and I said in unison.

"JINX!" We said together.

"What could you possibly need?" Jinxx said looking at us.

"We were not summoning you Jinxx. We said Jinx as in jinx with one 'x' because we said the same  thing at the same time." I said in a matter of fact way.

"You guys are idiots." Jinxx said sitting down on the couch.

"Yes. But you love us idiots Jinxx." CC said cheerfully.

"I know." Jinxx got a phone call.

"I'll be right back." Jinxx walked out to answer the phone.

*Jinxx's POV*

"You guys are idiots." I said sitting down on the couch.

"Yes. But you love us idiots Jinxx." CC said cheerfully.

"I know." I got a phone call.

"I'll be right back." I walked out to answer the phone.


"Jinxx it's Juni."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing is really wrong. It's just there's someone here I want you to meet."

"Okay. Where am I meeting this so called someone?"


"Okay. See you in a bit." I hung up and went to let the guys know I was leaving. CC and Jake went to CC's. Boy were those two a handful at times. But what can I say. Their my friends. They're like brothers to me. Hell this whole band is like a group of brothers.

"CC. Sammi's here. Juni wants me to meet someone. And I know its Sammi." I whispered to CC before we left.

"Okay. Operation: Make Jake Better is a go!" CC said to me.

I laughed.  I went off to see Sammi. I wonder if she remembers me.  

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