Being Stubborn is Awesome

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*Jinxx's POV*

So everyone left except for me and Jake. I knew Jake wanted to stay so he could talk to Juni so I thought it would be best if I stayed with him. This way it's not totally awkward.

"Does anyone have a deck of cards?" Juni asked.


"Never mind." Juni picked her phone up from off the table next to her bed. She started playing on her phone.

I texted Jake since he zoned out and was about to knock out.

Are you going to talk to her or just fall asleep? You have time to talk to her now without everyone crowding you. So talk! ~ Jinxx

Sorry. I'll talk to her now. Geez. You're so moody. ~ Jake + sushi = ^o^

You have the most fucked up signature. It's like a retarded cat with half its whiskers ~ Jinxx

-.- you are so mean. Happy now ~ Sushi Jake

Thank you ^w^ Now talk before I kick your ass ~ Jinxx

I looked at Jake and he stuck his tongue out.

"Child." I glared at him and then nodded in Juni's direction.

"Juni." He poked her. She was busy on her phone.

"Jake that's not the best idea since she flipped Andy when he pulled the sheets."

"Listen to Jinxx or else you might end up in the bed next to me." Juni looked at Jake and flashed a cheesy smile.

"Okay Then. So Juni?"

"Get to the point. If you're wondering why I tried to kill myself it's because dad beat me, I was triggered, and flashbacks of the moments leading up to the crash came flooding back. I didn't like it. And then I hear that you're my brother. You were gone for eight years Jake. EIGHT FUCKING YEARS! Am I supposed to magically remember that you were my brother? It didn't look like you cared enough to come find me. I've been here since summer. It's February now. You've just found me. I watched Mom die in front of my eyes Jacob. Dad ripped me apart from the family when we moved here. I lost all contact with everyone. Where were you Jake? Where were you when I needed you the most? I begged and hoped for an older sibling to run to when I was alone. I didn't get it so metal became my brother. An inanimate object was my brother. Not a human. A piece of FUCKING METAL!!" Juni stared at Jake. Tears were pouring down her face.

"How was I supposed to know you were here Aunt Mary wouldn't let me call at all. I asked about you everyday Juni! You weren't the only one who went through shit. Look! Scars! I've been clean for how long Jinxx?"

"Four months." I replied quickly.

"When I found out that the guys found you I was happy. Jinxx brought Sammi over the day she got here. I begged to see you but Sammi wouldn't let me. She said you were going through a lot and I would only add to the problem. How do you think I felt? I wasn't allowed to see my sister. I went through so much when you left. Ask Jinxx." Jake looked at Juni and then to me.

"Jinxx?" Juni looked at me.

"Juni. He beat himself up about not looking for you. Just the other day he punched a hole in my wall because he didn't push himself harder to find you. The scars on his arms were from him being so depressed about losing you, and his mom and dad. He had no one left. I thought that he would be gone one day and that would have killed me. I've basically been there for him while he tried finding you. It's been rough for him Juni. Losing Jake would kill me. Jake said he would do anything just to be with you again. He doesn't stop talking about you. You're here and we found you. He was so happy that we found you. That's all he cared about. That you were alive and that we found you." I went and sat at the edge of her bed.

"Jake why? Yo- No one needs to do this to themselves. You shouldn't have beaten yourself up because you couldn't find me." Juni held Jake's hands.

"I'm sorry. But all that matters now is that you're alive and we've found you. I couldn't ask for more." Jake hugged Juni. She started crying.

"I know this might be a bit hard to answer but why'd you run home even when you knew your dad did all that shit to you?" I asked a bit nervous. I wasn't sure how she was going to take it.

"Well I knew that deep down he loved me the same way when I was eight. Even though he beat me and raped me there was a sliver of love still in him. He wasn't drunk when I got to the house. I think he was trying to save me when I die- blacked out. He was definitely hung over though. He was pissed that I left but I think he was happy I was home."

"Wait. What do you mean you died?" Jake stared at Juni.

"See After I told Dad that I ran to a friend's house and summed up that he beat me and you said you were my brother I blacked out and landed in some place with a bright light. I flipped shit because the light was really bright. Then some girl came out and it was mom. She has pretty angel wings just saying. She was upset that I tried killing myself. She showed me that dad was trying to wake me up before you guys got there. She made me go back to you guys and told me that you were my brother. Me being stubborn whined about wanting to stay and getting cool wings. Mom being mom said no and helped me come back. To be honest, I miss that conversation. I wish I could have more with her. I'm not allowed back there unless it's 'my time'. Mom got mad at me. So ya. I died and came back. I saw mom and well here I am now in a hospital bed."

"Well it looks like you don't change even when you do die. Why do you have to be so fucking stubborn?" Sammi asked while she walked in with CC. He was carrying food.

"Being stubborn is awesome. It can get you places." Juni smiled.

"I'm glad to see that you are doing pretty well for someone who just barely made it. You had a very short coma which is a miracle. You really do have someone looking out for Juniper." The doctor came in

"Ya well my mom doesn't want me back with her unless it's 'my time'. So in other words, I'm banished from that place in god knows where land." Juni folded her arms a bit quickly but then unfolded them and hissed a bit.

"Careful. We don't to stay here longer." The doctor looked at Juni's arms.

"So I have to miss school? Sweet! Wait. That means I'm trapped in this fucking place?" Juni looked at us.

"Basically. But you're homework will be brought here after school. You had internal bleeding but it wasn't bad so no food until tomorrow."

"Ughh. No eating in front of me or else you end up in the bed next to me." Juni whined.

"Why is that?" the doctor looked to Juni.

"I pulled the sheets off her and she flipped me over. She flipped over her boyfriend. She's pretty strong for a person in the hospital." Andy rubbed his arm.

"Stop being such a baby. You asked for it. I warned you all."

"You warned Sammi."

"You should have applied it to yourself dumbass. Love you." Juni smiled.

"Well I'll let you all catch up." With that the doctor left and shut the door.

"Why are you so verbally abusive to me? I'm your lion."

"Its fun and I don't have much to do. I love you though." Juni sat up.

"Here are some cards. And a lighter. Here's that box you wanted." Sammi tossed the box to Juni.

"Thanks." Juni smiled and opened the box.

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