Germany's Dogs

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Germany looked up from his paperwork to hear squealing coming from outside.

"Ah!" came the voice of (M/N), the autistic foster son of America, who was much more intelligent than others made him out to be. That boy could sing very well, and he couldn't even speak! That sure was saying a lot about him.

But what was going on out there?

Deciding to abandon his paperwork for the time being, Germany walked out of his office to see his older brother, Prussia, grinning like an idiot and holding a video camera. Germany approached him.

"Vhat are you doing?" he asked, his sudden appearance making Prussia jump, before he quickly recovered.

"Tell me zhat's not the cutest zhing you've ever seen!"

Germany followed Prussia' eyes, seeing (M/N), who was here visiting while America was out, playing with his dogs, and looked like he was having the time of his life. Then Germany understood what Prussia was getting at.

One of Germany's dogs, Blackie, was rolling all over the place in complete delight right next to (M/N) while Berlitz was licking all over (M/N)'s face, though the boy didn't seem to mind as he was squealing in delight, and Aster was resting his head on top of (M/N)'s head.

Yup, truly something you'd wish you recorded.

Germany, as soon as the moment calmed down, scratched his head. "America didn't tell me zhat (M/N) loves dogs," he mused.

Actually, most of those who do have autism really love animals, dogs and cats or all especially. Reason being is because they, unlike people, don't really judge you and can love you so unconditionally just for who you are to them. 

Moments (Hetalia x Autistic!Male!Reader) *ADOPTED!*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن