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"Hey America! I have a question; what were (M/N)'s parents like?" Italy asked suddenly during lunch break.

America paused mid-bite and Italy worried he might of said something wrong, until the taller nation spoke up. "They were very good people, and actually loved (M/N) deeply before they passed away in an unfortunate car accident. (M/N)'s father was a man who loved to cook, so he worked in a nearby restaurant, while his wife, (M/N)'s mother, worked as a businesswoman. She couldn't even clean or cook to save herself." At this America laughed before he frowned again.

"Before they passed away, they were busy trying to find therapists for (M/N) when they discovered he had autism, especially ones that would help him get used to the real world, but sadly they were killed in a car crash. (M/N) was too young at the time to understand what was happening, so he thought all his life he lived in an orphanage.

"Most of the kids there poked fun at him because of his autism, and that helped him discover his  love for music. Although I'm not happy with those cruel children, I'm happy that (M/N) managed to find some release from reality in his life."

Italy was silent for a long time (which would be a shock in itself if you weren't there to hear America's story about (M/N)'s parents), but he spoke again. "Did you tell (M/N) about this?"

"He's never asked, so I assumed he didn't want to know at the moment," America admitted before he continued to his meal.

The both of them were quiet after that.

I wanted to make (M/N)'s parents the loving and patient kind who would try to help their child with anything they needed. It always disgusts me when people abandon their children simply because they were born with a type of physical, mental, or emotional challenge, or just "disappointed" them. Sometimes I think people should be tested to see if they're worthy of becoming parents, because not only will that help with the rapid population growth (I swear we're asking for the Great Depression to happen again), but the world would be filled with more responsible parents.
So, yeah, (M/N) never asked about who his parents were, so America didn't tell him for that reason. Also, the parents that are like (M/N)'s are a great influence in the lives of other autistic children.

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