Memories On Camera

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China, who was visiting America's house with the other countries, was wondering around the large home, searching for something to do. America was too busy with his paperwork to listen to China complain about his debt, in fact America coldly brushed him off, being so mature about it he temporarily shocked the older nation.

He had said this, "China, is that all that's going to be on your mind these days? Debt this, debt that? If it is, then the door's right down there, and make sure it doesn't hit you on the way out, as I'd rather not have to clean up the mess you leave behind."

China was too shocked to retort, so America pushed him out of his office and shut the door behind him, locking it in the process.

So, here China was, wondering the house for something else to do.

Naturally, he was thinking about the way America acted with him earlier and these past few months. Being the foster father of a severely autistic son seemed to have its perks, but if that was the case, why did he act so childish before the nations even knew of the younger boy's existence?

Being so caught up in his thoughts, China didn't see the door to America's storage closet until he had bumped head-first into it.

"Ow, aru!" China cursed, glaring at the door before deciding to open it and wander inside. What he found surprised him.

The closet was surprisingly clean and well cared for, with no dust present in sight. It also contained various video tapes and even a small TV to insert those tapes. Investigating them, China found some of them were of (M/N)'s childhood. Of course, curiosity got the best of the older nation, who then decided to watch the tapes himself, first inserting the tape titled "Little (M/N)". 

The picture came up on the TV, showing an five-year-old (M/N), who was lying on the carpeted floor, giggling and sometimes squeaking every now and then as a much larger hand (presumably America's) gently tickled him. China couldn't prevent his own squeal, for a toddler (M/N) was one of the cutest things he had ever seen. Then, the next scene showed an older (M/N) sleeping peacefully in America's arms, the camera laying on a desk, and China watched with disbelieving eyes as America sang a quiet lullaby to the sleeping seven-year-old.

The rest of the tape continued to show stuff from (M/N)'s eighth, ninth, and even tenth birthday to the Christmas of the same years, and then China continued to watch more and more of the tapes, now understanding a bit more about America and his connection with (M/N).

The tapes continued with an older (M/N) every time, and China watched as America brought (M/N) to his first day of kindergarten, his first A+, America going to (M/N)'s first singing rehearsal, and so much more. It reminded China of the days he had when Japan was still a little one, except he couldn't record the moments (for cameras simply didn't exist yet during that time). 

The list kept going on and on, where America gave (M/N) his doll, his foster son trying to speak (which was pretty cute that he was pouting as he was failing each time), and other developments. It was was America was (M/N)'s therapist, allowing his son to climb trees, as long as he was careful, stay outside until it was ready to come in, and planting flowers, trees, and other plants throughout their yard. 

Now China, once again, was wrong in so many ways about the younger nation. He was perfectly capable of raising children and being the most loving father yet.

Maybe...maybe it was China who was childish and inconsiderate.

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. School's been a pain in my ass, and not to mention ACT testing was coming up. Luckily, we're done and I'm hoping I did well on it, specifically on the math and science portions. Anyway, I was thinking you guys wanted to see (M/N) when he was a kid (and in fact so did I!), so here you go!

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