I Love You

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The meeting room was very quiet as the other countries worked to solve the issues of the world for once, without disturbing (M/N) who was quietly playing with both his doll and some music on an iPod.

However, they all halted in their tasks when they saw (M/N) put down his doll, turned off his music, and turned to America, who was busy doing his own paperwork. They watched as the young boy reached out to take his foster father's sleeve, gaining the latter's attention. Next, (M/N) lifted his hands up to his chest and formed the heart.

America smiled in a fatherly manner, before he did the same. (M/N) smiled back before the two went back doing their own thing.

What was that?


"Hey, America?" Hungary called, gaining said man's attention. The meeting had just ended for lunch and America was about to head out when the older female country stopped him. Looking up, America realized everyone was staring at him.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Vhat vas zhat sign you and (M/N) made?"

"Oh!" America smiled. "That's (M/N)'s way of telling me "I love you"."

"Really?" Hungary was surprised, as (M/N) had never done that in front of the others before.

"Yeah, I showed him that myself so he wouldn't have to go through the trouble of writing it down," America explained. "So, does that answer your question?"

Hungary nodded, still lost in thought. America took that as his chance to get lunch for himself and (M/N), who was still lost in his own world and didn't notice the time.

Once, I read this article of a younger sister of an autistic boy, who used the same exact hand sign of a heart to show her that he loved her. This made the girl feel special and lucky to have a brother like him, who cared so much for her, and I was inspired to use it as a reference.

Moments (Hetalia x Autistic!Male!Reader) *ADOPTED!*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ