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"Late again..." Germany growled as he stared at the empty seat that should've been inhabited by now. 

Yup, America and (M/N) were late.

Just as the broader man was about to lose his head, the door opened, and America and (M/N) quietly walked in, but there was something unusual along with them.

A white blob with a face that looked exactly like America's was on (M/N)'s head, and it looked around at everyone and everything, lightly bouncing on (M/N)'s head with enthusiasm. 

Speaking of (M/N), the boy was squeaking lightly and smiling happily, surprisingly being careful with the...creature...on top of his head.

Japan, seeing this, immediately took out his camera and snapped a picture.

"Sorry we're late," America apologized sheepishly. "(M/N) was refusing to leave the house without this little guy." He gestured to the white blob on his foster son's head.

"Al...all right, just sit down," Germany ordered, glancing at the blob with reluctant eyes. What was that thing anyway?

"It's a mochi," Japan said, reading the question in the taller man's eyes.

Germany stared at him.

"They're very popurar in my country, and I have recentry given (M/N) one for his birthday. He wourd not stop staring at the adds I had given him about them, so I decided to buy him one. Now he's refusing to go anywhere without America Mochi."


"Hai, (M/N) named him that because he rooks rike America-san."

Germany couldn't deny that, for the blob...or mochi, truly looked like the younger nation, and you would be able to see that even from far away!

As soon as they sat down, (M/N) took the mochi off his head and began to play with him, his squeaks being distracting as the two of them played together happily, until America tapped his arm and he immediately silenced. Although that didn't stop him from having a fun time with the little guy, who was smiling big.

The other nations were attempting to get things done, but the show (M/N) and America Mochi were putting on was distracting. The mochi was bouncing up and down everywhere that was near (M/N), and that included America himself, though the latter didn't show that it was distracting him. Probably happened all the time in his home.

(M/N) on the other hand, was smiling big and quietly clapping his hands, the way a child would when they were happy. The two of them continued with that until the mochi yawned and hoped onto (M/N)'s head and fell asleep there. Japan had taken out his camera again and snapped another picture.

(M/N) appeared tired too, and he didn't hesitate to lean his head on the table and fall asleep himself, the mochi still laying comfortably on top his head. 

No one could look away from such an adorable sight, not even when it was time for them to head out towards their homes.

I really couldn't resist writing about mochis. I've always imagined that (M/N) would like a mochi as much as he loves animals, I mean who doesn't think those little guys are adorable? If I could, I would keep all of them and prefer them that way. They all look ten times more adorable than in their human forms. I wonder who agrees with me?

Moments (Hetalia x Autistic!Male!Reader) *ADOPTED!*Where stories live. Discover now